
Sunday 7 June 2020

Your 'Things with Wings ' Challenge cards

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are on your favourite day of the week!  I just love sharing your cards, nothing gives me greater pleasure.

I hope that you have all had a lovely weekend so far, boy did we get a soaking yesterday!! I felt a bit better yesterday so we decided  to drive over and drop Pat's cucumber plant off so that can get it planted, to make the most of the journey we popped to Morrisons to get our weekly shopping, they didn't have half the things we needed so we crossed the road and went to Aldi, got the shopping we needed, as we were leaving the store to say the heavens opened would be an understatement, we got soaked, soaked through our clothes, my hair was dripping! As soon as we got home I had a hot shower and snuggled under the duvet for an hour.  On the upside the garden looked much better for it, thank fully we didn't have the huge Hailstone storm that Karen had.
It was so lovely to see Pat, who like me has long hair, it's funny how different it makes us look, I really can't wait until we can all get together and craft again, I really miss seeing both Sue and Pat each week and we would also be organising a Watford meet up too, hopefully we can organise one for the Autumn.

Let's look at your amazing cards....


Brenda has made a beautiful Birthday card for this weeks challenge, using a Crafters Companion Die to cut the cream card which Brenda layered over Cinnamon card, it's a beautiful card, the little pink and white flowers really lift the card. Such a beautiful, delicate creation.
Thank you so much for taking part Brenda XXX


Another stunning card from our Sonia, for this weeks Things with Wings' Challenge, I love the combination of colours that you have used and the beautiful papers.

Sonia's Description:
'' One of our residents at work is 90 next week, so I thought I’d make a Birthday card for her, to tie in with the challenge. I’ve used papers from Anna Marie Designs and Studio Light. The butterfly sits on the Spellbinders Brillante Rondelle centre die, the border die is also from Spellbinders."

Such a gorgeous card, so kind of you to make such a special card for your client, she will absolutely love it Sonia, thank you so much for taking part XXX


Janet  has made a lovely Dragon card, how magnificent is he! What a great card, I guess you could use if for any childs or anyone from Wales, the sky that you have created looks amazing too Janet.

Janet's second and third photos are pages that Janet has stamped and embellished for her Journal, both pages are amazing Janet, I think that because you are doing it as a gradual, ongoing project you will see a real variation in the pages as they are created as you use both new techniques and old, it's such a great idea. 
Thanks so much for taking part in the challenge again this week my lovely XXX


Michele has shared 4 cards for our challenge this week, featuring both Christmas and Birthday cards.

Michele's 1st card was made using a Free die, I love that die cut and the paper you have used.

2nd Card was made using a Magazine Topper (free gift), I love the matching background paper.

3rd Card was made using an Ella's Design CDRom, super cute as always.

The 4th and final card was made with a topper printed from a CD Rom.

Thank you so much Michele for 4 fantastic cards XXX


Pat has shared two gorgeous cards for this weeks 'Things with wings' Challenge.
How magnificent is that Swan card?! I love it Pat, is it a Groovi image that you have built up?
I love how 3D it is, the background you have created for it is fantastic too.
Pat's second card is a beautiful Groovi card that features lots of cut work as well as lovely colouring, a gorgeous design Pat.
Thank you so much for taking part in this weeks challenge Pat XXX


Lilian has used het Embroidery Machine to create this stunning Butterfly topper, such beautiful embroidery too, giving the butterfly so much detail and texture. What a genius idea, the background for this card was made using 'Washi Tape' although it looks painted me, Washi tape has clearly improved in quality since I last bought some.
Such an amazing 'Mixed Media' card Lilian, what a brilliant and very inspirational idea, thank you so much for taking part XXX


Sue has made a pretty Birthday card for this weeks 'Things with Wings' Challenge.
Sue used the Butterfly die to create an aperture, replacing the die cut butterfly into the aperture which gives both depth and great detail to the card front, Sue also used a decorative border die to create that pretty detail on the bottom of card front.  A pretty ribbon bow and the stamped sentiment finish Sue's card perfectly.
Thank you so much Sue for taking part in this weeks Challenge XXX


A beautiful Sympathy card Designed by our Maria that works perfectly for this weeks challenge.
Maria has used a gorgeous and very intricate die cut to create this card, everything about it is so delicate and pretty including that butterfly.
Thank you so much for such a beautiful card Maria XXX


Some truly beautiful cards this weeks Ladies, thank you all so much for making and sharing your amazing cards. You are all so supportive and I really appreciate you xxxx

I hope that you all enjoy whats left of the weekend, I think it will be an 'indoors' day, I think that we should all be in our craft rooms.

Love and Hugs to all of you 



  1. I am glad you’re beginning to feel better. SANDRA But As they say “Slowly slowly catchee monkey”
    Gorgeous cards ladies with some fabulous ideas I was only too happy to help out earlier in the week
    Boy! Did we have some rain and hail It looked like it had been snowing in our garden
    A much calmer day today (so far)
    We watched a fabulous documentary last night The Making of Hitsville As Motown music is my favourite genre I was in my element
    I long to have a Watford meet-up too We will just have to wait and see how things go
    Today I will just be pottering about in my craft room
    Take care all xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Such beautiful cards in this week's Challenge.I have to admit that I struggled this week so I'm hoping for a better result with the Challenge Tic Tac Toe.

    We had another very cold day so much so that I had a jumper on instead of a t-shirt and put the heating on too.
    We have rain again this morning so it's another 'jumper'day with heating.

    The CAFE is OPEN as usual and on today's lunch menu it's Roast Beef with treacle tart for afters.Place your orders if you wish.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.I can also say HAPPY CRAFTING SUNDAY.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, you not alone with the jumper and a little bit of heating back on. Such a different from last weekend. Love your card and pages with the fairies, so pretty. Roast beef sound nice to count me in for lunch. Have a good day xx

    2. Hi Sandra and ladies
      WOW some lovely cards this
      Morning all beautiful and different
      SANDRA pleased your feeling better today. Now don't get over doing it baby steps
      It is chucking down at the
      moment it's doing the grass good
      Have a good week every one
      Love Lynda xx

  3. Morning Ladies

    What a fantastic selection of challenge cards today. I’m afraid I cheated (again) and didn’t make these cards specially for the challenge, they’re ones that I’d already made. Not felt like crafting as I’ve got quite a bit going on right now. I’m hoping to have some time in my craft room as a distraction from everything today!


    1. Hope you have a nice weekend Michele. Love your cards, the toppers you made are so lovely and cute. take care xx

  4. Hi everyone
    Lovely selection of cards today. They’re all fantastic 😊
    Pleased to hear you’re feeling a bit better Sandra.
    A dry, sunny morning here so far. It was a horrible afternoon yesterday weather wise, fortunately we didn’t get the hail storm, but had quite a lot of rain which was good for the garden. I had a nap and when I got up, Mark had put the heating on - so it must’ve been cold!!
    I ordered some stamps on Thursday evening and they arrived tyesterday, so I will be crafting today. After trawling the internet all evening looking for a ‘new home’ sentiment stamp, I came across a company called Clearly Besotted. They have a lovely array of sentiment stamps (I found it hard to choose) and with the quick delivery I would recommend them to anyone. I also came across a Digi stamp company who I’ve bookmarked for future needs. They are called The Lovely Studio. I believe they used to be Pink Petticoat, and when I was looking the other night for the sentiments, I found they had closed. It was only by chance of looking on another blog last night that I came across them. They do lots of Digi sentiments and cute little images.
    Anyway, I hope you’re all well and have a lovely day.
    Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, a beautiful card for the lady, think to be 90 years old. Hope she have a nice birthday.
      Thanks for the information about the craft shops, will have a look later. Have a nice day xx

  5. Hello , very cold here today, we had the rain yesterday, but no hail.

    Glad you are feeling a little better today, Sandra.

    Lovely lot of cards again this week, all so very different, with many ideas to use.

    Going to do some baking this morning, and then hoping to catch up with Tracy’s class this afternoon. Get ready for some painty mess. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian. Your card is stunning! Your washi tape is gorgeous. Never seen the bigger ones here, only from America. Have fun doing Tracy's class and hope the baking went well. Have a nice day xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone in today.
    Love ,love all the cards on the boards today. Hope other people who are looking in also like them and get some ideas for cards. Sandra very kindly showing one of my older card because I just couldn't get anything together,just made a mess of it all.
    I want the die that Brenda have used, it is lovely. Beautiful card.
    Sue's card is also beautiful, it is still up with the others I received for my 😊
    Pat, love your card. The swan is gorgeous and your pico work is wonderful. Have fun doing Maria's class when that's on.
    Talking about the weather, wow . We had hailstones, strong winds and rain in bucket loads so the garden did get a real soaking, just like you Sandra 🙈 I really hope you got warmed up after under the duvet. We have got the heating on low but I still need a thick jumper and the fleecy so not be shivering and the hands get so painful.
    Our walk this morning was partly though the business park and some around the lake. Weekends are of course very busy around there so lot of people jogging and cycling around. When OH waved to one guy to move more to the side we got an earful of abuse. Such an i--ot.
    Time for shower and then Brunch while watching tv is next, and here is the rain again.
    Have a nice day everyone and many hugs for you all, Maria xxx

  7. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely cards today from everyone. I love them all..
    My swan card is not a groovi card. It was made ages ago. A friend traced a swan for me and I drew round it on white card. I then used some stiff velum I had to make the wings. I used a punch for the waves and made the background. I couldn’t part with it. A funny old day today, some rain & sun. I’ve been sat reading watching snooker & doing some Groovi work.
    I hope everyone had a nice day today.
    Stay safe everyone.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    I left a comment this afternoon but it seems to have disappeared. Admittedly I fell asleep after I had finished it and John carefully removed the iPad off my lap. Anyway here goes - What a brilliant display of Challenge cards, lots of butterflies and birds around and all different.
    Sandra so pleased you are starting to feel some relief, just take life one day at a time. xx
    Sleep well and stay safe and warm. Love Brenda xxx
