
Saturday 26 September 2020

Mixed Up Saturday Featuring Michele's Magazine Review


Happy Birthday Cheryl 

Good Saturday Morning Ladies, 

Please join me in wishing our dear friend Cheryl a very Happy Birthday,  I hope restrictions don't stop you from having a lovely day. XXX 

Oh it feels really Autumnal outside again today, the heating has gone back on to timer ⏲️, when we got up early yesterday morning everything felt so chilly, even the toilet seat, which was a bit of a shock ๐Ÿ˜ฒ!! 

I wanted to share a picture (above) of the Cute critter that Karen kindly gifted to me recently, I have to say that myself and my girls have hugged and thrown him across the room, although we felt a bit guilty being mean to him, it's such a genius idea to gift something that someone can hug, cry on, shout and scream at and as Karen said 'throw across the room in temper'' the girls just wanted to try him out, so they threw him at each other, it worked as they ended up crying with laughter, which had Paul and I doing the same.  I have asked Karen to make one for the girls too, so that they can have their own, that also means that they can keep their hands off mine!  Karen you are on to a winner with this idea, such a unique gift idea, my girls have always had a 'comforter' they have a 'lello' which was their word for 'Yellow', it started out as a yellow, brushed cotton cot sheet, with little Winnie the Pooh's on, they both have one (they had matching bedding), maybe it's a twin thing that they both ended up with the exact same comforter, they now resemble a piece of grey rag, they both still have them under their pillows today. So cute bless them, they are so excited to receive their own critter. Thanks so much Karen XXX

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies 

Diecutting Essentials has a brilliant free gift this month which can be used for so many occasions.

Here’s the magazine with the free gift-photos got a bit mixed up or maybe it was me that’s mixed up!!

First feature using the free gift.

More ideas using the free gifts, nice ideas for craft projects.

Clean & Simple card ideas using the free gift. Theses would be quite easy to copy using other Dies

Another feature on how to create your own stamps to match your Dies. Nice cards in this article.

Great article on Mono prints and it seems easy enough to do.

Brilliant feature on hinged Diecutting, making some gorgeous cards.

Great to see someone using a basic set of Dies and producing 5 very different cards

Part two of this article.

Some great ideas for gift tags.

More ideas.

I’m sure most of us  haven’t go this Die but it gives us a few ideas perhaps using what we already have in our stash.

Part two.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting.

Love Michele

Thanks so much Michele for a fantastic Magazine Review,  it looks as though all of the articles are new and not recycled from other magazines!  which is a bonus, I was actually thinking about formally complaining about the repeated articles in my magazines but I 'm pretty sure that they would say that they had to recycle some features because of Covid-19!!                                                                     There are some great features in this issue,  I am biased as I love a wreath card, so the free gift is right up my street!  Having said that there are some great features showing how to use the free gift to make other projects.                                                      There are a couple of really great features encouraging you to get the most out of your Crafting.   The first is a feature showing how to use but parts of die cut cutting, both the inny and outy!!  The second feature showing you how to look at your older dies and use them with the 'Hinged' technique,  to breathe new life into them. 

Thank you so much Michele for a great review,  another fantastic Magazine. XXX

Thats all for today Ladies,  I hope  you have a lovely weekend. 

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                                                                                              xxxxxx 


  1. Morning Ladies

    Cheryl-Happy Birthday.

    Sandra-love the critter Karen sent you. He looks cute. I’m sure he’ll be thrown around quite a bit this next week!

    I made last weeks challenge cards using this wreath Die and I have some more ideas-just neee to make the effort & try them out!
    We have a very breezy day but there’s sunshine. Definitely cooler as the heating has kicked in, it’s come on the last few mornings.

    I’m off to the butchers then Dobbies for some winter pansies. Will try to plant them tomorrow-we have a huge pot at the front which is looking sad now-I need to pull out the summer bedding plants & replace them with the pansies. Might head into my craft room after that.


  2. Happy Birthday CHERYL
    I am so pleased you like the critter I cannot take credit for the idea - a friend made an animal to send to her daughter to cheer her up because of lockdown, working from home, etc So as I was making it when your awful news came through I thought shall I shan’t I ..?
    Thank you again MICHELE for the magazine review Die cutting Essentials is one of my favourite magazines
    It’s is bright here but certainly cooled down I need to go for a walk today at least and tidy up my craft room OH has rearranged things so that I can have a second monitor for working
    Take care all xxx

  3. Morning everyone.

    Happy Birthday Cheryl, hope you will have a good day !

    Oh Karen, you will be busy. I can see we all like to have one of these critters to cuddle but saying that, I already got a big owl and a Cheetah from you to cuddle ☺
    Great magazine review Michele. One that I would like to have so will see if I can get hold of one. Have a nice weekend x

    It's +7c outside but feels like +2c so will get the windproof jacket out for our walk this morning. Brrrr!
    Janet- I hope you got some heating going back into your house by now for you will need it. Hope you alright x
    Have a nice Saturday everyone( I thought it was Friday,oops) Stay warm, safe and have a cuddle from me ,if you need more then 1 there are plenty inside the door ๐Ÿ’ž Maria xx

  4. Hi Sandra &ladies
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL. I hope you have a lovely day despite Covid.
    Love the critter Karen. A great idea for when you feel you want to throw something.
    Windy & cold here but the sun is out. Like Maria I’m out for a walk in a minute.
    Lovely magazine reviews Michele as usual. Hope your machine isn’t still keeping you awake Karen.
    Amber is home again this weekend as her friends were going home. So I’ll pop up and say hullo later.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday Cheryl, have a lovely day xx
    Oh I love the little critter made by Karen. Think we could all do with one of him at times!
    Busy weekend here, preparing for the arrival of Barney, the cockapoo pup, next Saturday. Need to have a good clear up and move things around a bit ๐Ÿถ
    Have a lovely weekend. Sending hugs to you all xxx

    1. Sorry, I forgot to say a great magazine review Michele, lots of good articles in there xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    KAREN I love your CRITTER I would love to have Critter HUG.
    CHERYL A VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAVE a lovely day ❤️๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ’.
    SONIA how lovely getting a cockerpoo puppy
    The weather is rubbish today cold
    Rain WIND
    MICHELE thank you for your magazines review
    Sending you all some Hug's
    Love Lynda xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHERYL, I hope you are able to celebrate and enjoy your special day. XXX
    KAREN I love your critter, I can visualise Sophie, Lucy, Sandra and Paul crying with laughter as he was being thrown around, a good giggle Is often the best tonic we can have, in fact it is just the tonic they all needed.
    MICHELE thank you for your magazine review. There is an interesting article on page 82 of this magazine it’s focusing on a new machine Cricut Joy, does anyone know anything about this machine? it looks very interesting, but for now I’m keeping my hands firmly behind my back so as not to grab the bankcard. Ha ha
    Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend I wish it was a bit warmer though.
    Take care love and hugs Brenda XXX

  8. Hello, thought I’d done this morning, mind being affected by the noise here. They are coming on now, beginning to look like a kitchen again.

    Cheryl hope you had a lovely birthday, despite Covid 19.

    Karen great critter for Sandra, you are clever.

    Michele great mag review again ,you spend a lot of time doing them.

    Managed to freeze a big lot of runner beans today, sat outside in the sun doing them, the wind was chilly, but warm in the sun.

    Not much else going on, hugs to all .Lilian
