
Tuesday 29 September 2020

A Christmas Challenge card


Good Morning Ladies,

Janet is was lovely to have you 'home' with us, I have certainly missed seeing you in everyday my lovely, I'm glad your heating is sorted and updated, hopefully your new system will save you money, they are usually a lot more efficient, my parents didn't have central heating until about 12 years ago, in face they got the boiler and central heating and double glazed windows at the same time, that made a huge difference to the warmth of their house and their gas bills, it used to worry me sick that they had the same gas fire that they had had for years and little wall mounted gas heaters in the hall, they had no heating at all upstairs, even after they did have radiators fitted my dad would never have the one in the bedroom on, he slept with a window open in Winter and Summer, bless her the radiator was the first thing that Mum switched on when dad passed. 

Today we set off to Colchester, the girls are both taking their cars as Paul still can't drive, bless them I think they are both quite nervous about the journey, it's going to be quite a challenge for both of them, we are splitting up though, Paul is going with Sophie and they are taking Becca and I will go with Lucy, we are taking the flowers, which will probably fill the back of Lucy's mini!

I used my Corner dies from The Works on this Festive version of the card that I shared on Friday. I embossed the background with my new 'Scripty' Embossing Folder. 
This time I used the Rectangle 'Heirloom' Frame instead of the the Oval, I stamped the sentiment in Cherry Cobbler ink to tie in with the Poinsettia's and the mat, it's hard to see but I used Very Vanilla (cream card) for a warmer feel, it also works well with the gold. 
The Poinsettia die I used was a Brittania Die, it is a set of three dies and the small one is perfect for this size card. 
I added a border of Very Vanilla & Gold Ribbon that I finished with double bow on the frame, I arranged the poinsettias around the bow.
I finished the card with those cute little corners die cut in the same matt gold as the frame, popped some matt gold pearls inside the poinsettias, I matted and layered the card with red and green card and finally onto a cream base card.

I am a bit addicted to those frames, it's so unusual to have the Frame dies that come with an embossing folder so that you could have with or without detail. 

Anyway I must get on I have to pack my bags and get on the road. 

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Christmas card, it’s beautiful. Good luck with the traveling today, hope everything is ok.

    Janet-glad to year all the work is completed just in time for autumn/winter.

    I’m hoping today is an easier day at work, things are getting busy again, rising Covid cases so we’ve been informed that the Government are considering a full lockdown in this area.


  2. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA-just love today's Seasonal Card.
    I'll be thinking of you all today.Huge hugs and I'm sure all will go well.Take care.

    I need to sort out one or two things in my craft room which had to be moved last week as I don't seem to be able to find things.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours so pop in if you wish.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

    1. I’m glad your up and running again Janet. Hope you manage to sort your Craftroom out.

  3. A truly lovely classic Christmas card
    I hope the journey goes OK and things go as well as they can
    Good to see that you have your heating sorted JANET
    When I was little- like most of us We had a coal fire in the living room - nothing anywhere else apart from a paraffin heater which used to scare the daylights out of me I didn’t like the flame How times have changed
    I hope work goes OK MICHELE They’re ranking things up here but (hopefully) not as bad as some areas
    Take care all x

    1. Didn’t manage to see the programme re Paradise Park yesterday Karen as I was out most of the day. Karen knows of that park as I think they were thinking of taking the school children but decided it might be to far from here.

  4. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous Christmas card today, and I love the classic colour combo.
    I tried out the blending brushes yesterday and they were fabulous! Why haven’t I purchased these before?? Love them so much, I’ve actually ordered some more from Amazon! 😊 I will be crafting again today, and just taking it easy as I’ve got another cold - Only just got over the last one 😔
    Thinking of you today Sandra, have a safe journey xxx
    Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and everyone in the cafe' today
    Lovely x-mas card and I do like the EF you have used.
    Safe journey, be thinking of you all x
    Hoping to get out this morning but it's raining and is so dark. You know Sue when it's getting colder so do also the aches but this year has not been good for knees and hips steadily getting worse and not easy to sit or stand to do any card making but one should not complain, many of you having it worse. Sending warm hugs to you all and wish the day be ok xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A great Christmas card Sandra.
    I hope you have a safe journey up to Rowhedge and that tomorrow isn’t to traumatic for you all. Thinking of you all.
    I spent yesterday with Karen & Amber then went with Keith to take her back to college as he wasn’t working last night. Muchmeats had no lambs to take to Smithfield’s Market. Amber had a week of driving tractors last week on the farm. She seems to be really enjoying herself.
    Off for a walk in a minute before the rain starts again.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. A beautiful card today. Love the traditional colours you have used and the script ef will be very useful for many cards won’t it. We will be thinking of you all and hope you have a good journey and all goes well tomorrow my lovely xx
    It’s damp and a bit chilly here today with grey skies at the moment 😞 Chris bought me a SAD light box to try and help keep my vitamin D levels up over the darker months. My GP recommended that I should try one as they can work well for people who suffer from Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) so fingers crossed it helps.
    I’ve got my desk to clear then card to make today. I hope you all have a good one. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello everyone, it’s lovely here at the moment.

    Lovely Christmas card Sandra, love the frames, and the colours you have used.
    Hope all goes well today and tomorrow, I actually think you feel more when it’s all over and your back home, that’s when I felt the loss most.

    No crafting yet , just small bits and pieces to do in the kitchen, but they are doing the utility now, as they do all the cutting outside so want to take advantage of the last dry day. Must admit I am tired of the disruption.

    Sending hugs to all, Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    A beautiful card today Sandra I love the colours, your Pointsettia display is perfect.

    Wishing you a safe and uneventful journey, I hope the roads are dry and not too busy. I’m sure both of your girls are more than capable of coping with any road condition, Take care thinking of you all. XX

    I had a little giggle to myself earlier because I haven’t had any success with the Inkylicious blending brushes, can’t get that lovely smooth effect. I was at the point of looking on Amazon and then I remembered I hadn’t thrown my old ones away when I replace them a month or so ago. Yeah they really work, one happy bunny here! Mind you nearly everything in this house gets a second life, even the washing up brushes are great for cleaning out of plant pots.

    Have a good day everyone, take care and stay safe. Love and hugs Brenda XXX
