
Tuesday 15 September 2020

An 18th Birthday Card


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all enjoying this unexpected but delightful weather, we were able to sit outside in the garden and read our books for a while yesterday afternoon, at the moment we are taking every opportunity to make the most of a quiet few minutes, which I really feel I need at the moment.

We are travelling over to Mum's tomorrow to sort a few things out, we have an appointment with the Funeral director, we are also going to Mum's chosen place to choose a spot for her ashes.  Paul is still unable to drive so thankfully our Becca is taking the day off to drive us over, I will be relieved to get these things done but I am very apprehensive about going to Mum's house, we have to choose her outfit etc which is going to be really hard, although there is no shortage of choice, to say Mum had a 'thing' for clothes is an understatement.  We will have an awful lot to donate to charity, I bet at least a third of it will still have tags on. Luckily my sisters will be there so we will go through things together, hopefully having a giggle about some of the things we find.

Today's card is an 18th Birthday card for a girl that isn't really 'girly', so no Flowers, shoes, handbags etc, I remembered that I had some lovely card from SU a few years back that had almost a 'Camoflage' pattern with peachy pinks and gold, so I used that and some gold Mirri card to mat and layer and die cut some of the numbers and letters with, I couldn't really capture the shine on camera but it looked really effective, so I was pleased with how the card turned out. I will say that I love these new label shapes from Stampin Up!

I hope that you all have an enjoyable day,

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great Card today. Perfect for a non girly 18th Birthday.
    Hope you get chance to relax today before heading over to your Mums house tomorrow. Not a pleasant job but hopefully you can have s laugh with your sisters.

    As yesterday was full of problems & issues to deal with (from the moment I walked in to work) I’m hoping today is slightly better!


    1. Fingers crossed you have a better day today at work Michele.

    2. Michele hope you're day is going better than yesterday sending
      Some Hug's for you.

  2. Morning Everyone
    A really good choice for a 'non girly' card.
    This is one area I really struggle with.

    It will be really difficult tomorrow SANDRA but with your Sister's along I'm sure you will be fine.

    Still going to have another really quiet day today.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual so pop in wheneveer you can.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. A great card for a non-girly girl I had similar issues for my daughter’s birthday which is today I ended up doing one with one of her favourite tipples on
    I hope work is calmer MICHELE
    Tomorrow will be a difficult one but you’re expecting it to be and might not as bad as you think You’ll get through it and you’ll have PAUL and BECCA with you as well as your sisters
    We’re off to visit our daughter later Oscar will be at school (shame) but hopefully I’ll get a cuddle with Charlie
    Take care all xx

    1. Enjoy your cuddles with Charlie Karen.

    2. Sorry forgot Happy Birthday to Charlotte

    3. Happy Birthday to Charlotte. Have a nice day x

    4. Hope Charlotte had a lovely birthday, she shares her birthday with our daughter Debbie, who spent her birthday in Yorkshire on a business trip, she traveled up yesterday and visited a couple of sites before spending the night In Leeds with granddaughter, she is renting a studio flat this academic year. They were able to go out for a meal last night, this morning finished off her site visits and was on her way south just after 2pm so made it home for her birthday tea with her other two children and husband.

  4. Hi everyone
    Great card today, love the papers.
    Glad you were able to relax yesterday, enjoying the sunshine and reading. I hope you manage to have a relaxing day today aswell, before going to your Mum’s tomorrow.
    Hope work is better today for you Michele.
    Janet, enjoy your quiet day.
    Karen, Happy Birthday to your Daughter and enjoy your cuddles with Charlie.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely non girly card today.
    You’ll have your sisters there to help you Sandra tomorrow. So hopefully you’ll have some laughs while your sorting.
    Another non day yesterday. I decided to sit in the garden yesterday afternoon and read.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  6. Morning ladies.
    Great card Sandra for someone non girly.
    Tomorrow will be a tough day but you have Paul,Rebecca and your sisters around so hopefully you can all remember happier times.
    Michele- hope you day is better at work, take care.
    Janet- have a nice relaxing day, hope you got the nice weather in your corner of the country too.
    Lynda- hope your day is alright. Hugs for you and Terry.
    Sue- yes we had a lovely outing to Frost and it feel very safe. They have a good system going so hope we can go once a week. Be good for OH to get out a bit extra.
    We went for an earlier walk as it is already warm and all the beds are stripped so machine is going for full.
    Take care all and have a nice day as possible. Hugs xxx

  7. Hello All, from a rainy Cornwall, have two loads of towels to dry so hopefully the rain will pass.

    Sandra great card for non girly girl, love the paper.

    We are still struggling with no kitchen, the plasterer is here today, as they have had to ditch my lovely Italian tiles. Apparently tiles are not the thing now.

    Hope you all have a good day whatever you are doing. Hugs to all Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love today’s non girly card and I agree that the pattern is very camouflage like isn’t it.
    We will be thinking of you tomorrow. It will be hard but no doubt there will be some giggles and some tears too with your sisters. I hope you and Paul are getting some peace and quiet in the garden today xx
    It is certainly very hot here today. I popped outside to get something out of the car and that was enough for me! I’m going to start and maybe even finish a challenge card shortly.
    Brenda, I’m glad you got your card finished. I often find that I end up spending lots of unexpected time on one part of a card too. It’s so annoying isn’t it! X
    Lilian, fashions and I don’t just mean clothing do change don’t they. Another 10 years and your beautiful tiles will probably be back in fashion again won’t they. I hope it’s all going to the planned time table x
    Michele, I hope your day is better than yesterday x
    Maria, I’m glad you and OH enjoyed your trip out. Some places are really organised and others don’t seem to really take it seriously at all. Hope you are having a nice day x
    Karen, happy birthday to Charlotte. I hope you got some cuddles with Charlie x
    Hope you all are having a good day. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    A lovely card Sandra beautiful card for a non girly card
    Hope today goes well
    Not a nice job sorting through mum's clothes. Glad your sister is with you.
    No different for me still having walking hurts. I have a doctors
    Phone appointment with my doctor & see what she can do anything for me.
    Love LYNDA XX

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Lovely card Sandra especially for a non girly girl.

    Hope all goes well tomorrow, will be thinking of you. I’m sure there will be laughter and tears, it’s all part of the grieving process and OK to do both, take care. xx

    I have spent most of the afternoon on the phone, it’s just been one of those days.

    Hope everyone is fine and staying safe, take care Love Brenda xxx
