
Sunday 26 July 2020

Your Challenge Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and are enjoying the weekend, although if you had the rain that we did yesterday you would have spent most of the day inside.  I think we had a few days rain in one afternoon, does anybody else love the smell of the air after a good rain storm??  I honestly thought that we were going to have a thunderstorm but at the time of writing this (18.40) we had had only one very quiet clap of thunder, I had 'that' feeling in my head that a storm was coming, but no, it would have been nice to clear the air a little as Friday night was hot and uncomfortable, I didn't even get to sleep until after 5.30am, once I had nodded off Milo was really fussing about something so was waking me about every 15mins !  I felt like a zombie all day yesterday, I did manage a little crafting though which was a bonus !

You have all been buying some lovely things if this AMAZING DISPLAY is anything to go by........


Brenda has created two absolutely stunning cards using her brand new Stampin Up! Painted Poppy stamp set.
Brenda your cards are so incredibly beautiful, I now have added these stamps to my 'Wishlist'

Brenda's Description :

Card One
Stamped In Ranger ‘ Watering Can’ (grey) and coloured in with my Copics

I managed to get a smudge of ink in the base of the stems fortunately the stamp set has a shadow stamp which fitted perfectly so my poppies are grounded ha ha.

Card number two
Again had an error in as much I got a smudge on the right hand side, pondered how to cover it up ended stamping two more poppies and cut them out freehand - mess covered up!!!
I used the same ink pad from Ranger and my Copics. When I had coloured the large flowers in they didn’t stand out enough so I over stamped them in black .

Thank you so much Brenda for two beautiful cards, so inspirational ! XXX


Janet has designed two amazing cards for this weeks challenge, the first card is so very pretty, such a beautiful image, the decoupaged flowers add so much extra detail.
Your second card is fantastic, I love a 'Beach scene' card, this one is brilliant, I love those little beach huts are so iconic at so many British seasides, I believe that they are hot property in some places.

Janet's Description:

My first card I made using my latest purchase from STAMPERIA titled HORTENSIA.

My second card I made using an A4 stamp sheet I found while searching through a drawer. I cannot remember where I purchased it from or when but I haven't used any of the stamps on it until this week.

Thank you so much Janet for finding time to make Challenge cards despite having a very busy week. 

I am so pleased that you have your Stairlift installed, it's a simple thing but can be so life changing. XXX


Karen experimented with new 'Salad Spinner' for her challenge card this week, I love how these backgrounds turn out, each one is unique. The colours you have used really pop Karen and that sentiment works really well with background.

Karen's Description :

Here’s my spinner card I used CS Crystal Tints in the end Does give it a nice glossy finish Not keen I need to buy some paints I think and SW Happy Birthday

Thanks so much Karen for taking part in this weeks challenge, I hope you enjoyed this technique as much as i did! XXX


Oh Maria I love the beautiful scene on your challenge card this week, I love the style of card that you used too, having that sentiment topper set to one side on top of that lovely ribbon strip, everything works so perfectly together.
Maria received a Magazine that had a Hunkydory kit as the free gift, this gorgeous card features one of the toppers from the kit, Maria has used it to create her lovely challenge card.

Thanks so much Maria for pushing yourself to make a challenge card despite struggling with your 'Mojo', I think your card shows that your mojo was still in there XXX


Michele has designed 3 amazing Challenge cards, using the New Ella's Design kit and the amazing Corner dies from The Works.  Michele I think that these are some of your best cards, I love all three designs.

Michele's Description:

My 3 challenge cards made using my recent purchases-a digital download from Ella’s Design & the corner Dies from The Works.

Thanks so much Michele, I love your cards XXX


Lilian your challenge card is so beautiful, I love both the colour theme and the design you have created, I see your new Stampin Up! Punch popping out too.

Lilian's Description:

Hi, here is my card for this week

Made with new Stamperia papers, new rubber stamp from stamping up set delicate details, found I hadn’t used this one. My new tag punch.

Ink is wisteria wonder, which I haven’t used either.

Did me good to have a search through my “stuff”.

Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge, your card is amazing XXX


Sonia I absolutely love your Challenge card this week, both completely different but gorgeous!

Sonia's Description:

For my first card I used my new products from Clearly Besotted. I used the triangle fade stencil as my background. I coloured the flowers from the ‘Thanks a Bouquet’ stamp set using Pro Markers and added the sentiment from the ‘Feeling Sentimental’ stamp set.

My second card is using stamps from Tracey Hey - Alpaca Pals. I’ve used Anna Marie Designs papers as the backing and I stamped the scalloped circle and the hearts from the ‘Doing Great’ set and coloured with Pro Markers. I stamped and cut the elephant from the ‘Mwah’ set, adding him to the centre. The sentiment is from a paper selection pack also by Tracey Hey. I’ve fallen in love with these stamps, so much so that I’ve already placed another order ☺️

Thank you so much Sonia for two totally amazing challenge cards, I love everything about them, if you ladies would like to see more of Sonia's incredible cards I will leave the link to her lovely Blog below......

Just click this link......

Sonia's Blog  

Thanks again Sonia XXX


Ladies what an absolutely stunning display of cards this week, I am so grateful that you all fought against your busy schedules and lack of mojo to create some amaing challenge cards, Thanks so much XXX

I hope that you all enjoy the rest of your weekend,

Love and hugs to every one of you,




  1. Morning Everyone
    Oh how I love Sunday morning sat with acup of coffee and looking at everyone's CCs.
    There's always so much inspiration and this week is just so.

    We're having a very quiet day today -well that's the plan.
    We both need one.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and today's lunch menu is Roast Beef with Lemon Tart for afters.Place your orders.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Have a good day.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. Roast beef sounds lovely Janet with lemon tart for afters. Hope you manage to have a restful day. As per usual your cards are lovely.

    2. Know you would love those papers, they are beautiful and you making such a wonderful cards out of them. Have a relaxing day and I'll see you for lunch Mmmmm! x

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today. I had great fun making mine and it forced me to use my new purchases. I still have 4 toppers left so I’ll be making more cards but using my own backing papers.

    We’re going to attempt a BBQ at lunchtime today but it’s very windy-at least it’s not raining. I’ll just need to get a move on and get the housework done.


    1. I hope you manage to have your bbq. Great cards, I always like seeing your topper cards.

    2. Fabulous cards Michele. Like the corners and the bee-utiful toppers. Hope you can have the bbq and the wind is not too bad x

  3. Absolutely beautiful ladies I did enjoy doing the spinning but as SANDRA showed yesterday I need to get paints for a better effect I’d like to think that further down the line the grandchildren will like to have a “play” Like your girls BRENDA my two had that “game” which acuin my opinion worked better that this because you dribbled the paint in as machine was spinning - quite tiny though and of course not into card making back then
    My dad (still alive I just don’t get to see him - long story) did teach me to knit As a teenager I taught myself to crochet from a book I think that’s why I crochet as if I am knitting! SUE I will teach you to crochet any time
    We ended up with the rain about an hour or so after you SANDRA Today is much brighter So hopefully we’ll go for a walk As much as I like walking on my own it is nice to have company
    Take care all What’s for lunch JANET I really don’t feel like cooking today So pleased the stairlift is helping A friend of my OH when fighting cancer She was determined to carry on struggling going upstairs but her Hospice nurse said “It’s taking you a lot of energy doing the things you enjoy why waste that energy walking upstairs” Needless to say a lift was installed straightaway
    Take care all xxx

    1. Great cards Karen. Made me chuckle when you said you enjoyed spinning. It immediately gave me visions on you in a class full of static bikes and pedalling furiously getting nowhere. It’s much nicer having company when your walking.

    2. Great spinning card Karen, the grand-kids will love doing it with you. Hope you get a nice walk in and OH can go with you. Always nice to have company even if my OH is trying to kill me,he walking so much faster and I can't get my legs to go. x

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Such lovely cards on display today. As usual not one the same. Popped over to Sonia’s blog to have a peek. Sunny here today but quite breezy. We also had torrential rain here and 1 clap of thunder. We did have a lovely rainbow though in the afternoon when the sun popped its head out to see what was happening. Didn’t like what it saw so popped it back in again behind some very black clouds. Went for a quick walk again this morning.
    Take care and stay safe.

  5. Afternoon ladies.
    Many wonderful cards on display today.
    Love them all and thank goodness that I got the Honkeydory magazine in the post yesterday morning or it wouldn't been a card from me. Not sure why but last week was no good crafting wise but hope it will get better for have quite a few cards to make. Just need to tidy up the worktop again before anything else. I am not a tidy crafter,that's for sure.
    Another thing I'm also going to do today is to look in to Sonia's blog. I am so sorry for I love your cards and have not been in for ages, hope you accept my apology ☺
    Brenda- your new poppy stamps look lovely, saw many of them this morning on our walk, so pretty red and orange ones.
    Lilian- hope the rain is gone for you today and you can have a nice day.Love your card and such a beautiful paper used.
    Pat- nice you got out for a walk this morning, you have to be quick between the showers. 😊
    It was lovely to see you in Lynda but so sorry you got sores that hurt so much, hope you got something to help for that.
    Take care and look after eachother, hugs
    Had a good walk this morning and thankful it was a nice breeze to keep me cool. Have some e-mails to look through and phone call to make but other then that I hope to make a card that need sending latest Tuesday 🙏😳
    Have a nice Sunday everyone and take care, stay safe and many hugs are sent to you all xxx

    1. Thank you Maria, for visiting my blog 😊 Funny you should say on your comment that it always starts at the same date - I had a couple of blogs bookmarked, and whenever I went to look at them, it opened on the date that I’d obviously bookmarked it on! (Hope that makes sense) Very strange 🤔 xx

  6. Hello All, very windy here today odd rain showers, flowers which were looking lovely are getting really bashed.

    Lots of really lovely cards today, I’m in great admiration to those of you that make multiple cards, takes me all day to do one.

    Salad for lunch, roast chicken for dinner, so not too much work. Hope you all have a lovely day, Lilian

  7. Hi everyone
    Wow, such a fantastic selection of cards and lovely crafty buys!
    Thank you for putting the link to my blog, and thank you all for your lovely comments 😊😊
    Work was busy this morning - always is at the weekend as we don’t have as many staff in, so I’ve come home tired again. Marks out for the day, so I’m just going to relax now and catch up with some things on the tv!
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love Sundays when we see the results of the latest challenge and what a lovely selection of challenge cards on display today. Thank you ladies for making today so special.

    I’m keeping my comment short as Google is playing up again, can’t understand why, will have to investigate.

    Have a good week everyone, love and hugs , Brenda xxx
