
Wednesday 2 December 2020

Another Challenge Christmas card


Good Morning Ladies,

Welcome to Wednesday ladies, we are mid way through another week, I remembered at 6am yesterday morning that I hadn't filled the girls Advent calendars, so I was sat on my bed, bleary eyed putting different little bits in their Fabric Advent calendars, I did lool into buying them one but they insisted on having their traditional one, (which I was glad of when I saw the price of the beauty calendars)!  I did get them a candle calendar last year to share but we just haven't been shopping to find the little things like that this year, because a) Covid/lockdown  b) Paul not being able to drive.  I managed to put a few different things in, one thing was these Chocolate lollipops that you stir into milk to make hot chocolate, I added them to a little bag with some mini marshmallows/candy canes to make the hot chocolate a bit more special, hopefully they will enjoy them.
We made the decision to not fill Matt & Becca's this year as neither of them will be coming over so it seemed pointless, I did offer to drop them off so that they could start their own traditions but they weren't fussed.  We then got onto the subject of Christmas day, I know that we have the option of mixing with other households but I just don't think it's worth the risk, Matt had suggested that he came to us for a couple of hours after visiting Alex's family, (mostly because he felt bad), I said no, as he would be spreading germs even more, I think that he is looking forwarrd to cooking his first Christmas dinner this year.  Becca's Restaurant in open and has quite a few bookings for Christmas day, so we won't be seeing her either, it will seem strange but it's going to be the same for all of us, these conversations are so hard but fingers crossed next Christmas will be the best ever, this year will either make us even more grateful for those family moments or think ''actually I like the peace and quiet, lets do this next year too''!! Paul's parents like some of you cannot remember the last time they had Christmas at home or on their own, they seem to be making the most of it, Paul's dad was due to have a big party on the 21st December for his 80th Birthday while they were in Birmingham for Christmas but that had to be cancelled too.  For me knowing now that last Christmas was Mum's last Christmas has made me realise how very precious our family get togethers are, so I felt really sad to think that Paul's parents were spending theirs on their own.

Today's card is one I made but I think I hadn't shared yet, it is quite a Clean and Simple Christmas card, I started by die cutting the Fir tree out of a piece of white card, I stamped the tree first in Balmy Blue ink, then die cut it, after die cutting it I popped the piece of card with the tree shaped aperture through the die cutting machine with a Snowfall Embossing folder (if I had embossed it first the die cutting would have flattened the embossing). 
I cut the card front slightly shorter than the card base and added a strip of Balmy Blue card to tie the colour of the tree to the card, I stamped the sentiment in the same ink and used a punch to create the flag ends to the banner. 
To finish the card I used a quicky glue pen to apply glue to some of the snowflakes and then added some glitter to them, just to give a little festive sparkle.  
I hope you like my card, it uses Categories:  Die Cut/ Embossing Folder/Punch

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and huge hugs to all of you,



  1. Lovely card SANDRA Great for batch making I really must check my Christmas stash and see how many more cards I need
    I totally agree with you about the Christmas arrangements I really don’t know what we’re going to do I would love love love to see the boys but then think Oscar won’t remember and Charlie is too young but what if something happens between now and next Christmas I really don’t know
    Early start for me as Wednesdays are my busy day New job is busy full stop
    Take care all xx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra what a gorgeous card, love the clean + simple look to it.
    I completely agree why your reasons for not doing the same thing as usual over Christmas. It’s far too soon to mixing households. I’ve made the “difficult “ decision that we’re not seeing anyone or having anyone here over Christmas. Not sure my brother understands or agrees with my decision but that’s tough. We’ll walk down to speak to my Dad from the front garden . Had a lengthy text conversation with my Brother who truly thought I was wearing full PPE at work when I said 2 colleagues who id been working closely with had tested positive. Had to explain that all we wear is a disposable face mask.

    Had a lovely walk to the beach yesterday morning-the weather was beautiful, quite mild. It’s damp this morning but I have a couple of jobs to do then maybe some time in my craft room.


  3. Hello, raining today, but a bit warmer.

    Sandra another great card, I must see if I can do some soon, at the moment am getting so breathless that it’s difficult to do much.

    All the Christmas lights are going up on the neighbouring properties, I don’t usually do any because we are usually away visiting the children, will be very different this year. First year at home for many years. Have not seen the grandchildren since last Christmas, and won’t see them this year either.

    Have managed to make a big pot of vegetable soup for lunch, good way to use up bits of tired veg from the fridge. I always freeze my chicken carcasses to make the stock, so it should be nice.

    Enough wittering from me, have a good day all. Lilian

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A clean & simple card today Sandra. I’ve had 2 walks this morning but it’s now raining and cold.
    I’m not to sure what’s happening re Christmas. Sophie has Covid tests every week so I know she’s clear. Amber will be having one at college & Livvy hasn’t been out. So in theory I can be in a bubble with Karen & Co at Christmas. We’ll see what happens.
    They’ve just announced on the tv that the Pfizer vaccine is being rolled out this week after being approved.
    I have an appointment for my yearly endoscopy on Sun 13th Dec. So I’m glad that’s happening at last.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi everyone
    Lovely card again today 😊
    This Christmas is going to be hard for so many people. I’m working all through, which under the circumstances has made it easier for us. My elder brother invited us round on the Sunday after, but we’ve decided to stay home. Mum and dad are adamant they’re not going anywhere, which I can understand, but I don’t like to think of them at home on their own. Fingers crossed next year will be so much better and we can really start getting back to normal.
    We put our Christmas tree and a few other bits up last night. Barney was very well behaved and laid on the armchair looking up at the twinkling lights 🎄
    Have a good evening. Hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Lovely card Sandra the colour is beautiful. I had to enlarge the picture but very soon understood how you had made this lovely card. Very clever idea. XX

    Yes like everyone we have made that difficult decision to stay home at Christmas, it will be the first time we have not been with our children and grandchildren at Christmas, We had years when John was in the Navy and I didn’t him. The children and grandchildren when they came along we have spent Christmas together, so it will be a different Christmas. We will all have to put on a very brave face - hope and pray next year everything will be back to normal.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA i love your card it's really pretty
    Don't blame you for not going or BECCA & MATT coming to you
    My battery is going to die love & Hug's Lynda xx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Love yesterday’s and today’s cards, beautiful colours too. Your children are like ours with wanting to stick to your own Christmas traditions 😊xx
    LIt is sad that we can’t all have our usual Christmas isn’t it but would hate to pass on anything let alone Covid. Will be making our final decision on Friday when I talk to Mum and Pop. Obviously they haven’t seen anyone except me and Chris and the doctor a few times since March so will wait to see what they want to do. We can all celebrate twice next year hopefully, once when we are Covid free as a country and then again at Christmas 2021. It’s very sad that some people will be completely on their own so we should all be grateful that we have loved ones at home or very near by.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
