
Saturday 13 June 2020

Saturday Magazine Review

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well and having a lovely relaxed weekend, I think sometimes a rainy weekend is a good excuse to really chill out and craft or do other things that you consider super relaxing, as you don't feel too guilty about not doing work in the garden.

So Michele wasn't able to do a Magazine Review this week as she has not received any new magazines, it's such a shame that so many magazines have been affected by the Covid 19 Pandemic, I really hope that they manage to get back to publishing soon as we all love a craft magazine, especially when we are struggling with our Craft Inspiration.
So....that being said, one magazine that seems to still be printing is my Creative Stamper Magazine, I received it on Wednesday so I thought I would have a go at doing the Magazine Review this week.

My Magazine Review

Here is my review of Issue 85 of Creative Stamper Magazine

This is the front of the magazine and this month's free gift is a set of stamps by Stampendous called Tropical Treetops, it features lots of Tropical leaves which are really 'on trend' right now, with some Tropical Birds and animals.

There was also a collection of free papers, also from Stampendous, they are amazing quality papers with some toppers and sentiments included too, that last paper looks like it has been sprinkled with metallic flakes and spritzed with water, so effective.

The First feature in the magazine looks at using some of the stamps in the Free stamp set to create fun backgrounds, if you zoom in it has a step by step feature using Distress Oxides, if any of you want a closer copy just let me know. I love the card of the right hand page at the bottom, they have used something called 'Magic Shaker' to create that lovely effect, I am guessing that it is a product similar to Brusho or Pixie powders but I love the effect.

The one brilliant thing about this magazine is that there is so much inspiration for the free stamp set.
This particular feature focuses on using the stamp set to create cards for the men in your life, there are some fun samples, including some different folds too.

Now I am pretty sure I have had this feature or one very similar to it in another magazine, I absolutely love these cards, I love them so much I am going to buy the stamp set that they use to make the cards.
Its called 'Peek Through Patterns' by Concord & 9th, I will add a picture of the stamp below

These are some closer shots of the cards that they have made with the stamp set, I am also going to add a close up of the technique that they used below.....

I wanted to include this technique piece as I think that you could achieve similar results if you have a stripey stamp of any kind.

This feature is all about getting the most from your masks and stencils, you can use different mediums through your stencils to get different effects, I think that they have focused on Masculine cards this time, they have used Distress Oxides, Sparkle Mediums, Grunge paste, embossing powder and Nuvo Expaning mousse to create some of these effects. 

These cards were all made using the free papers that came with the magazine, it's nice to see how they have used them as I looked at some and thought 'what on earth would i use that for?" But they actually look quite effective.

It's nice to have so many different Designers using the free stamps as they all add their on personal touch which gives a broader range of inspiration, this particular designer has worked on combining the Branch stamp with some of the creatures, giving some great cards for those pesky males.!

That's most of the features in this magazine, there was quite a few more features but they were based on various different stamp and die sets that non of us have, so I didn't really see the point of adding them.

I will say that this magazine works really hard on giving you a huge range of inspiration for the free gift that they give you.

I hope you have enjoyed my version of the Magazine Review, hopefully Michele will be back in the 'Hot Seat' next week.



Lynda has shared a couple of photo's of her gorgeous Grandson Harry on his 6th Birthday, how is he 6 already?!! I have to say he looks so grown up without his long blond curls.  That is some mean machine he has had for his birthday! 
Thanks so much for sharing the photos Lynda, Happy 6th Birthday Harry xxxxxx


Lilian sent me a couple of photos of her shed upgrade, the first photo shows the brand new shed, you can see by the amount of space around it how much work Lilian and Roger had to do to make room for it, it looks like you had to do a fair bit of pruning too, it must have been tricky getting it to fit in around that cable too.  You have done an amazing job, the new shed is an fantastic upgrade and I am sure it will be blended in to the background very soon as the shrubs and trees grow to cover it a little.
It looks a good size shed too, I don't suppose it will take you long to fill it! 
Thanks so much for sharing the photos with us Lilian, it is lovely to see the things that we talk about. XXX

Have a lovely weekend Ladies,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great magazine Review, I love the feature on stripes stamping. That looks like an excellent magazine & I might just have to purchase it!

    Lynda-great photos.

    Lilian lovely to see where you have your shed and just how much work you both did to clear all that space.

    I’m off out early to Morrison’s before it gets busy. I’m calling at my crazy friends house-not going into the hour. I’m looking at her back garden as she’s been working very hard these last few weeks to start clearing it and wants me to see the progress. I’m taking my own drink in an insulated drinks container. Fingers crossed it stays fine.


  2. Morning Everyone
    from a verry foggy start to the day here.I cannot believe it we can just see across the road this morning. What is Mother Nature doing to us.

    SANDRA-lovely to see your mag review. It was a lovely surprise to see one.
    LYNDA-what beautiful pics of Harry.Where have the last six years gone!
    LILIAN-Your new shed looks wonderful.I bet that when everything was finished you and R were both shattered.Now you can start filling it just like we all

    Not sure what's happening in this house today but I'm sure something will turn up.

  3. I love the crafty saying SANDRA and well done on the magazine review Some interesting articles
    Lovely photos of HARRY Goodness 6 years old!!
    What great photos of the new shed LILIAN A lot of hard work but now you can relax and enjoy
    We have beautiful sunshine at the moment I need to finish some odds and ends and do some batch cooking- broccoli and cauliflower cheese and some roasted veg that I (OH hates it) can have either hot or cold
    I need to give this doll a haircut too It’s only wool and I can always do it again as it’s knotted in But ....
    Did you manage to get some help LYNDA from your GP?
    How are you doing MARGARET
    Take care all xx

  4. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Good job in making the magazine review Sandra. Some interesting articles and some fun things to try.
    Lilian- love your new shed. You and R must have done so much pre work before it came. Wonder what you will be using it for ? Gardening or Crafting 😉
    Oh Lynda- how grown up Harry look on his squad bike. Think his 6 years old already. Hope he had a nice birthday.
    Second washing machine already on so as soon OH have cut the grass it will all go outside on the line. Sun is shining so hoping that Son have some time today to make some digging so I can get some new plants in that arrived the other day. I bought some through the Daily Mail because they were on sale and looked very nice, however when they arrived here they were in a sad stage so hoping that with some care they will survive, haven't got any green fingers tho so just hoping for the best 😊
    I wish you all have a nice day and have some time to enjoy the sunshine, defrost our bones a bit.
    Extra hugs for our Margaret, Lynda and to anyone else who need some.
    hugs to all, Maria xxx

    1. Good luck with the planting Maria. I too don’t have green fingers. It’s orchids I have trouble keeping alive. Doreen had them flowering year after year. But mine just seem to die after the flowers drop.

  5. Hello , very wet and misty here, hoping it will fine up later.

    Great mag review Sandra, very interesting, used to have it delivered but it went down hill, looks as though it’s improved.

    Lynda, how lovely to the photos of Harry, how he’s grown, bet he loves his new toy.

    Have a good all, Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Great mag review Sandra.
    How lovely to see a picture of Harry Lynda. How did he reach six already. Time just seems too fly by doesn’t it.
    Great to see the picture of your new shed Lilian. Must have taken quite a lot of work to make room for it.
    It’s quite sunny here at the moment although I’m not to sure how long it’s going to last. We’re supposed to have rain & thunderstorms later.
    Take care & stay safe everyone.

  7. Hi everyone.
    Great quote, and love your magazine review. Lots of interesting articles.
    Harry looks a little cutie on his quad bike, Lynda. I hope he enjoyed his Birthday 😌
    Love the new shed, Lilian.
    Not doing much this afternoon after a busy morning at work. Probably just veg out in front of the telly.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Thank you MICHELE for the mag review. Also your nice comments
    On Harry's pictures thank you.xx
    Been lovely weather today. I'm really worn-out had my strip wash earlier which takes over a hour
    Really takes it out of me.
    So i started reading a book Lisa brought me cauld

    IT'S sad & funny.
    Sorry I have to go as arm is hurting now.
    Have a good week end
    Love & Hugs Lynda xxxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Love the quote, it certainly fits me! Great magazine review very informative thank you.

    LYNDA Great pictures of Henry. Hope you had a lovely 6th birthday..

    LILLIAN Your new shed looks great, You and Roger must have been exhausted Sorting everything out, but it must be lovely to look out and see job well done.

    Take care everyone, sleep well, love Brenda xxx
