
Wednesday 17 February 2021

2 more pretty floral cards

Janet, I saw this and thought of you!!!

Good Morning Ladies,

Janet, you made me smile when you explained about your misplaced scissors yesterday, I made me think of this fun quote. xxx

I ended up having rather a busy day yesterday so today had to be some older cards, although I do think that they are worth a second look, if only for inspiration for this weeks challenge.

Paul went in to the Office (actually at work) so I roped Lucy in to helping me to do something that I have been wanting to do for a while, he has been working up one end of the dining table in my craft room, with barely any room, he hasn't gotten round to setting up the new monitors he bought (through his company) to enable him to work as efficiently at home as he does at work, he also has been sat on a dining chair, and believe me our dining chairs get uncomfortable after an hour or two as they are solid oak.  So I ordered him an office chair and Lucy set off to collect it and I picked up a little desk tidy and file storage box etc.  My heart swelled a little because Lucy was so keen for us to get home so that she could get everything set up ready for when Paul came home.  We got in and she got straight in to building his chair, she then went to his desk and set up all of his technical equipment and organised all of his pens, pencils, diary etc into his new organisers. We finished just in time, he came home just as Lucy had finished.  I was a little concerned because Paul can sometimes be a bit funny when it comes to having his 'things' moved and reorganised!!  But he was delighted, he had a huge grin on his face, which totally made Lucy's day and mine too!  The down side was that I didn't get time to sit and make a card for today so I apologise for that.

Card 1:

Today's card which I have to say that I love! is one I made while Pat was over last Tuesday, I made it using my new Sara Davies 'Vintage Lace' paper pad.
I rifled through my paper boxes to find some card that would work with the colours in the paper pad, I decided on an aqua blue colour, I took a 5 x 7 card base and added a mat of the aqua card, I cut a piece of the paper off and edged it with 'Milled Lavender' Distress ink, I then die cut the lacy border panel from the same range, I cut the base die with the aqua card and the lacy top piece with white card that I coloured lightly with the milled lavender distress ink.
I found some flowers in my box that worked with the colour scheme so I added them and arranged them into a 'bunch', I added a few extra stems to make it look more like a bouquet and added a aqua bow to finish the look.
A few matching pearls and die cut sentiment is what I used to finish my card, I hope that you like it as much as I do.
I used categories:  Punch/Die cut/Patterned Paper/Floral (straight down the middle) !

Card 2:

I made today's card yesterday, I really enjoyed making Wednesday's card so thought I would have another play. I didn't do any colour blending on this card, I just stamped with 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generation ink to fill in any white areas, I also decided to use the Swing and those adorable little mice, I found a stamp set that has a couple of nice sentiments on them and chose this one as it would work well for sending to my Mum, I have been sending a card everytime I have written to her.
I mounted the finished piece onto a tiny black matt and then onto a lilac card base as I though it highlighted the lilac in the stamped flowers.

I hope the cards give you a little inspiration for this weeks challenge, I have to say that I do need reminding to use different things, like my Card-io stamps that are in a box separate from everything else. 

I hope that you all have a good day, Janet I hope that you find your pinking shears, they will be somewhere extra safe!!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two lovely cards as inspiration for us. Glad your plans worked out with the chair & desk arrangement.

    Janet-I think what you need to do is what my crazy friend does when something goes missing-she stands in the room the thought the missing item should be in & says out loud “ok gremlins you’ve had your fun, please return my X” and she swears it works!!!


  2. Two lovely cards SANDRA So What that they’re old They deserve another view I am so pleased that Paul lies his office set up It will make all the difference (and might encourage him to work from home instead)
    It is almost a year since I have been to the office AND I’ve changed jobs! It will feel mighty strange when we do go back There was a huge fire near our office yesterday 10 crews were needed and so we were very grateful to be at home and not stranded
    I started a cc yesterday It’s a new technique to me and it’s at the “Do I like it” stage
    Take care all x

  3. Morning Everyone
    I love your 'old' cards SANDRA.
    It doesn't matter whether they're old or new they are always lovely to look back on though sometimes an old one will pop up and make you think 'did I really do that!'lol.

    Thank you MICHELE for your 'Crafty Friends' Tip'.I shall give it a go and let you know if it works for me.

    So another day of trying to get my CC done for this week.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all.
    HUGS a plenty on their way to you all.

  4. Hi everyone
    Love both of your cards today, both deserving of another day on the blog 😊
    How lovely of you and Lucy to set up Paul’s work things, I bet he was over the moon
    Was hoping to do crafting today, but remembered I still have some e-learning to do for work, oops! So best crack on with that first.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Two lovely cards today. Well worth a second viewing. Love the colours on the first one. I’m glad that Paul liked his new chair and reorganising the desk that Sophie did for him.

  6. My comment is in two parts today., as blogger wouldn’t let me write anymore on the first. Quite a mild day today, but we’re supposed to have rain a bit later. I didn’t have pancakes yesterday as I forgot about it. I remembered in the afternoon though. I’ll get the lemon out to remind me today.
    I finished off two cards yesterday. One of them would probably fit the challenge.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  7. Hi ladies, hope you all doing alright today.
    Two gorgeous cards Sandra, lovely to see them again. Loved to have seen Paul's face when he saw what you done for him, hopefully he can now work more from home.
    Any lambs around yet for Matt ?
    Janet, wonder if that works to ask the gremlins to bring back what they taken. I got a die that's missing since x-mas, might give it a go later hihi
    Had a good walk this morning and managed to get in before the sky opened up. Going for a nap now so I wish you all a nice day and take care. Many hugs , extras for Lynda and Margaret and anyone who need some. xxx

  8. Hello all, wet again, poor garden is really soggy.

    Two lovely cards today, love them both, so cheerful.

    Started mc card this afternoon, not quite sure where it’s going, but we will see tomorrow.

    Found a lovely little group of crocus in the garden, they don’t usually like our garden, so hoping it will be there.

    Hope you’ve all had a good day, hugs Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe tonight. Two gorgeous cards that are very much worth a second viewing. Just love the cute mice in the swing 😊
    I can just imagine you and Lucy organising Paul’s work space to be just right for him and Lucy working fast to get the chair done in time, bless her, and I can just imagine Paul’s face too when he saw it. I hope that now the table and chair are more office like he tries to do as much work as possible at home from now on. Fingers crossed he does. What a great saying, definitely so true especially for Janet at the moment. Of course I never lose anything..........oh I do wish that last sentence was true 😏 xx
    I will have to try Michele friends idea. Who knows ???
    I’ve been to Mum and Pops today and she sends her love to you all xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Lilian, I saw my first crocuses and snowdrops on Saturday. Still haven’t seen anything other than the leaves of Daffodils yet though. So beautiful. And the days are getting longer aren’t they....hurray 🥰
