
Thursday 29 October 2020

Two Thursday Throwback Cards


💚💙💛💗Happy Birthday Karen 💗💙💚💛

Good Morning Ladies,

Ladies please join me in wishing Our Lovely Karen a Very Happy Birthday, I hope you get lots of cuddles from Oscar & Charlie, relax and enjoy your day XXXXXXX

We had the best weather of the week for most of the day yesterday, we had a couple of  'off' moments, the first one was as the postman arrived at the door, he asked if he could shelter under our porch for a while as you have never seen rain like it, I now see where the saying 'coming down like stair rods' comes from!  A few minutes later it was perfect sunshine once again, you'd think it had never rained.  The sky then turned the weirdest colour, Paul had just left and I had just wrangled the cats back in the door when the loudest thunder storm started, this time we had huge hail stones!  Talk about four weathers in one day! 

I ended up spending most of the afternoon doing paperwork for Mum's Grave and sorting payments for my brother to make.  Then there was paperwork that needed organising for Paul's surgery.  So  I didn't get to make any cards, so today's cards work perfectly for this Weeks TicTacToe.

For the first card I used Categories: Designer Series Paper/Red & Green/ Ribbon

For this card I used the 'Under The Miseltoe' Designer Series paper, mixed with Old Olive and Real Red card, Real Red Ribbon and the Everyday Label Punch.

The Second Card uses Categories  Blue/White/Ribbon 

Today's card was made with the 'Snow is Glistening' stamp set that I shared with you on yesterday's post, I saw a similar card to this on Pinterest made with the one of Crafters companion stamps.  
I stamped my Christmas tree on to a piece of Vellum using Versamark ink, with vellum you must make sure that you use your anti static bag with vellum because it seems a lot more static than regular card or paper.  I then used some white embossing powder with a bit of glitter in, just to give a little sparkle to the tree, although it doesn't really show up on camera.  I then heat set the powder and then attached the vellum to a piece of leftover 'Galvanised' card with tiny silver brads.
I made my base card a little wider that usual so that I could add my very last piece of Dotted Tulle ribbon, ( I think I will HAVE to order more as I love it).  I attached the ribbon to the back of my mat with glue dots and then used another piece to tie a knot, I popped a tiny foam pad behind the knot to secure it, I topped that with one of the Snowfall Trinkets.  To finish the card I added a few clear, sparkly gemstones around the tree. I am going to have my sentiment on the inside of the card.

I actually made the first card for this exact challenge back in November 2018 !!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day, we will be spending most of it at the hospital.

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                                        xxxxxx


  1. Morning Everyone

    Two lovely 'throwback' cards SANDRA.
    Hope everything goes well today.

    I have to photograph my CC for this week today and then it will be a 'see what happens day' as nothing is planned.

    The CAFE is OPEN of course for all to pop in for a cuppa and a chat or just to escape for a little peace and quiet if needed.

    HUGS are on their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends who are in need.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Karen-Happy Birthday 🍰 🎂🍾 hope you have a great day.

    Sandra-two brilliant cards for this challenge. Sounds like you had a busy day. The weather sounded even worse than here-no thunder but everything else.

    We treated ourselves to Fish & Chips (plus Dandelion & Burdock to drink) last night, I went to pick them up in the Car as the weather was so unpredictable.
    I’m off out to Morrison’s soon so hopefully it won’t be busy & I won’t have too much missing from my list that I’ll need from Tesco.


  3. Morning KAREN
    I'm so sorry I forgot to wish you the HAPPIEST OF BIRTHDAYS. Have the best day you can. HUGS a plenty.xxxx

  4. Thank you SANDRA and ladies for your lovely cards and birthday wishes Birthdays are strange this year aren’t they We are going out for a meal later That’ll make it about my 6th trip out out since March as OH does all of the shopping etc So I don’t need to go out apart from a walk for some exercise
    Crafting for me was a total disaster I embossed some die cuts and started glueing them in place with Collal for some wriggle room and managed to get it all over the place Of course it had dried before I could rub it all away I natural light it looks OK but in electric light you can see these shiny smears Ho hum!
    Hope all goes well at the hospital SANDRA
    Take care all xx

    1. Hope you have a lovely birthday Karen. Shame about the glue.

    Have a wonderful day xx
    Off out so see you later ladies, hope your day is good.
    Hugs to all,Maria xx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Two great cards today Sandra. Love both colour ways.
    We also had the Thunder storm, hail & rain. I was coming from Kidlington into Witney & Sainsbury’s.. I sheltered in my car until the hail & the rain had virtually stopped. The car park looked as if we’d had a snow storm. It didn’t really stop raining after that so I didn’t get any walks in. I’m a fair weather Walker. It’s raining again at the moment.
    I’m glad to hear your sisters home Brenda. It must be a relief to you all. Nothing beats your own bed.
    I’m off out to lunch at Hilltop later with friends. I must say they do some lovely food and all the tables are socially distanced. Of course you now have to give your info out just in case.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  7. Not to sure where the question mark came from Karen as it should have been a full stop.

  8. Hi All, windy but dry, you see the size of the seas around us. There have been warnings for days , still a family got swept of rocks into the sea, parents and two youngsters. Why would a parent do this, luckily they launched the life boat and were picked up.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY Karen, enjoy , hope you manage to go out for your meal.

    Sandra two great cards again for today, I’m part way through mine, having to fiddle with them to fit the grid.

    Hope you all keep safe, it’s getting very serious now, why don’t they bring in a lock down now as Wales have done. Hugs to all Lilian

  9. Hi my friends ,I'm back home after a nice breakfast, coffee and doing some people watching at Frost this morning. No walk today, it's raining way too much to make it enjoyable so hoping to make a card this afternoon.
    Love the two on show today and I might try to emboss on Vellum. Love the tree and the tulle is very pretty.
    Did pop in to the chemist for our pills and got the Flu jab at the same time so now that's done.
    Question : My glue has gone watery ? anyone had the same problem ? Also looking for a new Guillotine, any suggestions ?
    Warm hugs to all, it's cold outside xxx

  10. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Karen, have a lovely day and enjoy your meal 😊 xx
    Love your cards today Sandra, great inspiration for Christmas.
    Hope everything goes well at the hospital.
    Have a good rest of the day. Hugs to all xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY KAREN, Hope you are enjoying your special day. Have a lovely meal this evening, love and gentle hugs xxx

    Sandra sounds like you had a very busy yet productive day yesterday. Our weather was fine (even got a load of washing dry outside) until around 3.30 then the sky turned really dark and it started to rain . We both heard one loud clap of thunder but no more after that . Think we were on the edge of your storm. Today has been rain and more rain !!!!

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
