
Saturday 15 August 2020

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review


Good Morning Ladies, 

Welcome to another weekend full of your amazing crafty makes. We also have another fantastic Magazine Review from our Michele,  so without further delay let's see what we have today? 

Starting us off today is Sophie's Portrait of Sue's Granddon 'Little Chris', I love this particularly Portrait as it has really captured his personality.  Sue had it done as a gift for Chris (Sue's husband). I believe he was delighted with it. Thanks so much Sue for allowing me to share Chris's gift. XXX

Sophie Dad and I are always so incredibly proud of all of your work XXX 


Janet has shared her latest craft creations...... (by the way Janet you have same sofa cushions as we do, we have the matching curtains too!!) 

Janet's Description:

Here are three 'hoop' embroidery scenes from ANNIEMORRIS who is a contemporary design stitcher. The pattern is on the material ready for stitching and any form of stitching can be used. I have never done any contemporary stitching before but as the patterns are bold and not fiddly they are easy on the hands.

I absolutely love these Janet,  I remember doing something similar called 'Long Stitch years ago, I love the designs and they are so bright and cheerful,  thanks so much for sharing them with us XXX


Lilian has shared her beautiful little storage case for her ink duster brushes,  what  a brilliant Idea Lilian,  do you have any other craft storage ideas?.

Lilian's Description:

"I made this little case to put my ink duster brushes in, if you are short of things for tomorrow feel free to , understand if you don’t need it, not very exiting. Lilian"

Thanks Lilian for sharing your latest make XXX

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies 

Papercraft Essentials has 2 free gifts this month.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First article using one of the free gifts-the Embossing Folder & Dies.

More ideas.

This article shows some ideas using the Wrap & Reveal kit.

Some more inspiration using the Embossing Folder & Dies.

And even more ideas.

More inspiration using the Wrap & Reveal kit.

Make cards using the Embossing Folder-always great to have ideas for the dreaded Male themed cards.

And a couple more ideas .

Lovely Diamond gold cards.

This article shows how you can use stitching on your cards.

Shadow box cards-always look fabulous & fold flat for posting.

Here’s some inspiration for anyone thinking of buying Creative Stamping or if you already have some wildlife stamps.

More inspiration.

Great ideas using a limited amount of stash. I love that wreath Die.

More ideas.

That’s all for this week so
Happy Crafting

Love Michele

Thank you so much Michele for another fantastic Magazine Review XXX

I hope you have enjoyed today's blog features Ladies,  enjoy the rest of your weekend. 

Love and hugs to all of you, 




  1. Morning Ladies

    Sue-what a lovely idea for a gift.
    Sophie-what a stunning portrait. You’re a very talented girl.

    Janet-beautiful embroidery’s, so detailed.

    Lilian-love your brush holder.

    I had an interrupted evening yesterday-I was contacted by work the moment I hit home & the conversation continued for 90 minutes! I feel I definitely earned my glass of wine last night.

    Up early (again) to go food shopping then I’m waiting in firn2 deliveries. I also need to start making my in-laws birthday cards ready to post off to them. Hopefully it won’t get too warm in my craft room.


    PS-Pat, we have 5 adults & 1 baby on IV feeds. We usually know why the adults require them but rarely know why the babies do. Our workload has increased again due to routine operations starting again. We quite often are asked to prepare the IV feeds post surgery.

    1. You wouldn’t think that a baby would need them would you. A man who was in hospital with Pete had them for years and years after his op. He’d since had a transplant and was still on them when he came to visit him in the nursing home. He was going to start a diet they were going to trial him on. It wasn’t very successful when I last messaged him. But the Churchill were going to tweak it.

  2. Morning Everyone

    Thank you SANDRA for showing my latest projects.I have to say I really enjoyed doing them.

    SOPHIE-I love love love the portrait you did for SUE.Your talent knows no bounds. I really hope that after uni you will make go into some form of art for your career.

    LILIAN-what a good idea for soft storage. You have given me an idea for some brushes I have.

    MICHELE-thank you for your usual detailed mag review. I still haven't managed to get into a store to see them but one day.

    Well we're off on our once a week 'treat' so we will be back in the house before 09.00 so M&S foodhall here we come.

    The CAFE is OPEN usual hours with fresh scones etc later.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. SOPHIE JANET and LILIAN...WOW WOW WOW! What talents you all have I love the portrait of little Chris a real real treasure
    Your embroidery is beautiful JANET I haven’t done anything like this - just cross stitch I need to investigate!
    Great idea for storage LILIAN I have a few pairs of jeans (the real wide leg ones - remember them) that I keep promising myself I will re-cycle - maybe into storage
    I am so glad the weather is cooler I still don’t feel like doing much I really should tidy my craft room as there are bits and pieces lying all over the place
    Stay safe everyone How’s that nasty sore LYNDA Healing I hope xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Wow, Sophie’s portrait of Chris is fantastic, so talented. A lovely gift Sue.
    Janet, I love your embroidery scenes, they’re so pretty.
    Lilian, what a fabulous idea for your brushes. Love it.
    Great magazine review Michele, thanks for sharing.
    We did the dreaded Tesco shop last night, so glad that’s out of the way. At least it leaves me a clear day - apart from a bit of housework. Mark taking Luke to football (it’s drizzling here, so I won’t be going 😉) so I’ll have plenty of time to craft 😊
    Enjoy your day whatever you’re doing. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely picture of little Chris for Chris that Sophie’s done.
    Beautiful embroidery work Janet.
    Also love the storage case you’ve made to store your brushes in Lilian.
    Great Mag reviews as usual Michele.
    I saw Doreen yesterday whose still In good form. My word isn’t PPE a faff to put on. Marie had already booked me in for next week as well. It’s such a shame them being in Lockdown as there’s 2 ladies who are severely disabled and unable to communication. Both parents came to visit them every day. Now only one can come once a week due to the Lockdown. This Pandemic sure has a lot to answer for.
    Very dull here today. Again but not to cold. I’m pottering today. I might try and get some crafting done later as it’s been to hot to do any. I have a lot to catch up on.
    Stay safe everyone.

  6. Morning all,
    Oh Sophie, the portrait of little Chris is adorable. You are a wonderful artist!
    Janet, I love you hoops! Like a summer meadow.
    Lovely storage case for your brushes Lilian.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review, I like the gifts.
    Started to spit outside but it's ok for we are back from a 4 miles walk. It is very dark tho so have to put the lights on. Our Sainsburys shopping have arrived so best get that away. I must get the cc together as well today so I got something.
    Take care everyone and have a nice day.Lots of hugs for all xxx

  7. Hello another very hot day, but at least we had a little rain in the night.
    Sophie, amazing drawing, wonderful idea for presents

    Janet love your embroidery hoops, remember Mum doing this sort of work. Wish I could do my hand sewing, but I can’t hold the needle any more.

    Michele great mag reviews, it must take some time, thank you.

    I bought some of those lacy zips, and didn’t know what to do with them to try them on, so I thought a pencil case, I’ve made a mess of the ends , but it’s only for me.

    I have made many fabric boxes and tubs to keeps bits and bobs in, still loose things .
    Our friend has popped in with five pounds of venison steaks, so I’ve bags them for the freezer, so nice for quick meals.

    Have a good day all, Lilian

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What an amazing display of talent on the blog today.
    JANET love your embroidery hoops, they are so bright and cheerful..
    LiILIAN your brush case is brilliant, great idea .
    SUE I’m sure Cris was over the moon when you gave him the portrait of Little Chris,
    SOPHIE I am so in awe of your amazing talent. I hope it will open lots of doors In your career. xx
    MICHELE thank you so much for another amazing magazine review.

    Ladies enjoy the rest of your weekend, love and hugs, Brenda xxx
