
Monday 6 July 2020

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I hope that none of you blew away in those blustery winds yesterday, my goodness they were so strong at times.  What made it unbearable was my bloomin' Hair!  It's too long, the fringe is at the tip of my nose, the sides just hang over my ears and it's driving me nuts, I had to be a couple of Hair Clip things (like a comb claw kind of thing) so that I can sweep my hair back out of my face, although I really don't suit having my hair pulled back of my face but it's the lesser of the two evils right now, I still have 3 weeks to wait, if I haven't taken scissors to it by the end of the week it will be a miracle!  
I was so jealous of Michele getting her hair done yesterday, she looked amazing !
I was planning an afternoon in the craft room yesterday preparing my blog cards for this week but that didn't happen, we had an emergency in the veg plot to attend to and Matt popped over with his Girflriend Alex later in the afternoon, before I knew it it was 7pm and I had made nothing.

We wanted to spend time with Matt preparing for a Hearing at his work as they had Furloughed him from the start of lockdown due to him taking Immunosuppressive Drugs, he was advised to Strict Social Distance which was impossible as he drove in a van with a colleague, they chose to Furlough him and said it was fine, his safety was there priority.  Until two weeks ago when he had a call asking if he 'Wanted to Resign' so that he could find a job that he could do while Social Distancing, he said 'No I want to return to my job' the lady said that she would call his Depot to see what they could do to get him back to work, she would let him know results of call the next day, which was a Friday, he received no call or message.  Then on Tuesday of the following week he received an Email stating that he had been 'Dismissed' as of Monday 22nd June, he had 5 days to appeal that decision.  This absolutely devastated him (as it would anyone).  He sat with a friend that has experience of this situation and put a very professional email together, explaining the reason that he is appealing, he sent that on the Thursday and received a message back within 10 minutes notifying him of his Appeal Hearing, which is today.  I will be able to think of nothing else today, fingers crossed it goes OK.

Today's lovely cards are Our Brenda's, I have to say that I really love poppies, I have seen some beautiful poppies in a variety of colours and they are all so delicate, yours are much better though Brenda as they last a lot longer!
These three cards would make a beautiful set of Notelets to give as a gift to someone that is stuck at home right now.
Brenda made these gorgeous Notelets with the Gemini Poppies stamp and Die set, the set has two dies that cut either side of the poppy, like you Brenda I think I prefer just using the one and having it as an edger die, it looks so effective.
Thank you so much for sharing your cards with us XXX

I hope that today is a little calmer Ladies, have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-what beautiful cards, they’re really lovely.

    Sandra- I hope Matt is ok today. What a dreadful thing to have to go through.

    We have very strong winds still here, we have to take hubby’s car to the dealership early this morning (8am) fir them to photograph a wheel trim) then go back & collect his car as he’s not allowed to wait even though he’d be sat in my car not the showroom. Other than that we have no plans for today-just going to relax.


  2. Your notelet cards are gorgeous BRENDA
    Poor MATT I do hope he gets on OK today What a nightmare
    We ended up going to daughters yesterday afternoon which was a wonderful unexpected surprise
    It’s still windy here but sunny and quite warm
    Off to work in a mo Enjoy your week off MICHELE xx

    1. How lovely to go and see your daughter Karen. A lovely surprise.

  3. Morning Everyone
    Love your Notelets BRENDA.Poppies are one of my favourite flowers.

    Hoping everything goes well today SANDRA.

    WE had high winds all day yesterday and they are still with us this morning. I'm just hoping that it's a little warmer today.

    I want to make a start on my CC today - well that's the plan.

    The CAFE is OPEN - biscuit tin/cake tin full so help yourselves.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies

    Love your poppy notelets Brenda. I to love poppies.
    What a nightmare for Matt Sandra. Can they legally dismiss him like that though I wonder.
    Very windy & blustery today as well here. Not much on the cards so will probably try to do a bit more of the puzzle I started. Then in to finish off a Groovi design that Hazel Edwards sent us. Then to look at what Maria Morrhouse has sent me. We’re making a box, a card and a bookmark. Wish me luck and I’ll ptobabky need it with the box. Well out of my comfort zone.
    Take care & stay safe.

  5. Hi everyone.
    Lovely cards Brenda 😊
    Oh Sandra, that’s awful for Matt, and you all too. Fingers crossed all goes well today.
    Just having a relaxing day today (off work until Thursday) and catching up with some tv programmes I’ve been meaning to watch for a while.
    Hope you all have a good day. Hugs to all xx

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Very pretty note cards Brenda, love poppies and they are out in full on our walk this morning.
    Loved also all the cc's yesterday, many of us did some x-mas ones that I liked and Janet, your boxes are so lovely.
    Very windy but not cold, didn't really feel like it but OH got me out this morning. My hair have gone longer over the months so even if it doesn't suit me I putting my hair up in a ponytail for hate having it flying in my face. The fringe have been snipped three times already, couldn't have it hanging down over the eyes. Last one I did it was not very straight Lol Not sure when we go to hairdressers, I need to find a new one anyway as the other one closed down.
    Going to take it easy this afternoon, feeling very tired.
    Have a nice day everyone whatever you are doing. Hugs to all ,Maria xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    What a surprise I had when I looked on the blog this morning to see my notelets looking back at me. I’ve made several of these, I have two other sets From the same series, one with butterflies and the third with dandelion clocks. They are great for a quick thank you Or just a little note. You don’t have to colour them they look great but the poppy one I just felt I had to give it the extra bit of colour.

    Oh Sandra you must’ve had one hell of a day worrying about Matt. I hope he was alright today. He’s been on my mind all day long, I hope he had a union rep there. Or at least someone to be in his corner. It doesn’t sound legal the way they have gone about this. If they choose to dismiss him I’m sure he would have the right to appeal Through the employment tribunal.

    Right better make a move granddaughter is on her way down to check we are behaving ha ha. I think she wants to escape with her sister, brother and Mum and Dad at home. she’s used since being away at uni having her own space and doing her own thing so I think we’re an escape route.

    Take care everyone and stay safe, love Brenda XXX

  8. Hi everyone, very hot and humid here, not done much today, joints all aching.

    Brenda love the note cards, not seen this style before, very useful for many occasions.

    Better go and look to see what we are going to have for dinner.

    Enjoy the rest of the day,Lilian

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Brenda your poppie cards are beautiful. I love that die, it is now on my wish list 😁 I m sure you all had a lovely time within your granddaughters visit x
    Sandra, I have been thinking of Matt and hope he got a positive appeal. It doesn’t sound like the firm has acted legally does it. Take care my lovely xx
    I can’t wait to get my haircut either and Pop has asked if I could give his hair a trim so will see how that goes. It will only be a basic tidy up though. He didn’t ask Mum to do it for some reason...... 😘 It will be wonderful to see you both in the flesh rather than on screen. Love you Mum xx
    Karen, I bet you didn’t want to put Charlie down did you. How lovely that you have finally got to hold him and I bet Oscar loved his cuddles with you too 🥰🥰🥰🥰 It would be a shame if the fairy garden isn’t put back up once it is safe to do so. It’s always so good to see nice things around instead of rubbish etc. X
    Yesterday’s c cards were all lovely. I had made several embossing paste backgrounds, 4 of which were ok to use. The paste I made myself. It stays flexible but the glisten of some bronze powder(can’t think what it’s proper name is) vanished once it had dried which was disappointing so I tried various ways of getting a sparkle onto it. After testing them on the scrap ones I still managed to totally ruin all four good ones do that out paid to my c card as it was too late to make a different one in the end! At least I do actually know one card that I am going to improve for this weeks challenge.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
