
Tuesday 28 July 2020

Karen's Amazing 'Tracy ' style card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you are all well, does anyone remember what the sun looks like?  with only 3 days left to then end of this month I think we can officially July a 'Wash Out'  Janet ,I think that your St Swithen's day prediction wasn't far off!! I think it is supposed to brighten up by the end of the week.  That beautiful weather we had in April and May seem a distant memory.
We had the Gas Engineer come yesterday to Service the Aga and Boiler, he kept apologising for having to wear a mask and normally he would have had a cuppa and a biscuit but none of that was allowed, you can no longer sign their report either, I did offer to use my own pen but he said no they have changed their protocols, I wonder if this is the new 'Normal'! 

Today's card is one of Our Karen's, a beautiful 'Thank You' card made using Tracy Evan's stamps, 
Karen used Glossy  Photo Card, which she coloured with 'Pixie Powders, she then used the Lots of Dots Aall & Create Stencil with White Gesso which gives lovely texture as well as interest, the main image is Tracy Evan's Fritilleria stamp, the extra detail around the edges in a lovely blue shade is the 'Heartfelt' stamp, Karen has stamped the sentiment on white card and then done a great little trick which is to draw around your sentiment piece with a water soluble pencil and then blend it out a bit, it gives the look of an added mat. Karen used the same colour to colour the flower.  A traditional Tracy finish is to flick a white Posca/chalk pen over the piece to add some white splats. The final textural touch was stamping the word 'Art' onto a piece of Muslin' and frayed it around the edges. 
I absolutely love this card Karen, it's a completely new style to both of us but you have done an amazing job, I absolutely love this card XXX

Well it's Haircut day today, I told the girls that we should all do a 'before and after', mind you the girls both have really long hair so they won't see much difference.  I on the other hand must have an extra 4 inches at least, although my is really falling out a lot lately, I mean like my pillow is covered in hair in the morning and loads in the towel when I wash it too, it concerned me with all my other issues combined, the last time I mentioned it to our Hairdresser she wasn't too concerned.

I hope that you all have a lovely day my lovelies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-your Card is fantastic, really lovely.

    Sandra-good puck with the haircuts.

    We had torrential rain yesterday, strong winds which are now about 45mph then in the evening the sun can’t out! We have sunshine and some very dark clouds along with the very strong winds.
    I’m off to collect a parcel before work-I ordered some goodies from Craftstash so I’ll be looking through them tonight.


  2. Morning Everyone
    KAREN-I love your card and particularly the stamp you have used.

    Well we definitely had enough rain yesterday to fill water butts and dams for the rest of the year. It never stopped all day and was really torrential at times.
    At least I managed to make a start on my CC for this week.

    I have nothing planned for today YEH and so I'll wait and see what

    The CAFE is OPEN but no tables outside today as I don't trust the weather
    HUGS are on their way to you all.TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Thank you for showing my card At first I wasn’t sure (Sandra included a “Tracy” card in with some goodies and hers is amazing) but the more I added the more I liked it and thoroughly enjoyed doing it I became really engrossed and it passed away a good couple of hours
    Today should be Gary’s 40th Birthday- where has that time gone So it’s a bittersweet day and of course we won’t be celebrating it as we’d have liked But we’ll be seeing daughter and boys later (can’t wait) Hopefully OH’s sister and we’re going to the zoo to lay a card and flowers on his grave
    Off to make a carrot cake now and hopefully some banana bread - why aren’t bananas keeping very well at the moment
    We have glorious sunshine today which helps brighten things up
    Enjoy your visit to the hairdresser Sandra
    Take care all x

  4. Hi everyone.
    Karen, I absolutely love everything about your card, it’s fantastic 😊 Thinking of you and your family today, and sending extra hugs xx
    Sandra, I hope you got on ok at the hairdresser 💇‍♀️
    Another cloudy day here, but it’s dry. Meant to be getting warmer Thursday and Friday should be about 30 degrees!
    Will be doing some crafting this afternoon, still need to decide what I’m going to do for this weeks challenge.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Sending hugs to you all xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Fabulous card from our Karen, I love how it all came together.Thinking of you today and sending you and the family hugs x
    Long or short Sandra ? photo proof please 😊 Fingers crossed everything goes well.
    Michele- fun to get a parcel from craftstash, have fun playing. Hope work is ok.
    Pat- you are lucky not having to cook dinner sometimes. I find it so boring sometimes, hoping on some BBQ over the next few days as the weather seem to get warmer and nicer soon.
    Lynda- lovely to see you in, hope you ok and taking care. Hugs for you and Terry x
    Week started ok and we had a good walk this morning after I had zoom with some ladies from ww. Will think of what to make for the cc this week, my ideas never seem to get down on the card 😁
    I wish you all a nice day and that the rain will be gone soon and we do get to see the sun in August month. Hugs to all, Maria xx

  6. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Karen you certainly have taken to Traceys style of crafting, so much detail in there, I’ve had to look back at it several times to take it all in. Haven’t been brave enough to try this style myself but who knows! Sorry forgot to say I love your card and the colours work so well. XX
    Thinking of you Karen and the family on this special day. XX

    For us today is special, it’s our eldest daughter and SILs wedding anniversary they have been married for 30 years today .... yikes. And tomorrow is her birthday. Gosh that brings back so many wonderful memories, it was a beautiful wedding and we had a birthday party in the garden the day after which was a total surprise to our daughter so quite a few of the wedding guests were able to come. Lots of lovely memories.

    How did the haircuts go today Sandra?

    Have a lovely evening everyone, Love Brenda xxx

    1. OOPS. To Tracey’s style of crafting!!!

  7. Hello All, very hot here today, been in the garden doing some potting on, can only do a little bit at a time as my back and joints are so bad at the moment.

    Karen thinking of you and yours today, they say time heals but I don’t think it does.
    Love your card, I’ve tried this style and I just can’t do it, it’s just not me.

    Why are all A4 card different sizes, I have been making an art journal and assumed they were all the same, oh no have to trim some still they are ready to stitch tomorrow.

    Have a good evening all, hugs Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Wow Karen what a fabulous card. You have completely mastered Tracy’s style, and so different to your usual cards. It’s great to hear you loved doing it so now you have another choice to make when you make a card. I’ve been thinking of you and the family on this very special bitter sweet day x
    Sandra, can’t wait to see your hair and whether you had it chopped or not. You must share a picture please xx
    I’m really looking forward to the warmer weather but think it might get a bit too hot for me if the forecasts are right. Never happy are we 😏
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
