
Thursday 21 January 2021

The last of my 'One Sheet Wonder ' cards


Good Thursday Morning Ladies,

Well fingers crossed Mums house gets handed over to it's new owners today, so that will be one less thing to worry about when the weather is stormy.  My Mum also insisted on keeping a meter that you top up with a card before that it was a coin meter, she said that she always knew it was paid and that she wasn't owing anything, for us though it has been a pain as you need to keep the card topped up because if the electric ran out the heating wouldn't work either and the last thing we need is burst pipes. So I will be relieved when they have the keys.  I hope they get to make some lovely memories in that house as we did in the 50 years we called it home.

The storm rages on here or the tail end of it anyway, really strong gusty wind and rain all day, so I guess the floods will return.  My heart really does go out to anyone who's home is affected by floods, storm Christoph really does seem to be causing misery around the UK, I hope that you, my lovely friends have all avoided the worst of it.  As if we don't all have enough to deal with right now.

Today I am sharing the last two cards of the four I made using just on sheet of 6x6 patterned paper. Again I have just kept the embellishment simple, letting the pretty paper shine.  The first card I used a little card from the matching 'Memories & More' pack that matched the papers, I used an oval die to cut if out But I fussy cut around those two leaves otherwise they would have been chopped off by the die, this way they still remain and complete the image, I like the effect it gives to the overall image.

The second card I just die cut the 'Thank you ever so much' sentiment and matted it onto a matching background, I kind of like the simplicity, the paper itself is quite busy so having the white space really works.
I hope you like them and I am really looking forward to seeing yours.

Well it barely seems possible that we are at the end of another week tomorrow, after which we will be in the last weeks of January !!  Where did it go?  I barely seems like a couple of days since we were taking the Christmas tree down!!

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend (well as lovely as it can be),

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-two gorgeous cards. The colours are really lovely. I’m sure you’ll all be relieved when you hear that the new owners have the keys.

    We have very strong winds (45MPH) plus heavy rain here. Yesterday I set off to colony car, waiting fir the train but there was an announcement informing passengers that the line had flooded so there was bus replacement ls. Quick discussion with the staff in the ticket office and off I set for the bus finally arrived in Southport and the heavens the time I got to the garage I was very wet & cold! They’d found a nail in one of my tyres so that was repaired but no other problems thank goodness.


    1. Hi Michele
      I’m glad to hear that you only had a tyre to be mended and that no major work was found on the car. A shame that you had to take a bus rather than the train.

  2. Morning Everyone
    CHERYL-I loved your cards yesterday.So pretty.

    We had one awful day yesterday with high winds and torrential rain all day and well into the night.
    This kind of weather makes me so pleased that we live on the top of a hill but I always worry about those poor souls who always suffer with floods.It is one of the worst things seeing your home completely lost.

    Today I have to photo my CCs and get them sent off. After that it's going to be one of those 'what happens who knows'.

    The CAFE is OPEN nice and warm with kettles and coffee pots at the ready.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.I hope you're all safe from the storm.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Morning everyone
    well I can't say good for it definitively is not. The rain is coming down with force and the wind is fast and strong.Son was drenched right through even with his rain gear on and his thighs was burning from cycling into the wind all the way home. Why he didn't take a taxi or asked for a lift is anyone's guess and it looks the same again today :/
    Sandra ,your two cards are beautiful and paper so pretty with the flowers . I will rethink mine today.
    Michele, good your car went through without to much problem, it's expensive enough isn't to have it serviced. Hope your day at work is ok. Take care.
    Brenda, hope you find something for the boys upcoming birthday.The die looks fun that Sandra found.
    Sending you all warm hugs and hope your day is fine. Stay safe. xxx

  4. Hi Sandra @ Ladies
    Another 2 lovely cards today.
    We had heavy rain and high winds yesterday, and it looks like it’s going to be the same today. Although the rain today looks like it has some snow in with it as well.
    So it’ll be another day of not doing a lot. Although I have a couple of projects to do from Maria with some new ones on the way. Plus a couple I’ve just received from Hazel.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Two very inspiring cards, both equally beautiful, thank you so much for your inspiration Sandra. xxx
    It will be a load off your mind Sandra once the house sale is completed, hopefully the siblings will get what they have been squabbling over, that’s once all expenses have been deducted, which may come as a bit of a shock.

    The storms sound horrendous, if you are affected by them you really have my deepest sympathy, I also feel so sorry the farmers, there is nothing they can do about it until the floods tied down. Water can be so beautiful but also can cause so much damage.

    Daughter who had the house fire has a restoration team in. Every piece of soft furnishings has to go. Leather sofas not a year old, a new sofa (it had only been delivered that morning) and matching chairs. Grand daughters mattress (because it wasn’t covered, she had gone back to Uni) all the carpets in the house etc etc. Yesterday they had to empty all wardrobes a cleaning company were coming in to take them contents away to be dry cleaned. It just goes on and on. The actual fire only affected the main lounge and a small sitting room both went out onto the decked area, but the smoke caused much more damage. BUT thank god no one was hurt. Everything else is repairable or can be replaced.

    Take care everyone and stay.
    Love Brenda xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Two more beautiful cards today. I love the colour combo. It’s fantastic making 4 cards out of one 6x6 sheet. Just finished my second set, all Christmas cards - so that’s a good head start for me 😉
    A lot calmer here today, stayed dry but still breezy. Hope you’ve all been spared the worst of the storm xx
    Hope the handover of your mum’s house went smoothly. A weight off your mind xx
    Have a good evening. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello All, dry now, but had bucket loads of rain during the night.

    Two lovely cards which show off the papers well.

    I have done mine this afternoon, it’s much harder than I expected it to be.

    Hope you all have a good evening. Lilian

    PS loved you cards yesterday Cheryl.
