
Monday 15 February 2021

Michele's Floral Challenge card


Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, we had a very wet and blustery day yesterday but it was warmer than previous days so I was thankful for that.  
Paul and I exchanged cards for Valentines day, thats as far as we go, I would be frustrated if he spent 5 times the price for flowers for one day, the thoughtful words in a card mean way more than any gift.  We cooked steak for dinner as a treat, it has to be for the four of us though, I could just imagine the girls faces if I cooked steak for Paul and I and gave them a burger!!! 
I felt that I needed to do something about my weight so I started watching what I ate last Monday, I weighed myself and was shocked, well horrified if I'm honest, so needed to do something.  I found a Tracker and added everything that I ate every day, the suggestion is to eat below 2000 calories a day so that was my aim and I was way under that everyday, today I will weigh myself, although I have been doing a lot of reading this week and it's as important to measure yourself too as you can loose inches more than pounds.(not sure I have a tape measure long enough though) !!! I will keep you updated.  

Today's  absolutely STUNNING cards were made by our Michele, they work perfectly for our 'Floral' card challenge this week, so I couldn't wait to share them with you.
Michele used a card making kit from a magazine to create these lovely designs, adding various pieces and embellishments, sentiments from her stash etc.  I love love love the colour theme, it looks so classy! 

Michele's Description:

''Finished all 6 cards!!! The papers etc were from Making Cards magazine October 2018 so I’ve had them a while.''

Thanks so much Michele for sharing your gorgeous cards with us, you really make the magazine kits work perfectly. XXX

Ladies I hope that you all have a good day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning ladies,

    Michele........Awesome cards.

    Beautiful sunrise to flood through the windows with a strange low hanging pillow roll of clouds, that looks like fog, at the bottom of the horizon with broken cloud and blue sky above. Strange.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Beautiful cards MICHELE You would never know that they came from a magazine kit They look very opulent
    We had a lovely day walking in the park - so fortunate that we live so close to one and only started raining after we got home
    I saw a lovely technique by Hazel from Pink Frog in the wee small hours this morning I might try and have a go later DO on black card I have seen people do it before I just haven’t tried it
    Take care all

  3. Hi everyone
    Beautiful cards Michele, I love the colours 😊
    Raining here, but milder. Back to a muddy garden and of course Barney 🐢🐾 He loves it πŸ™„πŸ˜‚ He’s a bit better today - had a video call with a vet yesterday, seems he may have just picked something up on a walk in the woods. Anyway, he’s on the mend.
    I made a Valentine’s card for Mark. His gift to me (he said) was not going to the shops to get anything so he wouldn’t catch covid! There’s some logic in there somewhere I guess πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I did laugh though, as I’d popped to Tesco late Saturday evening and the amount of men in there around the last few bunches of flowers was laughable. He did suggest I made a card for him to give to me, lol πŸ˜‚
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Well you can’t fault Marks logic can you Sonia. I hope Barney keeps improving.

  4. Morning everyone

    Beautiful cards Michele ! Hope work is lighter today for you.
    Very windy and lots of rain all night that kept me awake so not had much sleep. Washing to do, can't wait for the day when it can be hanged out again. Not sure what else today, don't think it be much else done tho for body not with it.
    I wish you all have a good day. Many hugs xx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Beautiful cards Michele. You’d never know they were from a kit. We have a dull day today but at least it’s not raining or mega cold. I might even get a walk in today. I can’t wait for the warmer weather to arrive, although the weather man said it might get up to 17c ( well I think that’s right ) by the weekend. I’m old style degrees etc myself.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Meant to say it seems that we might have a leak somewhere further up the road as we have a river running down it. I’ll go and investigate when I go out for a walk.

  7. Hello All, it’s dry at the moment, washer is on, so hoping it will go out later.
    Sorry I missed yesterday, great lot of cards as useable.

    Michele love your cards, very classy looking.

    Sandra hope the weight in goes well, I must get my head around loosing weight.

    Have lovely day everyone, hugs Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Michele four lovely cards, brilliant stamps for a freebie. You have certainly made them look special.

    We had rain during the night so the snow that has been hanging around all week has completely disappeared.

    Not a lot happening here today, I’ve vacuumed and dusted. Chatted to my sister and that’s as good as it gets. might just go into my craft room before I start dinner.

    Have a good evening everyone, love Brenda xxx

  9. Evening ladies

    Could comment this morning & worked quite late at the vaccine clinic.

    Thank you for your lovely comments on my cards.


  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Love your challenge cards Michele. Such pretty cards. You have made great use of the freebie kit. Hope work isn’t too bad for you x
    Sandra, loved all of the challenge cards on Sunday, what a lovely selection of cards and so many of them that are stamped. You have got us all doing it over the years πŸ˜„ I hope you are ok my lovely xx
    Karen, the crochet boobs will be put to good use I’m sure. I bet you had a giggle when you were asked to make some, definitely not an everyday order I’m sure πŸ˜‚ love your calendar too. Using photos is a great reminder of who needs a card that month, also love the tiny stars on the correct day on the calendar. What fabulous ideas. I hope you don’t mind if I use that idea as I have some tiny stars in some table confetti that should fit. Thank you for sharing. Hope those gorgeous boys are keeping well, sure they are growing fast too xx
    The days are whizzing by aren’t they! Can’t keep up with what day it is let alone the date! It was Chris jnr’s 6th birthday on Saturday, just can’t believe how fast those years have gone by. I hope you all stay safe and sound. It is much warmer here at the moment, 11 degrees warmer today than it was on Sunday!
    Sending love and hugs to you all from Mum and I with extras for Lynda and all in need. Take care xx

  11. Forgot to say that I really must lose some weight too Sandra. Good luck to you my lovely xx
    Also thank you for all of the kind comments about my cards xx

  12. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely floral card today.
    It’s quite dull today but quite mild out. I’ve been for a walk. Will do a few exercises before lunch. I’m making some leek & potato soup today. I’ll make enough for about 3 servings. So I can put them in the freezer.
    Well our leak up the road has been fixed. Mind you it took the water board all day. They’ve left the road works signs behind though, so I’m wondering if they’re coming back.
    I was going to put some washing on but we’re supposed to have some rain on and off today so I don’t think I’ll bother. I must say that the vaccination is going at a pace, although it was only 200 odd thousand yesterday instead of getting on for 500 thousand a day as it’s been.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.
