
Monday 24 August 2020

Man Card for Monday


Good Morning Ladies,

I would like to start the day by Wishing our Matt and very Happy 28th Birthday, I hope you have an amazing day XXX

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend, it sounds like you were all quite busy either crafting or in the garden.  Storm Ellen caused the Bean from to partly collapse again, so the girls and I bodged it up again, we have had about 6 lbs of Beans so far so can't really complain, our beetroot has been a great success too, I would like to know other methods of keeping it other than pickling though.  It's supposed to nice roasted, so far I have been boiling them and then having them diced in salads, absolutely delicious with smoked mackerel and chopped crispy apple, lots of salad leaves and a nice dressing, this was our Sunday tea. Followed by my latest favourite dessert Creme Brulee !

Today's card is one of our Michele's, I thought it would be perfect for a Man Card Monday Feature,  this is one of the cards that Michele was asked to make, along with another which is equally amazing.
This card is for a 'Keen Golfer' that is turning 60 (but didn't want the age shown)!
I love the unusual shape on the front panel and the little silver corners are a subtle addition but make such a difference, drawing your eye in to the main focus of the card.

Thanks so much for sharing your card with us Michele XXX

Ladies, I am going to 'try' and craft again today, I am getting so frustrated as nothing is 'happening' when I go and sit at my desk, the last time I sat and crafted was 10 minutes before Paul walked through the door telling us he has lost sight in his eye!  Fingers crossed some inspiration pops up, or I will be having the largest Craft De-stash in history!!!

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Everyone
    MICHELE- what a fantastic card for a pesky male. I love the colours you have used too plus the ideal of the golf balls.

    Well our Sunday conisted of rain/sun/rain/sun and me loading books on Jim's new ereader. His old one decided that enough was enough and refused to work last week-end.I have to say that given the time he has had it and the use it has had it deserved to 'retire'.

    I want to make a start on my CC today so wish me luck please.

    The CAFE is OPEN for you all to use.
    HUGS are ontheir way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. I to load books onto my iPad Janet. I do have a Kindle but I don’t use that anyway. I do read proper books as well. But they’re to heavy to take out. I can sit in the garden and read a book. I’ve just finished The Night Garden by Erin Morgenstern that Jenny let me borrow.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-I hope Matt has a great birthday today.
    Thank you for featuring my card-it’s a very old Crafts-u-print image that I think was a magazine freebie. My colleague ordered 5 cards from me & this one was for her Dad who was 60, she didn’t want Dad or 60 on it anywhere. The printout makes an impressive card I think.

    Sandra mentioned having a huge de stash which is exactly what I’m in the middle of doing. I sorted through magazine papers & articles yesterday-the oldest was from April 2010!! My plan is to dork in a different area, be ruthless then move on. I’ve already managed to empty 2 sets of plastic storage drawers (which have been donated to a colleague). Even hubby noticed the difference in my craft room-it’s not somewhere he normally enters as it’s too cluttered for him!!

    We have sunshine on my first day off work-let’s hope it stays as I need to walk into the village to go to the Post Office.


    1. Sounds like your de stash is going well Michele.

  3. Me again-
    Sandra-I love the idea of Make Card Monday as a regular feature. What a brilliant idea.


  4. Hello All, grey and rainy here, gales again tomorrow.

    Michele love the man card, not something you would ever find in a shop, that’s the beauty of being able to make cards.

    I managed to get out in the garden yesterday and sort out the damage from storm Ellen, our beans are still standing, but we haven’t had many and what we have had our tough, not sure we will grow them next year.

    Have to finish off making a present that needs to go in the post, then hopefully start this weeks challenge. Hope you all have a lovely day, Lilian.

    PS. If anyone is interested there are brits in the tennis from Cincinnati, it’s on amazon prime for free.

  5. I love the card MICHELE I love the neutral colours
    Great idea to have Man Card Monday We always need inspiration for those! In fact I need to do one for this weekend!
    We went for a lovely long walk yesterday The weather was perfect BUT on our way home the heavens just opened and we got thoroughly drenched!
    Just about to start work We maybe go shop later for a birthday present We’ll just see how it goes
    Take care all xx

  6. Morning ladies.
    Great card for a golf enthusiast Michele. You must have so many magazine and freebies to look through. I have boxes in the garage from 2014 that I need to sort out one day.Still waiting for Son to move on 😊
    Happy Birthday to your Matthew, hope he have a good day.
    Looks like rain coming but hoping to take the car and go to a village nearby for a walk before it starts.
    Thought about the cc last night and hoping to find the stamp I'm thinking of using. Unfortunately since working in the kitchen ,sorting them out into their right folders have not been done 😐 A job to do during the winter months when time is more free (no gardening to do).
    Lynda- I hope that Terry got back from the tip and didn't get lost on the way 😉 Big hugs for you both.
    Margaret- I'm happy to hear you foot is getting better. Take care and many hugs for you and Pop
    Sue- hope you had a great time with the girls yesterday.
    Brenda- take it easy today, you always do so much for everyone so you deserve some rest.
    Best get ready for our walk but I wish you all a nice day whatever you are up to. hugs for you all are in the basket inside the cafe' door xxx

  7. Hi Sand a & ladies
    Happy Birthday Matty great card Michele. The shape is certainly different. I’m glad your de clutter is showing results. I did start mine as you know. But have so much stuff I gave up over a couple of days. I did remove a large container full of wooden based stamps into the shed. Not much call for those now. It was quite a nice day yesterday but windy.not to sure what today will bring weather wise.
    Take care everyone & stay safe.

  8. Hi everyone
    Happy Birthday to Matt 🥳
    Lovely card Michele for those difficult to make Male cards! Enjoy your week off.
    Well, I should be back at work today, but this cold has really taken a hold now 😔 I spent yesterday afternoon in bed and can see me going back there today.
    Have a good day everyone, sending hugs to all xx

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Love your card today
    MICHELE it's brilliant.

    At the moment I can't get
    This weather as one minute is really hot then rain.
    Then sun crazy weather.
    At the moment I'm giving
    Bailey his daily belly Tickle
    Sending you some Hug's
    Love Lynda xx

  10. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    MATT Wishing You a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Hoe you are having a great day.

    MICHELE Love the golfers birthday card, I’m sure the recipient will love it xx

    SANDRA hope your attempt to get back crafting was a success, I totally understand your frustration, but don’t be hard on yourself you have had more than enough to cope with recently, looking after Paul had to come first. He must be getting better if you feel you can get back into crafting. xx

    SONIA sorry to hear your cold has knocked you so hard, rest and drink plenty, hope you feel better soon.

    MARGARET pleased your foot is getting better, sending hugs xx

    Take care everyone, Love and hugs Brenda xxx
