
Monday 21 September 2020

Man card Monday


Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well and enjoyed a weekend of lovely weather. We got a few garden jobs done and relaxed and then I started the mammoth task of sorting my craft room out!! You ever wish you hadn't starting something!  I wanted to do it properly so I started reorganising the shelves where my stamps are on, I got Paul to turn it round so that i could access all of the shelves.  I ordered some A4 wallets and some more Magazine storage racks to keep the stamps from Magazines in etc. Fingers crossed I will finish it today so that i can sit and do some Crafting x

Today's card is one I made using the papers and stamps from the Indigo Blu magazine. I stamped the Hot Air balloon once onto the piece of decorative paper I had cut and mounted to my card base, I then stamped it again onto another piece of the paper and fussy cut it,  I then covered it with clear ink and added clear embossing powder,  the shine doesn't show up on the picture but it is there,  i mounted the balloon onto its matching base stamp and then used some of the other stamps to decorate the background.                                                                I fussy cut the sentiments from one of the sheets in the magazine,  I added some thicker card behind them for stability and popped some foam pads on the back .                                                                             I think it makes a good 'Man Card' ! 

I hope that you all have a lovely day today,  Janet I hope your heating system installation goes smoothly, Lilian I hope that your Kitchen is coming along nicely,  I can't wait to see it !!   Lynda I hope you are recovering from your fall my lovely xx

Love and hugs to all of you,

Sandra                                                                          xxxxxx       



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great Male Card, it’s brilliant & could be used for many occasions.

    Walked to the beach yesterday-oh my goodness was it busy. Cars abandoned everywhere as the beach car park was closed due to high tides. It was lovely and warm plus we go into a local lockdown (the whole of Merseyside) from tomorrow morning so no doubt that made it busier. We gave up and walked home so I sat outside for a while reading. Can’t believe it’s Monday already.


  2. I agree MICHELE - Monday already?!?!?
    Great Man card SANDRA Could also make a terrific Bon Voyage card or as it’s that time of year a Good Luck card to anyone going to university etc
    Good luck with the tidying up SANDRA I really need to have sort out especially now that my craft room is my office
    Hope the “builds” are going OK LILIAN and JANET
    I hope the pain and bruising is easing LYNDA
    I’m glad you were able to relax a bit yesterday SANDRA We had a lovely afternoon in the garden at my sister in law’s
    Take care all xx

  3. Hello, lovely sunny day here, bedding washed and on the line.

    Sandra, great man card, love hot air balloons , must get out mine out and have a play. Hope the tidying goes well.

    Kitchen fitters day off today, worked all day sat, he looks very young, but he works very hard, never takes a break, has lunch on the go. The cupboards are in work tops tomorrow, the the doors. Sink not arrived yet, apparently they are in short supply, first one came cracked.

    Will go out in the garden this afternoon have some new bulbs to plant, hope you all have a lovely day, enjoy the weather, rain is on the way. Lilian

  4. Hi everyone
    Fantastic card today 😊
    Hope you manage to finish sorting your craft room. Yes, I often start things and wish I hadn’t, in fact, I tend not to start in the first place when I think about what a mammoth task it will be! 😂
    Hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying the last of the lovely weather - it’s going to be 10 degrees cooler by the weekend!
    Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi all.
    Great man card Sandra. Love how you made the background. Would love to go in a hot air balloon and we nearly did once but in the end we left it.
    Not having a good day myself but I hope you all had a chance to be outdoors in the lovely sunshine at some point.
    Sending love and hugs to you all xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Thank you for all of the beautiful cards you have shared over the last few days. My challenge card for last week is still sitting 3/4 finished!!!
    Love this weeks choices.
    I’m so happy that you have had some phone free time as you need to have some relaxing time my lovely. Anyone that’s cares about you will completely understand that you don’t need to be picking up the phone every five minutes to talk to them. It’s good to hear you have been reading a book. I always hate getting to the end of a really good one especially if you don’t have another one ready. Over the last few years I have started to read more series by different authors, some recommended by Gem which means you get to enjoy the same style of writing for longer. Sitting in a beach and staring out to sea always eases my mind so completely understand why you feel the need so much at the moment, especially as you missed your annual top up. Anyway make yourself relax as much as you can my lovely. I hope the craft room gets sorted quickly. I am going to copy your genius idea of storing craft magazines along with their freebie stamps etc in A4 plastic wallets. That way they are much more likely to be used more. Big gentle hugs for you my lovely.
    Lynda sending gentle hugs from Mum and I. So sorry you have fallen again. Please have a good honest talk with whichever GP you find the best, remember it doesn’t have to be your named GP x
    Lilian I hope the new sink doesn’t take too long to turn up. Typical that it is that which is damaged as it is such an important part of the kitchen isn’t it. Your fitter sounds really good though x
    Janet I hope the house isn’t too bad for too long. Just think of the better heating and lower bills hopefully once it is all done x
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Great man card, I love the background.

    Hope you managed to make a start on your craft room and reclaim your space. Did Sophie offer to help?

    Had a lovely day again, started off dull but by mid morning it was beautiful sunny and warm and stayed Like that well into the afternoon, I have sent most of the day outside enjoying the weather.

    Hope you ladies have all had a good day, Love Brenda xxx
