
Monday 22 June 2020

Sophie's Amazing Father's Day card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope you all had a lovely weekend,  we managed to get some garden jobs done, virtually all veg is in now apart from another tray of leeks,  which will go in a deep tub as our soil is way too clumpy for leeks to grow, I'm guessing its because it hasn't been touched in more than ten years so it was fairly solid,  Paul was grateful for his Birthday gift from Matt a couple of years ago, he could not have done that amount of ground with a spade, so the rotavator got a lot of use.  The veg plot has gotten bigger by the week.  I was amazed on Saturday as i was weeding around the various beans we have growing I noticed a French bean, the funny part is the bean was longer than the actual plant itself!! I had a good look through and found enough for us to have a small portion each with our dinner, I can't tell you how different they taste, going from the bush to the plate in less than half hour! 

I have to tell you ladies that I was so immensely proud of both Sophie and Lucy on Saturday, they were both absolutely exhausted after what was one of the busiest two days the park has ever seen, they said that working with plastic gloves, apron and a mask was an absolute nightmare in a small kiosk (basically a wooden shed), they looked totally washed out when they got in, I asked them if they wanted me to help them make there Father's Day cards, they said no, we know exactly what we are going to do, so they had a coffee and a shower and disappeared into my craft room and told us we were banned, I was impressed that they knew where everything was (Even I struggle with that)!
About 2 hours later, they called me in and all I can say is WOW!! They totally balways me away with their skill level. 
I will share Sophie's card with you today, she designed the card using photos of Paul and our children, they have an amazing relationship with their Dad, Paul is a man a few words but I could see he was touched by what she wrote inside, she also added a hilarious pop-op inside the card. The hilarious touch was the price code on the back! 
It's a bitter sweet feeling, having spent years helping them make their Father's Day cards , they now make cards that are better than mine, they have so much inspiration,  they are buzzing with 💡 ideas! 

Paul loved his cards, they also made a menu for him to choose his breakfast,  he opted for freshly made pancakes with freshly picked strawberries 😋 it was a delicious breakfast,  we had a lovely afternoon tea outside, I made some Scones,  we have been experimenting with different recipes, I tried 3 ingredient scones using lemonade last time, we weren't keen, yesterday it was a Mary Berry Recipe,  they were lovely,  with some lovely clotted cream, home grown strawberries or jam.
We then had a lovely family walk and finished the day off with Paul's favourite....Steak &Chips, garlic mushrooms,  Onion Rings and peas! 

I hope that you all have a lovely day today,

Love and hugs to all, 



  1. Morning Everyone
    We had a quiet day yesterday and both of us benefitted by it.

    I love Sophie's DAD card. So creative and so so personal.

    I want to start on my CC today and I have a birthday card to make for a 'pesky' male.

    The CAFE is OPEN.Tables and chairs outside in the sunshine.
    There's scones/choc cake in the tins so help yourselves.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-the Card Sophie made for Paul is just brilliant. Love the price code!

    We had a busy day yesterday-housework in the morning then we managed to get some gardening done in between the rain showers. Unfortunately it was nice enough to sit out when we had the time to relax.
    I’m hoping the weather stays ok and we can go for a walk once I get home from work.


  3. Wow! What an amazing card from SOPHIE My two never had an interest in doing anything arty or crafty which I find a little sad
    We did go and see daughter yesterday in the end which was lovely Oscar was his usual happy self and Charlie is settling more easily which gives daughter a breather
    I am on annual leave this week which feels weird as we aren’t able to go away I have plenty of jobs to do but I don’t know I just can’t be bothered with some things like sorting through clothes that don’t fit anymore etc
    Have a lovely day ladies x

    1. How lovely that you were able to see Charlotte, Oscar & Charlie. Luckily I sorted clothes out before lockdown. I still have a few things to take to the Charity shop. They’re only taking things in 2 days a week as things have to sit out the back for 72 hrs. Enjoy your week off.

  4. Hi everyone.
    Sophie’s Card is fantastic, very creative. What a lovely looking family you have 😊
    Off to town this morning, just hope it’s not too busy!
    Saturday was a write off, as didn’t do anything much at all - ended up having an afternoon nap as hadn’t slept well the night before. Saw Mum and Dad yesterday afternoon and sat in their garden. Fortunately we didn’t get any rain.
    Karen, I know how you feel about not being bothered with doing certain jobs, plenty of things I could do on my days off but just keep putting them off. I hope you enjoy your week whatever you do.
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Morning all.
    Fabulous card that Sophie made for her dad,your girls are very good. Nice price tag.😊
    Your vegetable plot seem to grow Sandra, it all sound so good to have fresh from land to table.
    Look like a warm day here.Going for our walk later but not had a good night so won't be doing too much else.
    Have a nice day everyone, xxx

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Wow I’m just blown away by the card that the girls made for Paul. So creative aren’t they. Sounds like you all had a lovely day. Lucky you having your own strawberries, mine aren’t any where near ready yet. Karen & Craig put photos on Facebook for Pete.
    Amy popped in with Karen, Amber & Keith. Well not literally but stood on the driveway. They were taking the 6 dogs off for a walk to Hailey & Poffley End. The next two villages down from us. They walk miles with the dogs. Keith said he was doing a lamb curry & would I like some. I said I’d already had dinner. So he was going to bring some down for me to have today. As yet he hasn’t brought it down.
    Like everyone else I can’t seem to get motivated too do any jobs. Cupboards could do with clearing and I never did get to finish tidying my craft room.
    We have sunshine today will be off for a walk in a minute. Might pop to Thrupp again this afternoon.
    Take care everyone & safe safe.

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Wow. Sophie’s card for Paul is fabulous. I’m not surprised he was touched. It’s always amazing seeing how talented your girls are. How nice that you all had a lovely day yesterday xx
    Karen glad to hear you did get to see daughter and grandsons. Is Charlie a bit colicky at the moment? I was very lucky with my three. RJ was the only one to have it and then very mildly and only for about two weeks. Enjoy the time off. The sorting wont go away but it can wait until things return to normal. I think a lot of us are all feeling the same way so enjoy crafting instead or having lots of walks with hubby. You might find the fairy garden this week. Don’t forget to share a photo when you do find it please x
    I’m not sure what is happening here today. We both had headaches yesterday afternoon and both still feel a bit groggy so we will see. I hope you all have a good day. Stay safe. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  8. Hello, very dull day here, managed to get the bedding dry, always a plus. Very windy these past two days.

    Sandra amazing family card, how lovely for Paul. R had two beautiful fuchsia hanging baskets, from daughter, and new gardening gloves, from son, unfortunately the mice chewed a hole in his leather ones.

    Not done much today, waking most of last night, so feeling washed out today.

    Cleaners tomorrow, first time since shut down, luckily we have two spare rooms that they leave, so we don’t have any contact.

    Might have a try at doing this weeks card while they are here. Hugs to all, Lilian

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a beautiful keepsake Sophie created for Paul’s Father’s Day card, I would have loved to have seen his face when he opened it.

    Have not achieved much today, been feeling quite listless all day, had a nap before lunch then another one mid afternoon, will be going to bed soon and hopefully will be fine tomorrow.

    Karen great you managed to meet up with Charlotte, Oscar and Charlie, one day (hope it will be soon) you will be able to enjoy cuddles again.

    Lilian it must be a great feeling to have your cleaners returning tomorrow, don’t know when daughters cleaner will be returning As she has husband and son working from home and the youngest son is waiting to go to University so is also at home. She is the only one going into work.

    Think it’s time to say goodnight, take care and sleep well, Love Brenda xxx
