
Friday 4 December 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

So 21 more days until the 'Big' day, are you all prepared??  Needless to say that we aren't !  We have bought a few gifts, for those that know what they would like, that's the thing that makes it harder when you are buying for adults!  I have my niece Kezia sorted she has recently discovered that she absolutely loves 'Arts & Crafts' (as she calls it), I recently sent her some card, papers etc and she spent every waking hour of the weekend making cards and pictures etc, I asked her if she would like so craft things for Christmas and her reply was ''That would be the best Christmas present ever'' !  I have made a box up with some coloured card, quite a few of those magazine freebie sets that have stamps and dies etc, I am bidding on a New Small die cutting machine on Ebay for her too.  I would love to see her face on Christmas day when she opens it. 
My girls lists have all practical things on, Lucy wants a coffee pod machine, Sophie wants a couple of things for her art desk, Becca wanted a Henry Hoover, Matt can't decide what he would like!   Paul and I feel stuck too as we usually get Theatre Vouchers or 'Afternoon Tea' experience type gifts as we love to go for mini breaks together but with the uncertainty of anywhere opening up next year it's just not worth the risk, I imagine that places won't start opening fully until the mass vaccination starts.  
We were discussing this over dinner last night, the girls had asked about Holiday next year, ours is already booked and paid for as we transferred the money from this years holiday across after Paul lost the sight in his eye.  Maybe it will be ok as we aren't due to go until the end of August but it's still going to be a gamble, I think that if there is the same uncertainty as this year we will insist on having our money back. 

Your Next Challenge

I thought we would have a bit of a 'Throwback' challenge this week and make cards using 'ONLY DIES', just like we all used to do back at the start of the blog, none of us where confident stampers back then so even our sentiments were die cut and the embellishments too.  I think that it would be ok to stamp your sentiment this time, as long as the 'majority' of the card is Die cut.  
It will be fun to get out all of those old dies again and have a play. I am so excited to see what you all create. 

I was looking back at our 1st ever challenge back on 4th January 2016, thats almost 5 years of Challenges, how amazing is that.  I have pretty much every single challenge card that you all have made, it's lovely looking back, I might do about of a feature on them. 

In the new year I would like to start introducing some New Techniques, sharing a technique with you, doing a video tutorial and then if you are all up for it we could set the new technique as the challenge.  We can revisit some old techniques too, as I think we try new things a couple of times and then forget about them, what do you all think? 

Well I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning ladies,

    Love this morning's cards Sandra, I'll have to dig out one from my stash for this challenge.

    Had my first shopping trip with Fiona since I came home from Bev's in October. I must admit I was pretty appalled at the Christmas goods on sale in B&M, hardly anything on the shelves and most of what was there, I thought was old stock from years ago. They must have been dredging through the back shelves of their warehouses for that tat to be on display. Not one proper gift box and only two boxes of dreary Christmas wrapping paper with a few Christmas bags that were definitely on sale last year...I bought them then. With a bit of hunting Fiona did find some packs of two large milk carton type gift boxes that will be perfect for hoodies and toiletries. I shall have to hot glue gun the base down as it is wont to twist awry then the contents fall out. I'm so glad that I have done most of my shopping online this year as the queues outside the shops were getting bigger and bigger as we went passed them. I found it a bit upsetting to make people stand outside in the rain and cold especially the elderly even though the safe distance has to be kept, although for most 'younger then me' peoples once they are inside they completely disregard the rules.
    Off soapbox now, it's back in it's corner.

    Today has started off again with rain so I shall stay inside and keep warm, no reason to go out except for the recycle boxes.
    I too have come across plenty of scrap and cut offs of paper and card. I did notice than one of my charity shops had bags of scrap paper on sale and as I have a couple of shoe boxes, what better than to fill them and take it there?

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-a great challenge and one I’ll enjoy. Both your cards are lovely examples for the next challenge.

    Popped into Southport yesterday morning-oh my goodness it was busy. Went in about 4 shops then gave up. Did my food shopping in Morrison’s then home. After lunch hubby informed me there was a parcel to be collected from the Amazon lockers in Co-op in the village and I had some books to drop off at the charity table. Once we’d done that we cleared the rest of the drive-loads of moss in between the block paving. We looking getting the drive changed as it’s hard work keeping it moss free and it’s not level either.


    1. We had that problem as well Michele with our drive & patio. We had it re done with imprinted concrete which is much better.

    2. Wow Michele you had a busy day yesterday hope you both have some me time & chill today
      HUG'S XX

  3. Two great cards and a brilliant challenge as although I now do a little bit of stamping the majority of my cards still rely on die cuts
    I’m looking forward to the New Year challenges revisiting old techniques as well as trying new ones
    I have bought 2 Christmas presents! They are only part gifts too I really need to get cracking! Fortunately we (as a family) have decided that we won’t be buying for as many as we usually do
    More training today but I am thoroughly enjoying this new job
    Hair cut later - hairdresser comes here which I really need as it was due at the start of lockdown 2
    Take care everyone xx

  4. Hello, well would you believe it we have had a dusting of the white stuff this morning. Accidents on the main roads, people going too fast.

    Sandra two great cards , will do my best,I have always been more of a stamper.

    Had my hair cut last night, she cut it a bit short, so will feel chilly now the weather has turned cold.

    Will try and get a card made to day, I’ve had the stuff on my desk since Monday, tried a few bits, in the bin, still mus really concentrate and get it done.

    Have a good day, hugs to all, Lilian

  5. Hi everyone
    Two gorgeous cards today. Love them, and next weeks challenge.
    Fantastic to have done 5 years of challenges. You put so much work and time into this wonderful blog Sandra and welcome everyone with open arms. You truly are an inspiration 😘
    3 weeks until Christmas......oh my goodness, I don’t think I’ve ever been this unorganised and behind with my shopping.
    Have a good day everyone whatever you’re doing. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Looks a bit brighter at the moment. I’m just about to make some soup for my lunch. I’ve already been for a shortish walk this morning. Then I’ve been writing Christmas cards.just waiting for one address from Sandra that I don’t seem to have.
    Jill in Colchester sent me a picture of the snow that has fallen and still is fallI got in her back garden. I’ve asked her to keep it up her end of the country.
    Maria I hope your feeling better today.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    We have lovely sunny weather today makes you feel better.
    Terry has just finished housework so now I'm going have my strip wash
    I will get Terry to get last year's Christmas cards out to see if any are usable or rubbish.
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Raining and it is icy winds outside so nice to see your 2 cards Sandra, they are both very beautiful and I hope to join in for next week.
    Saw it been snow in some areas so please take care if going out. You don't have different tyres for this season as they do in Sweden.
    Lynda- your cards are always wonderful, I'm sure you got some to show. Hope you doing alright x
    Thanks for your well wishes ladies, it seem to be working steady but slowly. Sending many hugs back to you all and take care, stay safe and look after each other xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Two lovely cards to inspire us for the next challenge. Sandra you brilliant with all your inspiring ideas and helping to keep our mojo busy......Thank you.
    Your niece is going to love her special Christmas present, you know exactly what she will need and everything you pack into her box will be used. I would love to see her face. One of the most appreciated gifts we have given Ciara was a craft trolley, her reaction when she opened it was so rewarding, she said with the biggest grin on her face “O I have always wanted one of these” she even went away and assembled it herself. Because she couldn’t wait to use it.

    Had a busy day doing jobs around the house, then a lovely chat with my sister this afternoon (we chat most days) today she sounded really bright and cheerful. Earlier this week she had a hospital appointment at a sleep clinic, she has been given a machine that she uses at night time to help her sleep. Apparently the machine breath’s for you, forcing you to breathe deeply and drift off to sleep. She managed to knock it off at some point last night and the night nurse came and removed it for her. But she said it’s wonderful. I think we could all benefit if we had one .... Ladies I’m first in the queue.

    Time to get a wiggle on and make dinner - nothing exciting Bangers and mash. John’s choice.!

    Take care everyone, keep warm and stay safe, love Brenda xxx
