
Monday 30 November 2020

Sonia's Christmas Card, perfect for Man Card Monday...


Good Morning Ladies,

We had a very dark and gloomy weekend (weather wise), the fog just didn't lift all day, it was really odd, the main A419 is about 2 miles from our house, you drive straight past our house down a narrow country road and then directly onto the A419, which is a very busy main road, the little country road was a bit misty when we left at around 1.30pm to do food shopping but as we approached the main road you could see that the fog was really dense, it was almost like there was a voile panel across the end of the little road, it's hard to describe but I found it odd that the fog had such precise boundaries, poor Lucy was really wary pulling into such fast traffic with the visibility being so poor, because as usual the roads are full of fools that don't slow down where junctions meet the main road.  Like you Janet we had lights on all day, it was as though daylight never really happened.  

Apart from food shopping we really didn't get much else done, Paul worked for a few hours on Saturday afternoon, I went into my craft room fully intending to sit and play but decided to have a bit of a move around and de-clutter, WHY, do we start these things??!! It seemed like such a good idea at 12.30pm but by 5.45pm I was still sat on the floor surrounded by a huge pile of stuff to put in the bin/recycling.  I have an ongoing battle with 'Bit Boxes', I keep keeping little off cuts of card that in my head would be perfect for stamping sentiments on or for die cutting little leaves and flowers from, I do use them when I remember to rummage around for them but mostly I will use an off cut of the card I am just working with, I certainly don't always think, 'oh hang on let me rummage through one of my many bit boxes for a 1 inch by 3 inch piece of card''!  So the cardboard recycle box is super full this week!  I felt better for getting rid of it too, I had a little bit of a move around, while sorting through a box that had my old stampin up desk pad I found a stamp that has been missing for about 2 years, it's the lower case 'a' from an alphabet, it's about as small as one of those little pearls you put on cards, it made the whole upheaval a bit more pleasing.  I was certainly 'feeling it' by bedtime, I have always been really bad for sitting with my legs underneath me, I can only do it with my left leg these days and to be honest the only time I ever sit on the floor is to retrieve something that has fallen of my craft desk,  I found a few things while I was down there, pencil sharpener, Distress Oxide ink pad, pair of ✂ to name a few!                                                                                                                                             Sunday disappeared after getting back from food shopping 🛒, my brother and sisters called to tell me about all of the treasure that they had discovered in the loft at Mum's, my youngest sister was over joyed to discover that her Doll's house that Dad had built her was still up there and in good condition, my brother found his old Atari games console and some Binoculars that belonged to our Grandfather that were left for him.  By the time those calls were done it was 7pm and the weekend was all but over.

Today's card is one of Sonia's from a recent challenge that I received from Sonia last Monday, I have been looking forward to sharing it with all of you, I felt that it would work perfectly for a Christmas card for a Man so what better day to share it than 'Man Card Monday' !                                                   As always Sonia your card is finished to perfection with clean, crisp lines, Sonia was inspired (like most of us) by a card on Pinterest.  Those curve border dies work so well for Snowbanks, that lovely deeply embossed falling snow looks beautiful, your eye is drawn in by the aperture that surrounds it, such a fantastic Christmas card Sonia.                                                                                                   Sonia's Description:                                                                                                                                    ''. I used the town house dies from Mama Elephant, and the trees from My Favourite Things. The sentiment is from LOTV. ''                                                                                                                        Thank you so much Sonia for sharing such a lovely Christmas card XXX

Ladies, I hope that you all have a lovely last day of November,

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                          xxxxxx


  1. Morning ladies,

    Up early this morning was so wide awake at 5.45 I decided to fire up the PC and get all the messages over and done with.

    Beautiful card Sonia, so perfect in it's simplicity. whoever receives it will be pleased.

    Can't remember what I am doing these days but like you Sandra, another good clear up of the myriad of boxes in my craftroom. So far I have emptied 6 and flat packed them ready for the recycling box. Seems funny that we empty boxes only for them to go in another one! Great big space now as you come through the door.

    Can't remember if I have said that I passed my follow up appt. and am OK to get back to driving. However with all the speed lemmings on the road I think I'll have to do my shopping as early as I can.

    Enjoy your week and comfort blanket hugs to all in need of one or two. They are in basket by the door help yourself on your way in and out.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sonia-what an absolutely stunning card?m, it’s gorgeous.

    Sandra-sounds like you had a busy day. Glad you found some missing items.

    Great start to our week off-it’s raining. Hubbys birthday today & he wants to walk to the beach- let’s hope the weather improves.


    1. Hope you both still have a nice day together and happy birthday to you husband x

    2. Hope you made it to the beach to celebrate hubby’s birthday. Wishing him a happy birthday xx

  3. Lovely card SONIA It’s very classy and elegant
    Your weekend sounded quite productive in the end SANDRA I even found the Die I was missing!
    Great to see you In CHERYL and pleased the doctor has OK’d you to drive
    We didn’t venture very far at all I finished the “flat” card after finding the die which will work for this week’s challenge and I made a start on the calendar
    I have some more training today so I’d better get a wriggle on Take care everyone xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely man card from Sonis today. Thanks for sharing.
    I’m glad to hear your fit to drive now Cheryl. Did you miss not being able to drive ?. I know I would. We also had a foggy, damp weekend. I’ve been trying to finish 2 birthday cards over the weekend but couldn’t get motivated.
    Happy Birthday to Phil Michele.
    I supposed I’d better think about going for a walk, as it’s supposed to rain this morning.
    Take dare & stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi everyone
    Thank you for sharing my card Sandra, and all of your lovely comments 😊
    Sounds like you had a busy weekend. It does go very quickly when you’re engrossed in something. I’ve been in that situation many times of having good intentions of sorting things out, only to wish you’d never started in the first place. I went through all my scraps of card/patterned paper once, thinking I’ll keep bits that are a decent size to use, only to find in the end I still had loads left and hadn’t thrown away much at all! The next time I thought of having a clear out, they were still sitting there, unused, so I ended up throwing the whole lot away anyway! I am such a hoarder 🤣
    Glad you’ve been given the all clear to drive Cheryl xx
    Happy Birthday to your hubby Michele, and enjoy your week off xx
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone
    Beautiful x-mas card Sonia, thanks for sharing
    Glad you got the all clear Cheryl, take care tho when start driving again.
    Good Sandra that you found some of your missing items, those little letters and numbers are so tricky to hold on of.
    I lost the kitchen towel yesterday, Son found it in the dishwasher hihi sure I'm going loopy these days.
    No walk for us today but cleaned out the cupboards and wiped down the doors so some kind of exercise done anyway but oooh got dizzy bending over too long.
    Sending warm hugs to you all and hope the day is good. xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Loved all of the challenge cards yesterday. Bubs had a good giggle at the cats bum too Brenda 😄 Sonia love your card, it is perfect for the men and “non flowery” ladies too x
    Sandra, good to hear you found that stamp and well done on getting rid of a bits box. I found I have lost a lower case e and a p die, think they must have gone in the bin! I’m not surprised Lucy was nervous about turning out onto the 419, it is a fast road at the best of times isn’t it, bless her xx
    Michele pass on our birthday wishes to Phil. Hope you both have had a good day x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Brenda, I forgot to say that I can sometimes get a comment to publish by pressing one of the red Reply’s under each comment. Just something else to try if needed x

  9. Hello All, the day started fine but rain now.

    Sonia love your card, just what I would like to do, unfortunately I have misplaced all of my Christmas dies and some stamps. I’m hoping they will turn up before Christmas.

    not much going on today, no energy to do anything. Hugs to All, Lilian

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SONIA love your card today it's gorgeous
    SANDRA you are gluten for punishment sorting your craft room out again i can just imagine you sitting legged on the floor 😁♥️xx
    It's been a funny old day weather wise very grey and really cold heating on all day
    CHERYL so pleased your tests were OK.
    Sending everyone Big Hug's Love Lynda xxxx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies

    Sonia I love your card, yes it would be great for men, it’s a CASvmodern looking card. I love it.

    Sue thank you for your advice. Don’t know why Google has decided to play up.

    Lillian I hope your dies and stamps come to light soon, you have had a lot of upheaval recently, I’m sure they are not to far away. I always say when that happens stop looking - sure enough as if by magic.

    Take care everyone and stay safe, love Brenda xxx
