
Thursday 19 November 2020

Distress Oxide Christmas Card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Thanks for your lovely supportive comments yesterday,  sadly the Parchment on the card buckled really badly overnight so it will be binned,  I will keep all of the other layers,  just redo the Groovi piece. 

As you can imagine the upset with my brother set my AF into an Episode that lasted all night,  it was 5.30 before I even felt like I could nod off, I have been having another symptom lately too  once I have been in bed about an hour or so my whole body starts itching and I mean every part from my toes to my nose, when i got ready for a shower yesterday I noticed terrible scratch marks everywhere where I have been subconsciously scratching.   Now I put it down to being a symptom of my AF but apparently not, it is however a symptom of Liver issues, thinking bsck to late July/early August, my ultrasound had shown signs of liver disease, she was organising an appointment with the Consultant Heptolagist, she had told me to go and enjoy my holiday before looking into getting my liver diagnosis.   I guess she may have forgotten!  Our surgery is currently running on a very skeleton staff as half of them have been in contact with Covid, doctor's included, so they are only dealing with urgent cases.  

As a result of my rough night, I didn't manage to get up and and showered until after lunch as I had in effect run at least one reason marathon (with my heart racing like crazy!  So I didn't think I would have the inspiration to create anything,  I went and sat at my set desk and decided to have a play with my Distress Oxides,  I wanted to use the new green colour called Rusctic Wilderness, its a lovely shade of green. 

For this card I smooched the following Distress Inks/Oxides into my may and spritzed it with water,  I used both colours Oxides and regular distress inks together .  I used a fan brush to pick up the ink and 'tapped' the paintbrush which sent lots of tiny spots of ink all over,  I dried the piece between colours....

These are the colours I used addingvthe original distress inks gives a brighter pop of colour,  to add some gold dots I used my Gold Posca pen and tapped it until it sent the gold speckles all over my piece. 

To finish the card I stamped one of the sentiments from my Elizabeth Designs script greetings  and tied a bright red ribbon and tied a bow in a lovely bright red bow, to which I added some red jingle bells. I was quite pleased with results as I had no inspiration to create a card at all when I entered my craft room! 

I hope that you are all well, 

Love and hugs to all    ,

Sandra                                                                            xxxxxx                                         



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card, it’s l. So glad you managed to get some time in your Craft room. Shame your Groovi card didn’t work out from yesterday.

    Please contact your GP about the referral. I’m surprised there’s do many of their staff off-our surgery have locked the doors snd it’s extremely difficult to a) enter the building snd b) actually see a human being. They can’t have been too careful regarding PPE etc or decontamination after patients have entered the rooms.

    We’re going to be offered the rapid swabs twice a week from next week plus the vaccine as soon as it’s possible. If I was cynical I’d say it’s to ensure we stay at work....!!!

    Right-time to set off to the Fun Factory!


    1. Your probably right in your thinking Michele. But it’s good to hear you’ll all be one of the first to have the new vaccine when it comes on stream.
      Take care & stay safe.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA.
    I have never tried Distress Oxide inks ( I must be the only person inthe crafting world that hasn't).

    I hope you have had a better night and managed to get some sleep.

    My tasks for today are for me to photograph my CC and run off inserts for my Seasonal Cards. I have to say that putting inserts into cards is my least favourite thing to do. I suppose it's because it's so repetative etc etc but it has to be done.

    The CAFE of course is OPEN ready for you all and I can assure you Seasonal decorarions will not be appearing until at least 07/12/2020 and will definitely come down on 12th night.
    HUGE HUGS are wnging their wayto you all with loads and loads of extras for all Dear Friends in need.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE. REMEMBER WE ARE ALL IN LOCKDOWN UNTIL 02/12 AT THE EARLIEST.xxxx

    1. Good to hear that the decorations won’t be going up yet. The other Friday I had an appointment for the chiropodist. Afterwards I decided to go home the long way round. One house was covered in Christmas lights. I couldn’t believe my eyes. That was in the 1st week of November.

  3. Lovely card SANDRA I only bought the DO but I haven’t had a play yet It is exceptionally difficult to get through to our surgery (🎶you are number 36 I the queue 🎶) But we have an E-consult platform and both OH and I have used it and is very good Has your GP got a website There might be something on there where you can ask the question MICHELE is right You need to sort that appointment out
    I hope you get some answers today LILIAN
    I need to craft today Maybe it’s because my craft room is also my office That after working I’ve had enough
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card today Sandra. I’m also surprised you can’t ring your Drs up. Our surgery also had Covid Drs f nurses. However, my surgery is on the first floor with podiatry, and the endoscopy on the bottom floor. In the foyer they have a receptionist sat at a desk behind a glass/ plastic enclosure. I called in re my flu jab. She was making appointments. Some people were having face to face consultations if after the Dr speaking to you first over the phone if the dr thought that’s what was needed. So ring and ask to make a phone consultation with your Dr. Very windy here today but at least it’s brighter than the last couple of days. I’ll finish my tea then pop out for a quick walk.
    Take dare & stay safe.

  5. Sorry meant to say I hope your appointment goes ok today Lilian.

  6. Morning everyone.
    Great card Sandra, so many things you can make and do with these inks.
    You and Sue asked me which ones I had used for my card Sunday and I had used ,Dusty Concord,Candid Apple,Carved Pumpkin and Mustard Seed together. Always thinking of making colour watches but like with most things that never seem to be done.
    Hopefully you can get hold of someone at the surgery, you need to have the test done to put your mind to rest for one.
    Lilian, be thinking of you today.
    Not sure yet for our walk ,it is raining here so think we leave it for today.Didn't get many hours sleep either so feel it going to be a rough day.
    Have a good day ladies. Many hugs Maria xx

    1. Thank you Maria for the colours that you used. I will have to get some more colours. Sorry it’s not a good day for you 😞 sending you hugs from me and Mum x

    2. I hope you’ll be feeling a bit better later Maria.

  7. Just lost another comment! Love your card, the background is lovely and the gorgeous red bow and the bells add the perfect finishing touches. Sorry you have been itchy and I hope you manage to get a phone consult with your Gp so they can get the test you need done. I hope you can sit and relax a bit while you craft today my lovely xx
    We don’t put the decs up until the second week of December usually. I love them and hate how Barr everywhere is when we take them down on twelfth night.
    Lilian I hope your tests go well and you can get some help x
    Brenda, sorry your sister isn’t quite so good but at least she is being loved and cared for among her “other” family x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum, Lilian and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hi everyone.
    Lovely card today, with a great colour combo.
    Love your groovi card from yesterday too. Sorry I didn’t get in, and I’m so sorry to hear about what your brother said to you - pretty unbelievable with everything you’ve been through lately. I hope you have managed to have a better day today xx
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous love the colours & the background is lovely i thik you are now the queen of backgrounds I've lost that title
    It's been cold today and heating on
    SAM has been tested positive for covid she had a chest infection which she gets quite a lot doctor gave her antibiotics and told her to do a test & came back positive yesterday so she had to Harry from school the tea came out with him
    Still waiting for appointment for my legs but I expect it will be after lock down

    Wishing you all well with Love & Hug's Lynda xxxx

    1. Sorry about missing letters in my comment my hands are aching
      Badly today xx
