
Tuesday 18 August 2020

Some more Decorative Paper Cards that work for this weeks challenge


Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and I want to reach out and send out caring thoughts and hugs to those of you that are going through a rough time. Being isolated with lockdown etc can make some things that we normal handle without too much trouble a lot harder to cope with, I for one know first hand that being stuck in the house for weeks really did bring back the severe anxiety that I suffered terribly with a few years back, I really couldn't leave the house back then. I honestly have suffered those same feelings going out recently.  Going to the hospital with Paul was the hardest thing I have done mentally for a very long time, because he was the vulnerable one, it wasn't him looking after me as it usually is and I really struggled to hold myself together, when he went into the consulting rooms I sat in the waiting area trying my absolute hardest not to fully breakdown, I was trying to supress having a full on anxiety attack. It was one of the hardest days in my life, suffering terrible anxiety and feeling so helpless at a time when Paul needed me to be strong.  I have continued to stay strong for Paul but every morning I have to almost 'have a word with myself '  that I have to be strong for Paul, I feel that once Paul over this injury I will drop, although I will do my best to fight it.  I don't think I would have been as bad had things been normal and I was used to going out and not have the added anxiety of the Covid Virus. I think an awful lot of people will suffer setbacks from the after effects of Lockdown and Isolation. 

Now I just couldn't muster the energy to create a card for today's blog, I was doing my best to solve a 'situation that had occurred in the vegetable patch'. our Winter vegetables are really well established now and it would be so frustrating to watch them be eaten by bugs! So I was trying to add new protection to cover them all, I could only manage a few minutes at a time, it was so frustrating. I think it was 6.30 by the time it was sorted with Paul's help, gosh he can be a stubborn mule! 

Todays cards both showcase the Decorative paper as the main feature of the card, on the first card I used two sheets of the same decorative paper and fussy cut the flowers to Decoupage them onto the pretty paper, I have used a doily as the base to place the Sentiment on to make it stand out from the background. 

The second card is a much simpler design, I used the paper to create a 'Spotlight' card, the spotlight was created by adding colour to one element of the decorative paper, so that your eye is drawn straight to that one element. I mounted the stamped sentiment onto black card to make it stand out from the black and white background .
I hope that these cards give you a little inspiration my lovelies.

Have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra Agreat inspiration for us showing your 2 cards.
    I cannot imagine how difficult this last couple of weeks have been for you, trying to be strong to help Paul. Battling on despite your own health (physical & mental health) issues.
    I think you’re right about the after effect last if lockdown. Personally-I’m feeling angry that people are flouting the social distancing guidance plus the GP’s etc aren’t working as normal . What do they think the rest of the Nation has been doing since March??? Working longer hours in a surgical face mask!!! Rant over.


  2. Two lovely cards I especially like the spotlight one
    You are doing a grand job and just keep taking one day at a time Easier said than done I know
    Ashame about the vegetables but again you can only do what you can do Don’t be too hard on yourself
    I echo MICHELE’s anger re face coverings and social distancing As someone has said “rather a face mask than a ventilator”
    I hope to make a start on cc later I have a very simple idea in my head Let’s hope it works
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    I love the cards shown this morning SANDRA.

    We have another very wet start to the day here and looking at the sky I don't think it's going away any time soon.
    I am hoping to make a start on my CC today but I already know it's going to be a struggle as like many I am now finding I have to really push myself.

    The CAFE is oPEN-usual hours.
    HUGS are ontheir way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  4. Beautiful card Sandra. I agree about the lockdown. Youa are doing an amazing job supporting Paul at this hard time and you will both get through it. One day at a time babe. Xxx

  5. Morning everyone
    Two wonderful cards Sandra.Hopefully that will set me up for start on a cc.
    Seven guys came back from Spain the other day and went straight to the Pub, all had the covid! We are sure to be back in lockdown when people do not follow the rules. It makes me so angry.
    Going for our walk soon so I wish you all a nice day, wishing Paul better and to anyone else who are not too good. Hugs xxx

  6. Hi everyone
    Two gorgeous cards today Sandra. I love the Spotlight one 😊
    Please look after yourself, you’re doing amazingly supporting Paul xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all xx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Two lovely cards Sandra. Never mind about the veggies. You can only do what you can do to keep them going. As long as Paul doesn’t have any setbacks trying to help you. Rather you did nothing than that happen. Growing veg is really hard I know. Your stronger than you think. Just breathe & try and relax. Just mopped the bathroom & kitchen floor so just waiting for them to dry. I’ll sit & finish my book while they’re doing that.
    Why people can’t follow the rules re Covid is beyond my comprehension. It’s not rocket science. A lot of people can’t really be that stupid can they ?.
    I’m not to sure what the weathers trying to do today, we had 3 big bouts of rain & thunder yesterday. Hopefully not today though,
    Stay safe & take care everyone.

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I loved Sophie’s card for Paul. I haven’t seen the programme but love all of the detail she has added, she is so clever. I love Paul in his eye patch. It’s good to hear you all enjoyed the meal at Beccas. Social distancing doesn’t seem to be happening for so many people now. They seem to be carrying on as usual but all of us that have been and continue to be so careful are always the ones that will suffer though no doubt. It must be s sad o sad for you to see the veg patch that you both have spent so much time on being eaten away. I hope you can manage to salvage some of it my lovely xx
    Lynda, so sorry that you are still struggling so much. Hugs to you and CU xx
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    So sorry to hear about the struggle you are having with the veggie patch, to be quite honest you’ve given it your best, you don’t want Paul having any setbacks so try and keep him away, even though he is trying to give a helping hand - you’ve got to be firm with him and say NO. Stay strong my lovely, you are stronger than you think, you will come out of this very demanding time and be able to reflect saying to yourself “I Coped pretty well there didn’t I“ and you certainly have. I know Paul is usually the strong one you can lean on, But these last few weeks you have certainly been his rock. Just remember that and carry on doing a fantastic job looking after your lovely man. XX

    Love both cards today, but if I have to choose I would go for the spotlight one, I think my tastes have changed because a few years ago I would’ve chosen the flowery one, I think I surprise myself with that choice.

    Agree with everything that’s been said about social distancing, we popped up to Lidl a little while ago, The only people who were keeping the distance were of our generation, now what does that tell us!

    Lynda sorry to hear life is a struggle at the moment, I hope and pray things improve and you can soon walk about with more confidence. xx

    Margaret thinking of you, hope you are coping as best you can. xx

    What ever you’re doing today ladies hope you’re enjoying it.
    Love and hugs Brenda XXX

  10. Hello, well we have had quite a lot of rain, still very warm here, finding it hard to get anything done. Mr Sainsbury coming soon, big order as daughter coming to see us tomorrow, first time since Christmas.

    Sandra love both cards today, but love the spotlight one.

    Cleaners this morning, poor things they get so hot wearing their masks and gloves, good job they do the house work as with my back at the moment, it’s no go, well that’s my excuse.

    Sandra, I understand how hard it must be for you, to go to being a carer, rather than being cared for,. Think you are doing a great job, one day at a time.

    Hope you all have a good rest of the day, Lilian
