
Thursday 1 October 2020

Michele's Fantastic Anniversary card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Let's welcome in October, it always feels like the 'middle child' of months, we have said goodbye to the warmer, sunnier months that we all look forward to and then on the other hand we are just waiting for the cold Winter and all the delights that  December brings!  I personally like October,  its the month the trees really change to glorious shades that range from golden yellows to rich dark chocolaty browns and burgundy reds, some of my favourite colours!

Yesterday was the hardest day, for some reason way harder than I had expected, I think that I have been so busy organising Mum's funeral etc,  which was so much harder because of the restrictions caused by Covid-19.  That I haven't allowed myself time to think about losing Mum. So it hit me so hard Yesterday! 
Paul and I were so proud of all of children, they were so strong and particularly the girls for driving all that way there and back. XXX 

Today's amazing card is Michele's Anniversary card for her husband Phil.  I love the design of your card Michele,  romantic without being too slushy.
Burgundy was an accent colour at the wedding, perfect for this time of year, the hint of tartan was a nod to the Bagpipe player too. So much thought went into this very special 26th anniversary card.

Michele's Description:

A very old Leonie Pujol Die for the hearts “All the Love” mixed media set. Was probably a bargain online! 5 x 7 card blank, textured burgundy card plus linen texture white card as a topper. Tartan Card Candi & not a clue where the sentiment die is from-most likely a magazine freebie.

Thank you so much for sharing your card with us Michele XXX

A very quiet day planned for us today,  Paul has his Hospital appointment this afternoon, fingers crossed for that please. 

Thank you all so much for your kindness,  love and support, 

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope you all managed to sleep last night as you’d be exhausted. Definitely keeping my fingers crossed for a positive outcome for Paul today. Hopefully you can relax after the appointment and just chill together.

    Thank you for showing my card. Phil surprised me yesterday & managed to get a flight home , he arrived home about 8:30pm so we had Pizza and garlic bread! Unless we’re in total lockdown, we have a table booked at our favourite place on Saturday evening so we can have a delayed celebration.

    I wonder what delights work will bring today. I’m hoping to find out where the flu vaccine clinics are so I can have mine. All the staff are offered a flu vaccine-helps us stay in work!


    1. Us too MICHELE We’ve all been offered the flu jab including non-frontline staff

    2. I meant to say your card is lovely for Phil and how lovely he was able to get home What a lovely surprise

    3. What a lovely surprise that Phil came home so you got an evening together. Very nice card xx

  2. You did it SANDRA! You’ll never stop grieving and it will come in waves Allow it to happen Let critter be an ear for you!
    I hope PAUL’s appointment goes OK I suppose you’re still not able to go in with him it if you are make sure you get a wheelchair just in case the stupid alarm goes off again
    It’s all systems go The Garden was going to be started on 12th but they’re coming today Yikes!
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    You never stop grieving but as time goes by the grief changes.I'll be thinking of Paul this afternoon and I have everything crossed that things go well.

    It will be another sorting/finding day for me today.

    I'm still waiting for our surgery to get in touch re my flu jab.

    The CAFE as usual is OPEN for you all to pop in for a cuppa.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. There is nothing I'd like more today than sitting in the cafe surrounded by you, my dearest friends ❤

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card that you made for Phil for your Anniversary. Lovely that he was able to get home.
    I’ve yet to book my flu jab appointment the phone is always busy. I think I’ll have to call in the surgery. They now have a desk downstairs from the surgery where you can do that I was told. Hope Paul’s appointment goes ok.
    It’s brighter this moeprning, yesterday it poured with rain from 11.00. Hope I get a walk in before it starts today that’s if it’s going to.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    MICHELE LOVE your anniversary card for Phil. How lovely he was able to surprise you returning home early. I’m sure it made you day.

    Sandra I hope you managed some sleep last night although your mind probably didn’t want to switch off, it was a long and exhausting day for you all, your girls were stars, being supportive and strong and driving all that distance, I know what a proud Mum (and Dad) you are, yesterday was also a day for giving yourself a pat on the back and saying I/we must have done something right - what thoughtful, caring and lovely (inside and out) daughters we have. xx Now It’s time for you to have some “me time” sleep, cry, craft, whatever you feel like doing or giving into, but please give yourself some space to grieve.

    Hope Paul’s appointment goes well, tell him to make a list of questions to ask and not to be embarrassed about referring to it during the consultation. Tell him that came from me and I will be the fly on the wall checking on him. ha ha xx

    I’m surprised some of you ladies are still waiting for your flu jab. I had a text over three weeks ago offering me an appointment, I rang to confirm and the receptionist asked would John like to come along at the same time. We arrived early but they were so well organised and saw us immediately, we were getting back in the car before our appointment time.

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs. Brenda xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Good luck and fingers crossed for Paul this afternoon.

    SIL tried to book a flu jab appointment and in St Albans where they live now , had run out !
    OH and I will be called to our surgery now in October.

    Sending extra hugs for you Sandra and for your family.
    You can never put a time on grieving, it will someday be a bit easier tho but until then take care x

    Hope you all have a good day.hugs to all, Maria xx

  7. Hi everyone
    Love your card Michele. So happy Phil got a flight home to surprise you and you were able to spend time together. Fingers crossed you get out for your special meal on Saturday xx
    Hope Paul’s appointment went well Sandra and you can now start to relax and have some time to yourselves after all you’ve been through xx
    Hope everyone is having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    This is a lovely anniversary card Michele. Love the little touches that make it so personal. That’s the beauty of making your own cards isn’t it. What a great surprise to have Phil at home last night unexpectedly x
    Sandra, it’s good to hear all went well yesterday. Now is your time grieve so please be gentle on yourself. No surprise that you are proud of your beautiful children Glad Sophie and Lucy managed the drive. It’s a long way to go. Our fingers are tightly crossed that Paul gets on well today xx
    Karen, how exciting. Please keep us up to date with the garden. And don’t forget to take photos. We always forget to take any “before” shots of different things! X
    I’m feeling sorry for myself as my joints are not good at all again today. Roll on spring 😏
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love Lynda xx
