
Friday 15 January 2021

Your Next Challenge


Good Friday Morning My Lovelies,

How are you all?  I can't comment on the weather as I literally didn't see outside yesterday!  I spent day on my bed, standing is too painful still, it is more 'comfortable ' (or less painful) while I am laid down with it slightly raised, so that was my day yesterday and is looking like today will be the same.  Although i think I am going to get Paul to bring my Groovi stuff into my bedroom as that's fairly clean crafting, Paul bought me an amazing standard Ottlite Lamp for Christmas, so i can use that to help me see clearly.  

Your Next Challenge 

For this weeks Challenge I thought we would have a go at a One Sheet Wonder
To start with I thought we would start with  6x6 papers then if you enjoy it we can work up to 8x8 and 12x12, If any of you are like me you have plenty of papers to work with. 

I have drawn out a cutting guide and made sure it was in both inches and centimetres, I added a photo of the paper after cutting too to hopefully make it clearer. 
My card bases were all around 10.5 x 14.5 cm or      4 1/4 x 5.7 inches (just over 5 1/2). 

You can embellish the cards however you like and and fancy edges and borders too.  
It will be fun to see what we all create with the same pieces.

I am going to embellish my cards and add sentiments over the weekend and will share them with you through the week.

Karen suggested that this is a great way to get your Christmas card stash started too.!  Thanks for the Tip Karen xxx

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Great challenge for next week& a great idea from
    Karen for Christmas cards.


  2. Morning Everyone
    An interesting Challenge for this coming week.

    Well what a day yesterday turned out to be.
    When I opened the curtains the world was very wet and damp but around 09.30 everything had changed to White-yes the white stuff have covered everything and it was coming down and looking as though it was set for the day. By lunch time nothing was moving-apart from falling snow-and it was still coming down until early evening.

    It doesn't look as though a snow plough has been around (do they still exist!!).The road in front of us which is a bus route has two tracks made by one or two vehicles so it should be an interesting day ahead. Mr Tesco is due to deliver today lol. and of course it's my 'swear' word day too.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you allto pop in if you can.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. This is a great challenge I can’t believe you have managed 4 card layouts with 1 6x6 piece as to be honest a 6x6 piece is not huge but none of the layouts look skimped
    I hope the swelling/pain continues to ease
    I started another cc yesterday ... not sure I will have a look with fresh eyes later
    Take care all xx

  4. Hello, sorry I missed yesterday, just slipped my mind.

    Great challenge this week it’s a very small amount of paper well done making those cards.

    Will post my this weeks card a bit later.

    Sandra do hope your leg is a bit better now, and that you have a better day.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Lovely cards today and a great idea from Karen to make them into Christmas cards. Gives everyone a head start on this Christmas.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  6. Hi everyone
    Fabulous challenge for next week. Got loads of patterned papers in various sizes waiting to be used 😁 Love the start of your cards too, looking forward to seeing how you finish them off.
    Hope you’re leg is easing and you manage some crafting in bed xx
    Off work today, so plan to do some crafting.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Beautiful cards and a fun challenge for next week.

    Spoke to my doctor this morning and she told me to get back on the co-codomol, will speak with her again on Monday for I'd like to get on the queue for a MRI even if it will take time. I hope you feeling some better Sandra and you managed some sleep last night.
    Take care everyone, many hugs for you all xx

    1. I’m glad to hear that you were able to speak to your Dr Maria. A sensible think as well. Hopefully you’ll get on the list for an MRI scan.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I am amazed you have created six cards out of a 6 x 6 paper. As someone has already said they do not look skimped. Very clever. Now all I have to do is decide which pad I think suits the plan.

    Hope you had a better night and managed to get some sleep. You haven’t said if you rang your GP this morning. ?????

    Had my first trip out in ages today, I had to go for a blood test (INR) pleased everything has settled down again, my next appointment is in six weeks time.

    Hope everyone is having a good day, Sending special hugs to Margaret and Lynda.
    Take care and stay safe Love Brenda xxx
