
Friday 26 June 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all coped with that intense heat yesterday , it was almost unbearable, I hadn't realised but before Paul left he said ''all you have to is switch it to 2'', I looked at him a bit odd and he said 'Happy Crafting'.  So I waved him off, from inside the front door as the slabs outside the front door were too hot to stand on, it literally burned my feet, (I know I should wear shoes)!
Anyway I went straight into my craft room to find that he had closed the curtains and blinds and opened the windows and had set fans up so that they were directed toward me but not at my desk so nothing flew off, he's definitely a keeper!

Your Next Challenge

For our next challenge I would like you to create cards or projects with a 'Textured Background"
I don't mind if you want to make 3D projects, book marks, tags etc.

To create these Textured Backgrounds you can use:

Embossing Folders

Embossing Powders

You could use the Emboss Resist Technique 

Masks and stencils with different mediums 

Glitter/Glass Beads (micro beads)

Die cuts



Or anything that you can think of, my mind went blank.

Just type in 'Cards with Textured Background' there are some fantastic cards on there.

I have added some inspiration for you above, the first two were Brenda's cards, third card is Janet's, fourth is Maria's, the last two are Lynda's, they have all used different things to create a textured background if you zoom in you can see them.

I hope that you have a comfortable day today,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge for us next week. Fans sound perfect as it’s hot here already although I’m struggling with hot flushes so that certainly doesn’t help.

    Yesterday was fine, just far too warm. At least we didn’t have to wear Face masks as it was a very spacious room for both sessions.

    On Wednesday evening I received a message from my cousins wife to say my Uncle had had s heart attack on Tuesday. The hospital managed to revive him & he’s now on a Cardiology Ward (i thought he’d already been moved). I’ve not had another update so I’ll message his Daughter in Law today and see if they’ve heard anything. Not sure if they’re letting visitors in now, I know we’ve not relaxed that.

    I’d booked today off work as I’d originally planned to go to the craft show at the NEC and hopefully meet up with some of you. I decided to keep today as a days holiday & make a long weekend. I’m just waiting for the washing machine to finish then I’ll get dressed & can head out to Morrison’s to do the shopping.


    1. Hi Michele,
      hopefully your uncle get the best treatment and is soon on the mend. Hugs for you and the family. It's a shame we couldn't go but at the same time I'm glad for with this heat I would not felt good and talking about hot flushes. I got it bad at times but a friend of mine is having it so bad so she have split with her husband and moved to her own flat ! I hope you not as bad ? Have a nice day at home x

    2. I hope you have enjoyed today Michele and that you get some positive news about your uncle. At least he is in the best place now x

    3. Also you have my sympathy re hot flushes. They are not fun at the best of times are they let alone in this heat!!!

  2. Morning Everyone
    A really good Challenge for this week SANDRA.

    It certainly was a scorcher of a day yesterday and I'm reaady for a cooler day to come along. I didn't get my CC photographed so that is definitely my first job after I leave here.

    I cannot believe that it's that 'swear' word again.I'm sure it was only a day ago but no the washer like MICHELE's is already churning away so the sooner I get to it the better.

    The CAFE is OPEN and ready for you all to help yourselves to the iced drinks etc etc.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, in this heat ,please take it easy and don't overdo things. The swearword can wait to a cooler day for they will come again. You so good to have made the cc's already, I still need to get something together. hugs xx

  3. Great idea for the challenge It’s got my brain thinking already
    We had an impromptu invite over to daughters yesterday and I’m certainly not going to turn that down! Oscar loved playing in his paddling pool and Charlie is such a smiler now!
    It is still stiflingly hot here but we did have a bit of rain through the night Another relaxing day me thinks
    Take care all Big hugs to all of you with an extra (gentle) squeeze for MARGARET and LYNDA xx

    1. Hi Karen, of course you had to go when you get invited. It must be so lovely to see the little ones when you can. Take care, hope the sugar is behaving ?
      hugs x

    2. I’m so happy for you getting to see both grandsons and daughter. It’s good to hear that mum is able to relax a bit now Charlie is settling more. Can we see a photo? Take care x

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely cards on show for the challenge. I did make a card with a textured background to go behind my latest Groovi card. As you can’t really see it I don’t know if that will count.
    It’s still very hot here today. So I’m sat on the sofa on my iPad. Much to hot to sir outside at the moment. I’m not to sure if rain will hit us today or not. Weather forecast says we’ll have it for a couple of hrs at 3.00 ish. But not too sure whether that will happen or not.
    I wonder if all those people crammed onto beaches have a death wish. I’m not to sure what part of were in the middle of a Pandemic & please stay 2 mar apart they don’t understand. I wouldn’t dream of taking my family down to a beach if I was a parent.
    Stay safe & take care everyone.

    1. Hi Pat, waiting here for the storm we meant to have but not too sure, it's hot but a beautiful day and not a grey/black cloud in the sky. Had the water bill yesterday tho and it was pretty high. Bournemouth beach was horrendous to see with all those people, will this take us to another lockdown ?
      Take care,hugs x

  5. Hi everyone
    Great challenge for next week, and some beautiful samples there.
    Yesterday was so hot, we moved garden furniture into the shade when mother in law came as we still don’t have a parasol, but it was quite pleasant and she stayed a couple of hours.
    The scenes from yesterday and Wednesday of the people on the beaches makes me so angry. What is wrong with people??
    Sandra, what a loving husband Paul is, so kind of him to set up your craft room for you.
    Michele, I hope your Uncle is ok.
    Still hot here today, was looking forward to a day of thunderstorms but doesn’t look like we’re going to get any.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Hi Sonia, oh I was just like you and fumed seeing the beaches and all the people who are not thinking at all. Hoping to get some thunder to clear the air today. Take care x

  6. Hello from a beautiful cool day here, any other time we would be thinking it’s too cold, but so refreshing after yesterday’s heat.

    Great idea for next weeks challenge, still have this weeks to do. Great to have some inspiration, as my brain is fried.

    Have a good day all, hope the cool weather comes to you soon. Lilian

    1. Hi Michele hope your day is better than yesterday it wss so hot
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hi Lilian, sound nice you got it a bit cooler down south today. Thinking of you all. hugs x

  7. Hi Sandra.
    Nice of Paul to set up your craft room for you with the curtains shut and the fans up. Hopefully you coping better and AF is better. Don't worry of anything. I hope you get help from those doctors. hugs
    Suffering a bit with the heat myself so haven't done the cc yet but hopefully I can join you this week with one. Next week challenge is a good one, you do keep our little greys busy.
    Cheryl, hope you ok and staying cool. What have you been up to lately ?
    Brenda, hoping you and John are doing alright too.
    Sending many hugs for you all and extra for anyone who need some. xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. First I have to say that you really have got a keeper in Paul. I bet you had tears in your eyes when you realised what he had done for you 🥰
    I love these inspirational cards for next weeks challenge. They are all lovely and show how different backgrounds can be.
    It’s another hot day here, no sign at all of rain or storms. I wish it would cool down a bit at night. It makes it hard to sleep doesn’t it! I got to see Phoebe, Paige, Penny, Tim and Roz yesterday. We sat on their back garden in the shade watching the girls playing in the paddling pool. Lockdown certainly makes you appreciate the simple things like being able to do this. Please take care of yourselves with lots of liquids and staying as cool as possible. Lilian you are the lucky one today with the cooler weather. We are never really happy with the weather are we 😗 Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Oh dear when you mentioned the next challenge I immediately thought of this wave mask. thank you for showing them again, but will now have to put my thinking cap on.
    We had a lovely surprise yesterday, The middle grandson from Essex rang late afternoon and said grandma I’m in the area can I come and have a cuppa in your garden with you? Naturally I said yes, he said he would explain when he arrived why he was in South London. He said he would be here in about 20mins. Well when John went to the front door he had both his brothers With him . One grandson was a lovely surprise Three - wow what a bonus. They said “we just thought we would like to come and see you both“ talk about quality time - we felt really blessed.
    Take care ladies, hope you all have a lovely weekend, love Brenda xxx
