
Monday 3 August 2020

A Pretty Spring card to start the week

Good Monday Morning Friends,

How are you all my friends,  I hope that you all got to spend time with family and friends.  We had quite a relaxed weekend, Saturday more relaxing than Sunday,  I'm not sure what happened to Sunday, one minute it was 7.30am and we were having a leisurely cup of tea, next minute I was rushing to get my hair dry before leaving to get food for the weeks as Paul is on lates, we were rushing to get back in time to get to Becca's house for 3.30pm to walk our 'Granddog' Benji. (see below)

Becca and Adam were working from early morning, Becca popped back at 12 to spend time with him but didn't want him left for too long, so Becca asked if we would walk him mid afternoon, the girls joined us and we had a lovely walk around the Oxfordshire countryside, he was very excited to see us and enjoyed his walk, he is only 9 months old and has boundless energy. It was a lovely couple of hours. 

 I used two different Honey Doo stamp sets for this card, 'Budding Flourishes' & 'Daffodils'.
I stamped the Daffodils first and masked over them and then stamped in the ''Budding Flourishes',
I then took my Polychromos and coloured all of the flowers and leaves, blending 3 colours of each shade. I finsished my card with a piece of Daffodil delight ribbon that I topped with a purple flower.
My sentiments were Honeydoo too.

I hope that you all have a lovely day ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,




  1. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful uplifting card SANDRA.

    We had a lovely quiet day with sunshine all the way yesterday and I have to say I'm looking foreward to another one today.

    It has rained in the night and so it's much cooler this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in whenever you want to.
    HUGS are ontheir way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, perfect for Spring. Like you. Our weekend just disappeared. We got done gardening done yesterday. I was going to sit outside after we’d finished working but one set of neighbours had decided to invite umpteen friends round which made it too noisy to relax. These are the neighbours who made s point of telling me that she’d been isolating. I think they only understand the not going out part rather than the not socialising part! She’ll get a shock when the schools reopen & she needs to return to work.

    Talking of work-I’d best get a wriggle on!


    1. See you won the mag on flowers, ribbons and pearls, well done

    2. Congrats, it was your turn this week. So happy for you xx

  3. Benji is so cute What breed is he?
    We had a very relaxing weekend We went for a longish walk yesterday afternoon and found yet another “trail” all within a mile of where we live!
    I didn’t do any card making over the weekend which is unusual for me but I have finished a cockatoo and velociraptor Which need sewing up and started s shawl with some yarn OH found in the “clear up” at the beginning of lockdown
    Busy day at work today So must get breakfast sorted
    It was lovely to see you in yesterday LYNDA Hope that nasty sore is healing
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning ladies.
    Beautiful ,happy made you feel card Sandra this morning.
    Brenda, glad to hear you got back alright even if you had to do a detour. You both take care x
    Michele and our other ladies who are working today, I wish the day goes quickly and with no problems.
    Lynda, hoping the sores are getting better. Big hugs for you and CU x
    Margaret and Pop, big hug for you too x
    Our weekend was real nice, we did our walks,I sat in the garden a bit while OH was watching sport on Tv and then yesterday I had to be nurse to Son who had a op on his neck about ten days ago and needed to have his plaster changed.
    Not very exciting lives we living during lockdown are we but not sure yet if and when we starting to go out a bit more. I'm in no rush to go out to the shops and food we having delivered but it would be nice just to go out and sit with a coffee and people watching. Might see SIL and her hubby with us next week sometime so will see if we can go maybe to Frost or something, that would be nice.
    Have a nice day everyone and hugs are sent for you all. xxx

    1. oh sorry forgot about Benji, he is gorgeous !!

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Another lovely card Sandra. Those Honey Doo stamps are lovely aren’t they. I’m not to sure what happened to Sunday either. Saturday as I said I spent at Sophie’s but yesterday I sat & read and watched the snooker. I did do a bit of my tea light holder I was doing at your house last week. I’d finished the baby card I was doing so thought I’d better crack on with that seeing as class 4 will be winging its way to me soon. Bengi looks quite boisterous but cute doesn’t he.
    Hugs to all who need one this week. Stay safe everyone.

  6. Hi everyone
    Gorgeous card Sandra, love the yellow and purple 😊 I was convinced I had a daffodil stamp, but can I find?.....No 😩 Not sure what I’m going to use so will have to get my thinking cap on.
    Oh Benji looks adorable, is he a Cockapoo? We have been looking to get a cockapoo puppy for a while now, but the prices at the moment are horrendous - some over £3000!
    The weekend did go very quickly, always does when I’m off work. I’ve got Thursday and Friday off this week before working at the weekend again.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello All, changeable today.

    Sandra, love your spring card, just been ordering my bulbs for next years spring flowers.

    This morning I have been busy altering Rs trousers, they are new ones, but he has lost so much weight that I have had to take them in. Took ages would have been just as well to have bought new pairs, but they were almost new.

    Not sure what I’ll do this afternoon, have some sweet William to transplant, so I think that will be my job for today, so I’ll wish you a good day , Lilian
