
Tuesday 12 January 2021

Another Things with Wings challenge card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Firstly I want to send hugs to Janet, I was so sorry to read your sad news yesterday, there are only 2 of the 8 siblings of my Mum alive now so I understand how you feel, its so sad to see a generation disappear, hugs coming your way my lovely. 

Now I apologise for anyone offended by my 'multi-directional' Butterflies, after seeing your comment I went and did a bit of research and I want to  reassure you that butterflies can fly in all directions including downwards, so just imagine that there is a delicious Honeysuckle bush in bottom corner of card and it is flying to drink some delicious Nectar.  I hope that puts your minds at rest, for instance there were plenty of cabbage whites flying over the garage roof to swoop down onto my cabbage plants. 🤣😆😉

Today's  card features a majestic Dragonfly,  for this card I really wanted to use Navy and yellow (no idea why, it was just on my mind).  So I stamped the background in Daffodil Delight, I added some Night of Navy dots too.  I stamped the detail part of Dragonfly in Daffodil Delight too, then die cut the detail top layer in Night of Navy card and glued them together.  I decided to die cut one of my SU Stitched Nested Labels, to mount the Dragonfly on, to lift it off the background. To finish the card I added a piece of Night of Navy Gingham Ribbon and I took a piece of white twine and coloured it with Daffodils Delight Blend (alcohol marker), I tied this over the Gingham ribbon and tied a knot. I thought the Dragonfly needed some sparkle so I gave him a swish of glitter pen!                                  What do you think?   (I am going to add sentiment as I need it. 

Paul and I had a great day 'working' in the 'Office' aka 'My Craft Room', although he had 3 meetings during the morning so I had to be 🤫 quiet. !! Lol      I have to say that I am sure he drinks a lot more tea at home than he does at work.!!  I am looking forward to working alongside him again today. 

I hope you have a lovely day too,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                  xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone
    What a gorgeous Dragonfly this morning.

    Thank you for your kind comments yesterday. My Grandparents had ten children and unfortunately lost three. As a result of this there is quite a gap in the middle of my Aunts and Uncles which of course also means that my Cousins have a wide range of ages too. I am the eldest -75 next month and my youngest Cousin is a few years younger than Nicky my youngest who is 53. It certainly makes me wonder how my Gran managed.

    I have one or two things needing attention today but not sure which one to start with. I'll see which comes to mind first.

    The CAFE is of course OPEN as usual.HUGS are on their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE EXTRA CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Beautiful card SANDRA and I love the colours

    I honestly hadn’t realised that butterflies could fly upside down - sorry

    My boss was on ITV news last night (I missed it) talking about our vaccination centre It’s quite an impressive set up

    No plans for doing a lot after work I will Just see how I feel and do whatever- crafting will be involved!

    Take care xx

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely card today Sandra.
    It’ll quite dull but mild here today. It was brighter earlier when I had a quick walk. Seeing all the people out for walks in the park on the news wasn’t very encouraging that people are taking the Pandemic as seriously as they should. I’m not to sure that jumping in a car to drive somewhere is quite in the spirit of a lockdown.
    Take care and stay safe out there everyone.

  4. Hi Sandra and ladies in the cafe' today
    Lovely card with the dragonfly Sandra.
    Sorry from me too reg the butterfly, I will let mine go whichever way they want in the future Lol
    Woke up early and my intention for a crafting day was on my mind but my body isn't playing nice so sitting and watching tv mostly to think of something else as can't stand for long.

    Have a nice day and many warm hugs for you all, some extras for anyone who need some. Take care and stay safe xx

  5. Hi everyone
    Love your card, the dragonfly is lovely.
    Think butterflies will be featuring on my card this week, along with some of my new craft buys 😊 Hoping to craft on Friday as I’m off work.
    I hope you’re all well and have had a good day.
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love today’s card. The navy and yellow are a beautiful match and adding the sparkle to the dragon fly is the perfect finish. How lovely that you got to “work” with Paul. May you have many more days like this, at least until it is safe to go back out into the world! Xx
    Janet, sending sympathy from Mum and myself x
    Brendan hope life is a bit kinder to you this week x
    Maria, sorry that your body is still nit being nice to you x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello, I thought I’d written this, this morning, memory getting worse.

    Sandra lovely card, glad you had a good working day together. Don’t think I could work with R as I’d be too noisy.

    Going to get dinner now , pasties to night so not much clearing up. Hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Love the design and colours you have used on today’s card, Daffodil and Navey are a lovely combination. Love it.

    Been a steady plod today sorting and trying to reorganise my craft room. Wish I had a magic wand I could wave it and everything would just fall into place ..... well in my dreams.

    Take care everyone and please stay safe. Love Brenda xxx
