
Friday 3 July 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the end of another week, they are flying by aren't they, I know it's probably hard to tell the difference between the week and weekend for a lot of you, it is for me to for the most part, I am really struggling with 'which day of the week it actually is', I have almost posted the Friday Challenge post on a Thursday countless times, I only discovered the actual day when I went to schedule the post.
Having the girls home all week adds to the confusion too, it's like all of the regular scheduled daily activities stopped which is when the confusion started.  
The only difference between the two for me is that Paul is home at the weekend. I am ready for him to have a couple of days of leave, he hasn't had any leave since the two days he had off in early March.

Janet's Challenge

I shared a card on the blog a few weeks ago and said 'If I made it again I would add more flowers on the opposite side to balance the card better' I went on to say that 'Hindsight is a wonderful thing'!

Janet then suggested that we should have a Challenge that has us looking back at some of our really old cards and with the luxury of 'hindsight' updating the design so that it would look better or using newer products to alter the design.
I have to say that looking back to 2014/2015 when some of those cards above were made I had a fair few 'Cringe' moments, some of the cards had me saying 'What was I thinking' but I am guessing I must have loved them at the time.
I am quite looking forward to updating some of the cards above, not sure quite how I will do it but watch this space.

I am really looking forward to seeing which cards that you all choose to 'update' , If any of you are unable to find older cards you can either look under 'Cotswold Crafter Blog cards' on Pinterest.
Failing that I have most of your old cards on file so you can just give me a shout.

Thanks for choosing this weeks Challenge Janet XXX

I hope that you all enjoy the weekend my lovelies, weather isn't supposed to be great I'm afraid!

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Janet-what a great idea for a challenge. I’m sure we all have improved our skills so s revamped card will be interesting.

    I had a nightmare at work yesterday-I’m off work all next week. Booked if a long time ago & we decided to keep the week off as we’ve only had two lots of 2 days so far. I find out a colleague has authorised two staff to take time off next week leaving minimal cover for my area! I’m going to try to sort something out today but I’m very angry & unhappy about it. I’ll just be very glad to finish tonight.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a surprise I had logging on this morning.I hope I haven't frightened anyone too much.I frequently look back at my cards and like SANDRA I cannot believe what I made. Anyway thinking cap on.

    It's another cold and dull start today and the wind has come back too.
    As it's the end of the week you all know what I'll be doing today so the sooner it's done the better and I can then relax this afternoon.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting.Pop in for acuppa and a chat.HUGS are winging their way to you all. TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Great challenge JANET I have loads of old cards that I’m embarrassed about
    Oh MICHELE I hope you can get something sorted and you don’t have to give up your time off We are being actively encouraged to take time off (2nd quarter)
    Days/weeks are merging The fact I am working part time helps but I still thought yesterday was Friday
    Hope you had a lovely birthday LYNDA
    We unexpectedly saw the grandchildren yesterday afternoon which as usual was lovely Oscar may have his problems but he is improving all of the time
    OH has gone out for the day so I hope to finish a started cc and do another
    Take care all Big hugs MARGARET and LYNDA xx

  4. Hi all in the cafe' today.
    Cringe is the big word for me when I'm looking back at my cards and can't believe what I put together and I still do.
    Sandra, not sure what changes you can do to these cards tho for they are so beautiful already.
    Michele- hope you can sort something out today so you can have your holiday as promised,best of luck x
    Karen- nice surprise to get to see Oscar and Charlie. Glad things improving for Oscar. Any photos 😉
    Sonia- happy birthday to Luke, hope he have a great day.You all have a fun weekend.
    Janet-hope you finished the swearword and you now can have a nice afternoon. Take care.
    Lynda- hope you had a lovely birthday and enjoyed the day.
    Did our walk this morning but they are doing roadwork outside so we thought we go a different way back and we really went off road because we first ended up in a paddock and then a field and we had to walk all the way around it before we found a stile to get over and back around home.Not an easy thing to get your leg over I can say :D
    I hope you all have a nice day and if you not feeling right, that the weekend will make you feel better.
    Take care and many hugs, Maria xx

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Yes cringe! oh dear, I will have to look hard because some are just embarrassing, but at the time they seem fine. JANET you are really making me stretch my grey matter, but for you I will give it a go. xx

    Had quite a productive day, did the spare word thing this morning, have spent a while in the garden, just pottering but got some fresh air and exercise, now I’m looking for a die. A few days ago I sent my sister a package with some craft goodies in, also some cards I had made, they were just laying around the craft room, The Sisters are always asking for cards. One particular card she loved and said she was keeping it for herself, (famous last words) yesterday one of the Sisters asked her had she got a card with “Thinking of you” on, yes - that was on the card she wanted to keep, I laughed when she told me and said I would make another copy, I found the exact card, I had used it’s a beautiful soft pink BUT can I find the die, have found others that I can remember buying the same time, obviously I have put it away in the wrong home! . Anyway it’s good to go through the dies and refresh my memory just what I have actually got.

    Have just enjoyed a lovely cuppa so will get back on the die hunt.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  6. Hello very wet here again, spent the morning sorting out my food cupboards, thought it was a quick job , but once I took everything out, checked the dates, found new spaces for some, took all morning.

    Sandra, lovely cards, they look great without doing anything to them, will have to trawl through, my lot and see what I can do, no promises.

    I am going to have a go at this weeks card, still can’t find the embossing folder that I wanted to use, so will have to use another.

    Have a good evening, hugs to all, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    My word I cringe at some of the cards I made back in the day. I still have a few here as well,
    Well another cold, wet & windy day here in Oxfordshire. It’s more like winter than summer at the moment. We’re supposed to be going over to Amy’s for her birthday tomorrow if we can sit out in the garden. No hope of that this weekend I suspect.
    Your cards still look lovely though Sandra.
    I to have trouble remembering what day it is. Livvy is supposed to go back to Blenheim Palace as soon as she’s had training. But I can’t see them doing outside eating in this weather though.
    Lynda I hope you had a lovely day yesterday.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    I had a lovely day yesterday jusy chatting together then had face time with Lisa and Ian was working and Joseph which was lovely
    Then Darren Sam and Harry came on
    Sprmt couple of hours chatting.
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Hi everyone.
    Great challenge for next week 😊
    Your cards look amazing Sandra, will look forward to seeing how they change.
    Worked a couple of hours this morning, then been off the rest of the day. Trying to celebrate Luke’s 21st as best as we can under the circumstances. Fortunately the weather was kind this afternoon when my parents visited although quite breezy. Fingers crossed for tomorrow afternoon and evening when the rest of the family visit.
    Have really struggled this week with card making and was hoping to get a challenge card done, but don’t think I will manage. However I have something I made a while ago which I can send in that fits the challenge.
    Hope you’ve all had a good day and enjoy the weekend. Hugs to all xxx
