
Tuesday 20 October 2020

More Sparkle & Shine


Good Morning Ladies,

How are you all this fine Tuesday morning?!   
I didn’t get into my craft room yesterday, I was up, dressed and ready by 7.15am after our early start to the day, so I was sat having a cup of tea and Becca called, she said "Mum,  I'm moving house tomorrow and I need a load of Cleaning stuff, do you want to come to B&M Bargains with me?, I haven’t seen Becca since Mum's funeral so I wasn't going to turn down a chance to spend time with her, plus it was a trip to B&M Bargains!!  We got back in time for me to put the kettle on for a cup of tea for Paul getting in from work.  Shopping is a rare treat since Paul has been unable to drive, I was tired by mud afternoon,  I think that is as much to do with getting up (well waking up) at 5am. 

Today's card, which I started to make on Friday and finished on Saturday,  started out as an experiment,  I found some 'Holographic White' Embossing Powder in my draw and thought that it would look effective as snowflakes on a watercolour type background,  so I stamped the snowflakes and used the Holographic Embossing powder, the snowflakes were definitely Holographic but the powder dries totally flat, they weren't even a little bit raised, I stamped onto watercolour card do that I could really wash the ink over the card. I mixed Peacock Feathers & Twisted Citron Distress Oxides on my craft mat and spritzed with water, I swiped my piece of card through the ink a couple of times and dried, I wasnt happy with the effect so I added more ink to the mat and swiped again, once again I dried the piece and I still didn't like how it looked, I was about to toss it in the bin but had a thought....💭🙄 "I wonder if I can blend the same colour distress oxides directly onto the Emboss Resist piece?"  Well, it worked ladies so if you are ever at the point of giving up and throwing your work away just blend some Distress Oxides direct to paper, it blended over the holographic embossing powder beautifully,  it even covered up the bits of ink that I had heat dried but didn't like.                                                                          Next I cleaned off the embossed areas and decided to add my sentiment on a piece of coloured vellum that worked with background colours,  I stamped the sentiment in Versamark and embossed with white embossing powder. I attached the vellum by securing it under the top layer of my card. For extra 'sparkle' I matted onto a piece of matching glitter card. To finish the card I added some sparkles to centres of snowflakes. 
I think it looks ok, hopefully worth saving from bin!  

I hope that you ladies all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-a lovely card today. Don’t blame you for taking the opportunity to go shopping & seeing Becca. We have a B&M bargains but I rarely go in there.

    Crazy day yesterday-two more off sick. One is doubtful and one USA isolating. We have 2 staff that’s have tested positive and both are quite poorly, let’s hope this doesn’t continue.

    Hoping to have a catch up day today but that’s looking unlikely.


    1. Hope you have a better day today Michele.
      Take care & stay as safe as you can.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A lovely card to start the day.

    I had a productive day yesterday re my CC and I hope to finish today. well that's the

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all.
    Biscuit and cake tins are full too so help yourselves.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE. I hope you have a better day MICHELE.xxxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA I bet the holographic looks really good in real life
    I am glad you had a trip out with BECCA I won’t turn down a trip with my daughter either
    I hope your arm isn’t as painful today LYNDA
    Big hugs to to MARGARET MARIA LYNDA and all that need one
    I’ll definitely be back for another cuppa and biscuits later JANET
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Very different colours for a Christmas card today. Looks lovely though.
    How lovely that you were able to go shopping with Becca. I’ve been to the B & M in Wantage many moons ago. I don’t know if it’s still there though. I didn’t know they had one in Swindon. Mind you I rarely go into Swindon. The last time I went was with you and Sue to Greenbridge. That was a few years ago. We had rain overnight and I think it’s spitting with rain now. I think it’s going to be a miserable day today.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Very glad you didn't throw this away for it is one Beautiful card, I love the colours together and the saying is lovely.

    Loved to meet up for a coffee and a biscuit with you all Janet so see you later.
    Can't stop eating ,the last few weeks have been awful and I have left W W for it's no use spending all that money when you can't do the eating right way. Thanks Karen for the hugs, I'm sending you and all our friends on this blog some warm hugs back and hope you all have a good day as possible.
    Take care and stay safe xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA love your card today it's lovely glad you didn't bin it.
    KAREN thank you so much for your Hug's again.Karen my arm just starts aching when I start to do comments I think it's when oh help lifts me up out of the chair as I can't get up on my own.

    MARIA SORRY you have LEFT W W
    It's so hard I've been there so many times. Sending HUG'S.

    MARGARET hope your feeling better sending big hugs xx

    SANDRA PLEASED you enjoyed your trip to B AND M with Becca x

    Sending everyone Big Hug's Love Lynda xx 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

  7. Hi everyone
    Fantastic card today, love the colour combo.
    Glad you managed some time out yesterday with Becca 😊
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    So pleased you didn’t throw this card in the bin, you have certainly turned it into a beautiful creation. The colours blend so well together. Thank you for sharing. xxx

    What a special treat you had yesterday shopping with Becca. It’s lovely when we get to spend time ‘alone together’ If you get my meaning.Hope she will enjoy her new home and the move went well today.

    Nothing much happening around here, we haven’t been out for several days now, although John will go shopping tomorrow as we need a few items. Not stockpiling just replacing what we have used.

    Take care everyone and please stay safe. Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe. I love today’s card, and thank you fir sharing your “happy accident” re blending DO’s over the top of something you’re not happy with.
    Such a shame you probably won’t get to your Mums as I’m sure you and your brother and sisters want to say goodbye to your childhood together xx
    My phone has been left on the side for the last few days but love all of the beautiful challenge cards and also Mondays which is lovely. I will have to have a go as I love the effect.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum, Brenda and all in need. Take care xx
