
Thursday 22 October 2020

A Groovi Christmas card


Good Morning Ladies, 

Well what a wash out of  day yesterday was (weather wise of course), it rained pretty much all day here, when it's constant rain it just makes you feel miserable,  the whole house seemed dark all day. Like most of you it makes your joint aches 10 times worse too.
I did have an unexpected (only because i didn't get a text due to rubbish phone service) treat that really brightened my day, there was a knock at the door, I fully expected it to be the postman, as I got to the foor I was greeted with a lovely smile instead, (to be honest I couldn't see the smile for the mask but you can just tell some people's expressions from their eyes, something we will all learn to recognise in time.!! ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜
Anyway the lovely smile belonged to Sue, it was a lovely surprise and made me realise how much I have missed our crafty afternoons.  We didn't even stop for lunch, we had a cup of tea and headed straight into the craft room, I got to have a flick through Sue's  Die Cutting Essentials Magazine, I have to say that I really like the free die and there were some great inspiration ideas too.

For the rest of the afternoon we both got on with our own projects, mine was the card that I featured today.
I started the card yesterday while Pat was round, I had taken a Hazel Edwards Class by Email and Pat had done same one but by post, we got different projects though .  Pat kindly let me use her Groovi plate, although I did order myself the set because there is a huge HALF Price sale on the Pergamano website, that includes the Clarity paper pads. 
So I sat and embossed my design on Tuesday and then coloured it with my Polychromos yesterday. 
I added glitter to the leafy fronds to give a bit of Christmas Sparkle.  I didn't have the Clarity pad that Hazel used so I used Peacock Feathers Distress Oxide to create my background paper, I used it to create one of the layers too.
I quite like how it turned out, I hope you do too.

I hope that today is a little brighter for all of you,  

Love and hugs to all of you



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-you Card is stunning. It’s so beautiful. How lovely to have s surprise visit from Sue. I know what you mean about trying to work out who is behind the mask-someone said hello to me the other day in Tesco and I didn’t have a clue who it was! Eventually I realised-this lady had lost 3 & 1/2 stone to be fair so she looked completely different.

    We were all swabbed at work on Tuesday & the results are due out today. It’s because of the high number of cards that are increasing in the region. Not sure what the plan is if a significant number come back positive. We still have 2 staff members off sick who are positive, both quite poorly.

    I’m hoping for a less stressful & more productive day today.-fingers crossed.


    1. Fingers crossed your test comes back negative Michele.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Oh SANDRA what a fantastic card this morning. Sooooo beautiful.I must get my Groovi plates out.

    Well I has a busy day yesterday trying to keep myself from having to think about going back into Lockdown on Saturday. It's the one thing I've been dreading but I have to say it is NEEDED. I just do not understand how people cannot comply with the rules and just think that they don't apply to them.

    Anyway I have to photograph my CC this morning and then try some crafting.

    The CAFE is of course always OPEN for you all.Coffee/Tea/Hot Choc are just waiting for you all.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. Your card is stunning SANDRA and how lovely to get a surprise visit from SUE I miss crafting along with friends
    I hope the tests come back OK MICHELE and I dread going back into lockdown I don’t think we’re anywhere close and I don’t go out very much anyway but I would miss not seeing the grandchildren dreadfully
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning everyone.
    Beautiful groovi card Sandra, love it. How nice to get a surprise visit from our Sue and some crafting together.

    I wish all goes alright for you Michele and for anyone still working ,that you have a good day.

    It's Thursday so our outing to Frost is next, raining a bit so not sure of a walk but hoping it is not like yesterday's rain, ooh it was so dark and horrid.
    Hoping to make a card this afternoon as yesterday didn't happen for still had so much to tidy up.

    Have a nice day everyone, hugs xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies
    We have budding groovy crafter your card is gorgeous & so pretty well done Sandra.
    Have you got a date for Paul's operation. YOU sure get great service for your £/ so hope they can do both eyes at once.
    We have sunshine at the moment don't think it will be last lots of black clouds
    Love Hug's Lynda xxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a gorgeous card. I love how delicate the details are and also love the colour. Peacock feathers DO is still my most favourite colour, it seems to fit fit so many occasions. It was lovely to see you yesterday although it was a surprise for you. Using text messages instead of actually talking to each other does have its problems. It was good to see that Paul got such positive news from the surgeon. Fingers crossed you will have the date very soon now so you all can get back to “normal” even though that’s not 100% possible re COVID etc. my lovely xx
    And talking of COVID it makes me so cross to see that so many people are continuing to blatantly ignore safety rules. We only have to see how Michele and Janet (thinking of you both) are feeling as they are having to go backwards due to all of the selfish people who are out and about each and every day socialising and shopping as if they are immune! They are the ones that are spreading this awful disease and they should all be fined large amounts of money as that will probably be the only way to make them stop as clearly they don’t have a conscience! Right soap box away now.
    I hope you all have some of the blue sky we have here at the moment. It was so grey earlier but I hope it stays like this for the rest of the day xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hi everyone
    Love your beautiful card today.
    How lovely of Sue to surprise you with a visit, and glad you both managed to craft together ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Much better weather here today, but feeling a bit chilly.
    Hope your results are good news Michele xx
    I’ve got an antibody test to do, which were available through work. Be interested to know if I’ve had it.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A bit late today.
    Your card looks lovely Sandra I’m glad you managed to finish it and the background looks lovely. Just need to do the middle bit around the edge and decide what I’m putting in the middle circle. That might be a job for tomorrow before I see Doreen. I’m glad to see you have a date for Paul’s op. It doesn’t seem possible that they can put different lenses. I wonder what happens then if your prescription changes.
    Take care & stay safe especially Michele & Janet.
