
Tuesday 8 December 2020

Die Cut Christmas card


Good Morning Ladies, 

A foggy start again today, it hung around most of the day yesterday, Sophie drove us to our hair appointment and the fog was so dense in some areas, there was no real breeze or sun to clear it so it was still quite thick when Paul left, I was unablw to rest all day, hoping he wasn't overdoing it. The girls asked me to go with them when they popped out to collect a takeaway at around 6.30pm by that time you could barely see, I felt almost sick with worry at the thought of Paul driving at night for the first time with the added obstacle of thick fog! 
Sophie was celebrating finishing all of her University course work, which included Creating a Blog and writing a post as well as her animated piece, needless to say she was very relieved when it was done and handed in, the girls celebrated with a Chinese takeaway, I had a little but it really doesn't agree with me these days, I suffer terribly with heartburn and indigestion for hours after, I didn't have anything greasy either so I'm guessing its the MSG. 

Today's card is my 'Die cut' Challenge card, every element was die cut apart from the Gemstones.  The snowflakes are from a new SU set called ' So Many Snowflakes ' and the Sentiment was also a SU die set called 'Playful Alphabet ' I love the style of the font.  I even used a die to create the rope to hang the snowflakes from! 
I was inspired by an all white card I saw on Pintetest by someone called JanB.  I thought I would add the soft pearl shimmer card in a very pale mint colour. The snowflakes and Alphabet were cut from a smooth glitter/shimmer card too.
I really like the simplicity of the design,  I hope you like it too. 

Have a lovely day my lovelies, stay warm and safe,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Christmas card. I hope Paul got on ok yesterday and driving in the bad weather wasn’t too awful.

    Busy day yesterday at work. Lengthy discussion about the vaccine and our plans for when it’s delivered.

    My crazy friend went gir her test results yesterday (she’d been feeling tired & was anaemic) . The consultant told her she’s got Colon Cancer and has booked her in fur surgery on the 29t. I’d suggested she could come down to pharmacy to chat to me if she wanted after her appointment which she did but some gormless person didn’t bother to find me so she left a message saying she’d text me. How awful is that fur her-I’m extremely annoyed that someone didn’t bother looking for me.


    1. So sorry Michele to hear about your friend. I hope you have a chance to catch up later. Give her a big hug and all hopes she will be ok and op goes well.
      Take care and many hugs are sent for you x

    2. Hi Michele
      I hope you manage to catch up with your friend. Big hugs from me as well.

  2. I love your card SANDRA Another one that would be great for batch making I need to make a start on mine
    I hope PAUL got on OK
    How rude that your colleague didn’t come and look for you MICHELE did you warn them that she might be coming We have to tell Reception and colleagues if we are expecting “outsiders” or they will do exactly that - just take a message
    I have two lots of training today! Take care all xx

    1. Hope your training goes ok and the day is not too long for you. hugs x

  3. Hello, from a beautiful bright sunny Cornwall, it’s very cold though. Sorry about you had all that terrible fog, hope Paul drive was ok.

    Sandra your card is great, I’d say a quick one only knowing me it would take forever.

    Tried out our new bread maker yesterday, very pleased with the results, got fed up with the very thick, stodgy sliced bread you get these days.

    Must get on cleaners here today, just as well with R doing most of the cooking, still he has got the hang of the new cooker better than I have, keep forgetting to press OK, and wondering why it’s not heating up, not used to digital ovens.

    Hope you all have a pleasant day, take care on the roads if you are going out.

    1. Mmmmm fresh bread with proper butter on, is that anything better. Enjoy your day even if very cold it looking nice here too. Hope your dizziness is better,hugs x

  4. Morning everyone.
    A fabulous card Sandra, love it. Hope all goes well for Paul being back at work. Tell your girls to have a nice holiday off school.

    Sitting here since 6am trying to write my foreign cards that need sending. It takes a while for maybe not in contact so often with some so have to say a few extra words and that takes time for fingers feel frozen even with the heating on.
    We are braving us today by going to Lidl for a little shop, hoping to find some mini stollen and a Panetone, it's a must for x-mas for me. Mum sent me some Ansjovis in a special lag so this year I will be able to make myself a Jansson's Temptation, yay ! hihi Why does it have to be food to make you feel happier ?
    Have a nice day everyone, stay safe and take care.
    Hugs to all, Maria xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely snowflake card today Sandra.
    What is MSG please Sandra. I’ve only just got my head around SIL & MIL.
    Hope Paul wasn’t to exhausted when he eventually arrived home. I’m sorry to hear about your friend Michele. I’ve emailed you. I hope your hospital gets the vaccine soon. It’s apparently up at the Churchill hospital here. Obviously want to keep people away from our general hospital.
    It’s also foggy here and cold this morning. I expect I’ll have to pop out for a walk at some time today.
    I sort of had strong words with Sophie, as when I enquired she said she wasn’t going to have the vaccine when it was offered. She said that you didn’t know what symptoms you might have 10yrs down the line. I pointed out that all medication started that way and that if no one ever took any of the other medication that was developed most people would die if it was something you could die for. I used as an example all the cancer treatments that had been developed. At some point they have to be used on humans to find out what worked. She conceded that I had a point. I also pointed out that she might not be able to work in a care home if she didn’t, nor travel abroad eventually if she wanted to as she might need a travel document to say she’s had it. Others in the home said they wouldn’t have it either as it wasn’t tested enough as it had been done in a short space of time. I’m not to sure if I made her see sense.
    Oh dear enough of my ranting,
    Stay safe & take care everyone.

  6. Morning ladies,

    Beautiful card again Sandra.

    I went to collect my medicines yesterday, did a spot of shopping and posting two parcels then came home for lunch. Afterwards I opened the JHoots carrier bag to transfer med boxes into their place only to find they had not provided my heart tablets and Zapain (painkillers and I had checked with Danielle, our prescription manager, that the heart tablet had been added on as a repeat). I rang straight away only to be told they had not been prescribed as they were not on my list.... I was holding a repeat slip whilst speaking to her so I asked how was that possible as my daughter had asked for all my meds the last time she collected them (was in Walsall hospital at the time). This is the third time now I have had to complain of vital medicines missing. Lloyds chemists were so brilliant and spot on with no complaints at all, but this lot?....I shake my head in despair.

    It has started to get cloudier now, at least we had brilliant sunshine for a couple of hours earlier on.

    Hugs to all that are in need of one today

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hi everyone
    Lovely card, great for batch making.
    Hope Paul managed the drive ok, despite the fog.
    Foggy here again this morning but cleared now and we have sunshine, although very cold.
    I ventured into town this morning with James. Very disappointing, we both got hardly anything we wanted. Just hope I’ve not left it too late to order online!
    Sorry to hear about your friend Michele xx
    Have a good rest of the day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Great card especially as we all have so many to make this time of year. I wish my brain would tune into Christmas earlier than it does.

    Hope Paul was alright in the thick fog. Grandson is driving home today from university in Sheffield I have texted daughter to say let us know when he gets home. It’s the first long drive he has done alone (Dad sat with him when he drove up in September).

    Take care everyone and stay safe. Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA i love your card a lovely colour very pretty.
    It's been sunny but very cold
    Heating been on all day.
    MICHELE sorry to hear about your friend such a shame you didnt get to see her. Hope she is OK
    I hope you managed to get your order on line sorted SONIA.
    Take care everyone stay safe
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx
