
Thursday 27 August 2020

Throwback Thursday Inspiration


Good Morning Ladies,

Well yesterday was just a blur, I have to say as days go it was an absolute shocker!  It started off with badly, hearing that someone very dear to me had some devastating news.  It went on to be one of the most frustrating hospital visits so far as Paul's eye clinic journey goes, after being able to go in to every appointment so far, this particular appointment that we fought so hard for was key as we had so many questions, when we arrived there was a snooty little madam on the door, that decided that I was not going to accompany Paul to his appointment, despite me pointing out the importance of the appointment as far as getting answers to some key questions about Paul's progress, Paul ends up in a lot of discomfort during some of the procedures that he undergoes, the drops are painful and they treat both eyes, leaving even less able to see, so remembering a whole list of questions (as he couldn't read them) was all but impossible.  He has to continue his restrictions for a few more weeks, no driving or returning to work until after his next appointment, which won't be for 4 -6 weeks!  (we are hoping that it will be within that time anyway)!  We are going to make an appointment with an optician to see if there us anything we can do in the short term. Needless to say I was glad when the day was done!

Today's 'Throwback' cards are both from Our Michele, I chose them as they work perfectly with this weeks TicTacToe Challenge, 

Categories for Both cards are:  Beach/Nautical/Dry Embossing/Masculine

I absolutely love your cards Michele, both of them use absolutely stunning Embossing Folders, I would love to know what that first E Folder is, its gorgeous and embosses beautifully. of course Nautical themes are really popular at the moment.

Thank you so much Michele for allowing me to share some of your older cards to inspire all of our friends XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you, 




  1. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE-loving your 'throwback Thursday' cards.
    Nautical is definitely the 'in' thing re cards at the moment.

    SANDRA-sorry things didn't go too well yesterday.Hope you get an appointment with the Optician.

    Had a productive day yesterday re crafting so I need to photograph my CC ready to send off.
    Not sure what if anything is happening today.

    The CAFE is OPEN of course and usual hours apply.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Two lovely cards MICHELE Yes, nautical themed cards are very popular at the moment It’s just not a relevant theme for cards I do for friends and family Saying that I got asked for one earlier this year and I forgot to take a photo!!
    What a horrible day you had at the hospital and such sad news about a friend I hope the optician can help
    I started a cc and will finish it later It’s one of those that’s changed from what was in my head Knowing me it’ll change again
    Take care all x

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-Thank you for showing 2 of my older cards. The seashells Embossing Folder was a magazine freebie. I’ll check to see if I’ve listed which magazine.

    I’m not surprised you didn’t have chance to do much yesterday-what an exhausting day both mentally and physically.
    I know you’re not going to agree but you’ve been lucky to go in with Paul to his appointments-technically no-one should be going in with someone. That’s the current government guidance. I’m not sure I agree but it’s what we have to follow.

    Maria-Liverpool is a lovely city. Lots of history, great shops and very friendly. We didn’t stay long yesterday as we were a bit freaked out to be honest. We went into 2 shops (Apple & John Lewis) then left. Apple have z great gizmo that takes you temperature before they’ll allow you into the store. Just a shame they had virtually no stock and suggested we order online. We had checked availability before we set off and the iPad we wanted was showing in stock. At least hubby got to try out the new keyboard that is now available.
    We had a walk in the afternoon as it turned out sunny & warm.

    No plans for today-hubby waiting in for his delivery and I’m hoping to get into my craft room.


  4. Hi everyone
    Two great cards Michele 😊
    Sorry to hear about yesterdays appointment Sandra. Not what you were expecting and very frustrating for you both. I hope you manage to get another appointment soon xx
    Still off work and resting. I’m slowly getting over this cold but still very congested. Have got plenty of DVDs, so I’ve got out a few favourite romcoms to watch, snuggled under my blanket on the sofa.
    Hope you all have a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card Michele.
    Like Michele said Sandra I was also surprised that you were allowed in With Paul. I think I said that at the time. You’ll need to give Paul a list of questions that he can take in with him if the guidelines are still the same when he gets his next appointment. Frustrating for you I know but we all must follow the rules as best we can.
    Stay safe everyone as much as you can.

  6. Hello All, wow what rain we’ve had, coming down like “stair rods” just couldn’t soak in so plenty of rain on the roads. Feel sorry for the campers.

    Michele, love both your cards, love both of those embossing folders. I love nautical cards, although I hate going in boats.

    Craft room this afternoon, did a huge pile of ironing this morning, hairdresser tonight, hair needs a bit of tidy up.

    Sandra hope your OK today after the stress of yesterday,
    Have a good day everyone, hugs Lilian

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    MICHELE two great cards, Love them both. thank you for the inspiration.

    Sandra I hope both you and Paul are OK today and have been taking things easy, after the frustrating and exhausting day you had yesterday.

    We have had a busy day today, this morning went to hairdresser friends, We both look human again after five months without a proper haircut! Left her and went to see our younger daughter and family, it was lovely we stayed and had lunch with them, and on the way home we popped into Asda and did our food shopping. Feel quite exhausted now and I haven’t really done anything all day long.

    Time to check the oven dinner to how is progressing, should be almost ready.
    Take care ladies have a lovely evening love Brenda XXX

  8. Hi all
    Nice cards from our Michele today,I like the nautical scenes.
    Sorry you had such a bad day Sandra, hopefully Paul can get hold of some help reg glasses.
    Have not done much today except for had a neighbour around for a catch up. It was not such a good day.
    Hope you had a nice day everyone. hugs xxx
