
Saturday 13 February 2021

Mixed up Saturday


Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

I am that you are all well and not too chilly, I believe it is supposed to warm up a little, I have to say we have really noticed the cold this past few weeks, this house really does take some heating, there a large area's like the hallway downstairs a huge area with a big open plan staircase, if never feels warm, I think we may have to block off the chimney when we aren't using it too, as the draft from that is quite chilly. I did notice the first few buds and daffodils poking through the soil so Spring is definitely on its way!!

I have quite a varied array of projects to share with you today, the first thing is the gorgeous card above that I received from Lilian, I just adore those grasses blowing in the breeze, a pretty distress oxide background with a delicate script stamped in tha background, There are butterflies to adorn the frame too, such a pretty card that has pride of place on my desk.  Thank you so much Lilian for sending me this beautoiful card. XXX

Sue's Christmas Card

I didn't get around to sharing Sue's Christmas card with all of you, I just love the clever design, Sue used Acetate as the front panel of her card, on which she has placed two die cut Christmas trees back to back on either side of the Acetate so that it didn't matter which way you looked at the card it was 'finished'. Sue used some glitter card to die cut the 'Merry Christmas and adhered that above the Christmas tree, the inside of the card that was clearly visible from the outside so had to work, was a really lovely patterned paper that looks just like the branches of a Christmas tree, it even has the baubles!  It worked perfectly with the theme of the card.
Thank you so much Sue for a lovely card XXX


Karen's Desk Calendar

Welcome to Karen's 'Creative Corner.........

First photo from Karen is her 'Crocheted Boobs, now I can hear you all thinking 'why'?!  
Karen was asked by a local 'Health Visitor' Team to create some Crocheted Boobs for them to use to educate new mums on Breastfeeding, such a great idea, Karen has been waiting for the right yarn to arrive to make the 'Boobs'' in a strong durable yarn so that they last through all kinds of squeezing and manipulating'!!!   Another of your great ideas Karen, you really are an inspiration.

Karen shared the photographs of her Desk Calendar that Michele sent out to us all a few weeks back and I kept forgetting to share it on Saturday, so this time a wrote myself a note to remember to include them. 
So here they are, Karen used her Karen Burniston Dies to create the pages for her Calendar, I love the Genius Idea of using photo's of your loved one to highlight when there birthdays are, such a great idea.  I love how those dies give the look of a 'Polaroid' photo, so clever, 
Karen even made a box to keep her calendar in !! Such a great idea.  

I will leave the description to Karen as she is the expert on this one..................

"I’ve finished the calendar! I have used the Karen Burniston Photo Collage and Tonic Date Creator dies I backed each card with a mix of blue papers from The Works - that was such a good buy

I was hoping that I could use as many photos as possible but the space wasn’t big enough So each month has a photo of the family having a birthday that month If I couldn’t get a photo I have used a Serif image Halfway through I remembered I had a Serif Zodiac kit so some images are their star sign

 I will display the calendar tabs as appropriate The tabs have tiny stars covering the appropriate dates which includes friends 

On the back of each month I will write each name of family and friend and their addresses

I can keep the “cards” from year to year and just buy new calendar tabs

Once I’d prepared all of the photos on Serif - that was the longest part It was relatively easy to do 

I thoroughly enjoyed making it

Thank you so much Karen for sharing your amazing calendar and Boobs with us XXX

Thats all for today ladies, I how that you all have an enjoyable day and I look forward to seeing you back here tomorrow.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lilian-what a gorgeous card, it’s lovely.

    Sue-brilliant Christmas card.

    Karen-love what you have done with your calendar. Gosh-I haven’t seen knitted Boobs for years. When I worked in the old hospital we were next to the Maternity unit so we saw a of them. The old maternity unit was called Christiana Hartley -the Hartley jam family were connected to that.

    It’s very windy here today and freezing temperatures-I really have to do some shopping so I’ll get out early then get back indoors.


  2. Morning Everyone
    LILIAN-your card is just beautiful.
    SUE-wondeful Seasonal Card.
    KAREN- fantastic 'boobs'.Just love them.

    Still bitterly cold here though we haven't had anymore snow.The amount we have is very very slowly going but thank goodness I don't have to go out the footpaths are still covered in ice.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in.
    HUGS a plenty are on their way to you all.

  3. Thank you for sharing my makes
    I thoroughly enjoyed making the calendar and am thinking about making a couple as gifts for relatives this Christmas- listen to me talking about Christmas this early in the year!
    I’ve made 5 pairs of boobs now and bright cotton yarn
    Your card is lovely Lilian The little butterflies framing the main image really sets it off
    Sue I love your Christmas card
    OH has got to go into work today The alarm in shop went off last night So be’s Been asked to go and sort it It’ll give him something to do and get out of the house for a while
    Take care all in this bitterly cold weather xx

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely card Lilian and I like the colours.
    Great boobs Karen and what a fabulous idea. Great calendar as well. I’ve done half of mine at the moment. Lovely card Sue something similar to mine, can’t remember which one I sent to you and your Mum. But seeing as I rarely do two of anything it shouldn’t matter.
    It’s also freezing cold here and very windy.. I can understand why your hallway is freezing Sandra it’s quite big.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  5. Hello all, blowing a Gale all night, so noisy, the seas are huge at the moment. Sleeting at the moment. Glad I don’t have to go out.

    Loved your card Sue, very clever, and so Christmasy.

    Karen what great boobs, did you have a pattern? Or did you make it up.

    Going to sit and do my jigsaw, by the heater, so I’ll wish you a good day. Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.

    Love your card Lilian, such gorgeous colours.
    Karen, lovely pair of boobs and great idea putting peoples birthdates on the calendar.
    Sue, lovely x-mas card as was mine. Hope you had a nice time with mum and Pop yesterday and they both are alright.

    It's cold -3 c with a rather bitter wind but we wrapped up warm and had a very nice walk this morning and the sun was out so got some of the D vitamin needed + I take some in tablet form too.
    Thanks Sandra, I will take out some brighter coloured pens and make a bunch of flowers for next week. All the dark ones will have to go in the back 😉

    Wishing you all a nice and cosy Saturday, take care.
    Hugs, Maria xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    A beautiful card Lilian, love it 😊
    Lovely Christmas card Sue, great use of the acetate 😊
    What a lovely pair of boobs Karen 😉 such a great idea.
    Love your calendar too 😊
    Sorry Michele, I hadn’t forgotten about mine but I never got around to creating it, but I will do it eventually.
    Another chilly day but still dry. Forecast to get milder in the week and more rain on the way!
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to you all xxx

  8. Afternoon ladies from a very chilly sunny Somerset.

    Bit of excitement in the village today, we had a visit again from a man in a van looking into peoples gardens for scrap metal, apparently he was around a couple of weeks ago so you can imagine all the curtains tweaking today at the first sight of him.
    He was caught in Wembdon next village towards Bridgwater from here, and surrounded by no less than 4 police cars. This time apparently he and others were on the lookout for dogs to kidnap (Heard that on the grapevine).
    I don't think I have seen one police car in Cannington for the last couple of years so 4 in Wembdon was a bit of a to do.

    Lovely cards today, Lilian & Sue. I must admit my mojo has gone again so not even started my challenge card yet.

    Lovely photo calendars too Michele, good idea. I might filch that idea for Milly-May's Christmas makes.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lillian beautiful card, love it.
    Karen, the boobs are a brilliant way to for health visitors to demonstrate to new mums without any embarrassment. LOVE your calendar idea. Thank you for sharing.
    Sue, your Christmas card is brilliant., I love the one you made for me. Thank you xx

    Had a busy day, not doing anything really. Have been talking on the phone most of the day. First was sister, then daughter, then grandson who’s birthday it is today. Thank goodness for the technology we have today, without it we would all be feeling very isolated and cut off in these strange times.

    Hope you are all safe and well. Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx
