
Wednesday 7 October 2020

Another Challenge card - Circles


Good Morning Ladies, 

We had sunshine yesterday which was a welcome change to the constant rain of the last few days. 

The for sale sign went up on Mum's house yesterday and within an hour we got a viewing booked.  Fingers crossed it isn't someone just wanting to be nosey, Mum was very private you see, visitors never got further than a cuppa at the kitchen table.  In fact back when we were young we never went into the lounge until after tea, it was like it was 'the best' room.  My Nana was the same, we never got to sit in her lounge or 'front room' as she called it. We always played in the kitchen/dining room.   I think things were looked after better or valued more back then, my Nana had the same fridge (that was huge), top loading washing machine with a mangle on top and little gas cooker that had this little pen type thing that sat in a holder on side of the cooker, you used it to light the rings, when she went into a care home, they had lasted her whole married life.  Things just don't last like that these days!! 

This was a similar style to my Nana's, if it was chilly she would put oven on low and sit with her feet in the oven! 

Back to present day....on to today's card...

I die cut a circle card base and matted and layered with Cherry Cobbler card, I used the free stamps featured in the Creative Stamping Magazine that I shared on the weekend.  
The stamps are Christmas Roses, I stamped them into a wreath and added the Holly leaves in between,  I used my Polychromos to colour everything,  I coloured and fussy cut some smaller Christmas Roses to pop on top of the Holly leaves to give some dimension.  I used some Old Olive ribbon across the circle and finished with bow. 
I stamped the 'Seasons Greetings' sentiment onto the centre circle and raised it up on foam pads so that it stood out from the background.  I finished the centres of each rose with a tiny gemstone.           I chose to use Cirles for this challenge card.  

I hope that you all have a lovely day, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is beautiful. The colouring is just gorgeous.

    I think we have become far too “throw away” now. I have an iPhone 6 which works absolutely fine and I use it a lot, I mean a lot. I do virtually everything on my phone. We’re being encouraged to download the Test & Trace app by the government and also at work but guess what-my phone is too old to download it!! I’m not buying a new phone just got that. We’re being told to turn it off at work as there would be too many alerts because we’re a Hospital. Not quite sure I see the point of downloading it then.
    Cases are definitely increasing-we now have 4 Covid wards, just hoping we can continue to do routine surgery for the people who have been waiting months .

    Best stop there & get ready to go to work!!!


    1. My phone is old too and so cannot download the App either The whole thing is just falling down around our ears sadly

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA. Lovely and bright to start a grey start to the day here.

    Sorry I haven't benn in for a couple of days but we've had some new windows and doors fitted.We thought we might as well have all the upset etc at one go so we can now relax and know there isn't any more big jobs to be done.
    My day today will be sorting things out and I have everything crossed that I might be able to make a start on a CC but I'm not holding my breath.

    The CAFE of course is always open neat and tidy for everyone to pop in to escape for a while.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx
    Thank you for showing my card yesterday.It was a lovely surprise.

  3. I do like circles on cards etc I thinks it’s that “a circle never ends” feeling Your card is gorgeous SANDRA How was PAUL’s second day at work “taxi” service working OK?
    You’ll certainly feel the benefit of having new windows and doors through the winter
    Garden is coming along nicely It will look very bare when finished but tidier- no cracked and deteriorating path etc
    Hope you managed to get some sleep MARIA Big hugs to you LYNDA and MARGARET
    Take care all xx

    1. Glad to hear the garden is coming along. Will be lovely when it’s finished xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Love your card today, and those beautiful Christmas roses.
    Glad to hear there’s interest in your mums house, fingers crossed it won’t take too long to sell.
    I remember we used to sit in the dining room at my nan’s house and only went into the lounge on a few occasions. Could’ve been because she always made a treacle tart for us and I remember sitting at the table eating that.....ooooh it was delicious 😊
    They said on the news this morning, that this could be the second spike of Covid with the number of cases rising again. I haven’t downloaded the app - my phone needs upgrading, so I might do it when I get around to getting a new one. Not sure if it’s worth it for me though, as I don’t really go anywhere. Mark downloaded it, due to doing gigs so it’s worth it for him.
    Janet, lovely to get all the work done at once, and before the winter sets in.
    Maria, hope OH’s procedure goes well, and he’s not too hungry.
    Have a good day everyone. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Hope Barney’s behaving himself Sonia. I saw that my next door neighbour also has her puppy. A tiny bundle of fluff. I think it’s a cavapoo. A cross between a King Charles spaniel & a poodle. Poodles apparently don’t shed hairs. Karen has 5 dogs in her house and they seem to take precedence sofa wise over the adults. 3 are hers & 2 granddaughters have one each. But Amber is at college & Livvy works long hours so guess who has to walk 5 dogs in between her work hours.

    2. Yes Pat, he is.....most of the time πŸ˜‚ He’s a right little character, and even though we’ve blocked off certain areas (behind armchair, where there’s cables) he’s still trying to get through there 🐾 He is doing really well and settled in and we are getting into a routine with him. He tries to jump up on the sofa, but can’t make it yet, so I bring him up for cuddles on my lap πŸ₯°
      Yes, poodles are known for not shedding hair and being of the reasons we went for a cockapoo.
      Sounds like Karen is kept busy with 5 dogs xx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely Christmas card using circles Sandra. I’ve just finished a couple of cards that will probably fit the bill this week. Hope Paul’s lift remembered to pick him up and that he’s not straining his eyes to much.
    Hope Ricks procedure goes well Maria.
    Sounds bad up your areas Michele & Janet. I just wish people would follow the rules. It’s really scary how Covids spreading. Hope the garden gets finished soon Karen. Good to have all the big jobs done at once Janet.

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love your card Sandra with those beautiful Christmas roses they fit perfectly within your circle card. Strangely enough I have been playing with circles thinking they would fit this challenge. Watch this space! Once again thank you for the inspiration.
    Hope work wasn’t too exhausting for Paul again yesterday I’m sure by now he’s beginning to settle in again, just hope they can get his cataract sorted quite soon.

    MARIA Hope Rick is okay and managed to stop his tummy rumbling and making empty noises during the last 24 hours. Fingers crossed all goes well for him XX

    This Covid is really worrying, both grandsons, one in Nottingham and the other in Sheffield are in isolation, the one in Sheffield his accommodation has ten students and two have shown symptoms, the one in Nottingham was out with a friend 9 days ago who has since tested positive, neither are showing symptoms but you can’t be to careful, it’s not even safe to bring them home - just in case. So we will have to hope and pray they haven’t contacted it. 🀞

    KAREN pleased the garden is coming along nicely, it will take time for plants to establish and complete your little haven but enjoy your special space as it develops. xx

    JANET How lovely you have got some new windows and doors, with the new central heating you are going to be so snug and warm this winter. xx

    Have a good day everyone, Love Brenda xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Oh what a lovely card Sandra, it looks great in a circle and the flowers from the new stamping magazine are perfect.

    Michele- hope your day is ok.
    Janet- how lovely with new windows, doors and now you have nice heating for the winter. Your house be so nice and cosy. We had cavity insulation done some years ago and it helped a lot but have notice some water inside the bedroom windows so maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have it done after all😐
    Karen- it will look so good come Spring. Will you have new grass and some plants too ?
    Sonia- how little Barney doing ? did he sleep alright during the night ? My sister leaving some clothing of hers in the basket where the pups sleeping, that seem to settle some but it's not always work when she found them in the bedroom making crying noises. It's a bit of a madhouse when she got 1 or 2 sets of puppies at times 😁
    Brenda- one just have to keep everything crossed and hope the boys are keeping safe. The risk is everywhere.
    Thank you all for wishing OH luck. His back home , everything looked good and he have not stopped eating the last 2 hours πŸ˜„ My sleeping patterns are all over the place at the moment but hope to stay up all day now so can go to bed at some more normal time hopefully.
    Lynda- glad to see you in yesterday, hope you take care.
    Pat- can you still be visiting Doreen ? Hope your day is good.
    Cheryl- hope you are alright, missing seeing you around.

    Have a nice day everyone. Hugs all around xxx

    1. Barney slept well last night, only up with him twice 😊 Mark just been out to buy a baby monitor so I am going to sleep back upstairs tonight.....he hasn’t heard Barney at all during the night so fingers crossed he will now 😊
      Sounds like your sister is very busy with all the pups.
      Glad OH procedure went well. Making up for lost time eating now after not being able to πŸ˜€ Hope you sleep well tonight xx

  8. Hi Everyone, wet here again.

    Sandra lovely card today, very pretty Christmas roses.

    Still putting things away in the kitchen, they were back yesterday, to finish off, but the doors for my island were the wrong size, so have to wait for those to be finished.

    Hoping to get time tomorrow to make this weeks card.

    Have a good afternoon. Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love your card Sandra so pretty
    SONIA hopefully Barney is settling into home life now
    MARIA hope Ric is OK after hospital visit and you have fed him🀣🀣🀣
    The covid19 Harry's dinner lady and teachers helper has tested positive and he was sent home Monday for two weeks isolation
    Then Joseph said a girl in his year has also tested positive. But as he
    Wasn't in the same area he wasn't sent home
    Bloody virus so worrying.
    Love Lynda xx
