
Monday 22 February 2021

My First Colour Challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had a good weekend, we actually managed to get out in the garden yesterday, I attempted to help Paul clear a flower bed in front garden, it got totally overgrown with Mint, it has clearly been there years, bloomin stuff did not want to come out,  we (well Paul) got a good bit done and its looking much better already, it was so lovely to be outside, Lucy managed to get her pallets varnished.

I had a lovely chat with my brother over the weekend, he had his Covid vaccination on Thursday and said that he felt terrible on Friday, flu symptoms and chills and a really achy arm, but felt much better Saturday so hopefully that was it, he said that most of the people that he knows that had the Astra Zeneca vaccine had some kind of symptoms but those that had the Pfizer one not so much, whether that is just coincidence remains to be seen I guess, which one did you all have?

I am going to apologise in advance as I think I am going to be using this stamp a lot as I absolutely love how it looks.  I did a 'Petal Pink' version this time and layered the stamped image up onto some Petal pink card that I die cut with Phil Martin's Double Debossed Rectangle dies, (Hochanda had a great deal on them if you bought 2 sets). I cut the actual stamped image out using SU ornate Layer dies, they have some really pretty edges in that set.
I wrapped a piece of Petal Pink ribbon around the card front and added a knot, I then stamped my sentiment in matching ink and die cut and layered onto Petal Pink card too.
I really like this colourway as much if not a little bit more than last Thursdays version.

I hope to play some more in my craft room today, what are you all up to?  

Sending love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a pretty card, the stamp is gorgeous & lovely colours you have used.

    There was lots of garden activity round here yesterday-not is though. I think everyone has realised our garden waste collection starts again on 1sr March. I have a couple of days off at the end of the week so I’m hoping to do some gardening then.


  2. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card, the flower is beautiful. A very versatile stamp 😊
    We had the Pfizer vaccination at work - I had a tender arm for a day afterwards but no other symptoms. A couple of my colleagues did feel pretty rough after, one with nausea and being sick. I guess it affects people differently.
    Our garden is slowly getting there, one side finished apart from a bit of a clear up. Not got much grass left - mainly mud and sand, which isn’t easy with Barney, but I don’t know when the guy is coming back to finish it, so just have to make the best of what we’ve got. Can’t wait to be able to get some plants and a bit of colour back in there.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  3. I’m not surprised that you’ll be using this stamp a lot It is beautiful So classic
    I thought my phone was at the end of its day Thought it wasn’t charging but it had switched itself off!
    I had the Astra Zenica one The only after effects I had was a sore arm OH had same and had headache and aches and pains
    Hope to craft later
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi everyone
    A very pretty card Sandra and I love the flower used.
    It's raining here so no walk this morning. Need to tidy up a bit before thinking of a cc this week but once again no mojo and achy.
    Have a good day ladies, many hugs xxx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a beautiful card you have made today The more I see this stamp set used the more I love it. The ornate layers die looks so delicate and certainly complements your design.

    Haven’t started in the craft room yet, needed to have a quick dust and vacuum around, that all done I can get in with my sort out and reorganisation. Fingers crossed i get finished today.

    Sending caring thoughts and wishes to everyone, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hello, dry and sunny here, managed a walk around the garden. Lovely to have some fresh air.

    Sandra, a really beautiful stamped card, just love that stam and the colours you used.

    As it’s late I’ll just say goodnight ladies, see yo tomorrow.
