
Thursday 11 June 2020

Pat's Latest Groovi Masterpiece

Good Morning Ladies,

Anyone else thing that this week seems so long?! I thought that it was Wednesday yesterday, so I'm all over the place today, I was panicking as I hadn't decided on the next challenge (it didn't make me make a decision though, I think I will do a shape based challenge!) I am always open to suggestions ladies, if there is anything you particularly fancy trying next week.

Today's card is Pat's latest Groovi card, It is one of the Maria Moorehouse Workshop projects that Pat signed up to. It has so  much incredible detail and I love the moving tag on the front, adds some real interest to the card.  The colours you have used for the flowers and detail on your card work so well with the background paper. That incredible cut work on that tag is amazing and makes the sentiment really stand out.
You must be so pleased with it Pat, it is one of your best Groovi designs I think.  Thank you so much for sending it for me to share with all of our friends. XXX

Janet, I missed you yesterday, I hope that you are ok, sending love and hugs XXX

Michele, sending hugs your way my friend, I know how dear your Uncle is to you, you must be so worried, it's just horrible when they are so far away too. You know where I am if you need to talk XXX 

Lynda, I hope that you can find some answers for your sore arms, maybe it's because you are using your frame to walk which will be hard on your arms, I hope that you are feeling a bit better today, keep pushing to get some crafting done, it will really benefit you mentally, specially if you get to make that special card that you need to make, remember my offer. sending love and hugs XXX

Lilian, it sounds like you and Roger have had a busy few days, you will need to pencil in a couple of relaxing days, it always seems like it's 2 days after that the effect hits you (well it is for me anyway). You should have taken some before and after photos! Take it easy, sending hugs XXX

Margaret, I want to send you the biggest hug and lots of love too, I really miss having you here with us on the blog each day, you are always in my thoughts XXX

Maria, I cannot for one moment imagine you being Grumpy, I for one know how bloody frustrating you feel after a night of little or no sleep, when that is followed by a gloomy cold day you are entitled to feel grumpy, I just can't imagine your sweet face without a huge smile on it, warm hugs winging their way to you XXX

To help cheer Maria up I think we should all think about a date for a Zoom Call, that seemed to work better than the facetime version, we could maybe try a Sunday again, I don't mind which day to be honest.

Ladies I have had a fellow crafter this past couple of days as Sophie has been commissioned to do portraits of a Rabbit and 2 cats for a lady that works with Paul, I can't wait to show you them, the rabbit is just unbelievable and the part of the cat that she has done looks like you could actually stroke the fur and the eyes just look so real you are waiting for a blink. I will share them when they are finished, gosh I wish I had just a pinch of her ability to colour. 

Enjoy your Thursday ladies (atleast I think it's Thursday)!

Lots of love and hugs on route to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a stunning card, your Groovi work is just beautiful.

    My working from home day was productive but boring. I was glad it stayed fine so e could both go for a walk.
    No news about my Uncle yet, I’ll message his Daughter in Law tonight if I’ve not heard anything.

    I’m following hubby to the car dealership (his car is having a service ) then he’s dropping me off at work & taking my car home-no courtesy cars because of Covid.


    1. Hi Michele hope you have some good news regarding your uncle soon. Loved your picture today you looked very nice in your mask but better with out it.

  2. Morning Everyone
    PAT oh I love love love your Groovi Cards.You have so much patience and they're always more of a work of Art than a card. I haven't picked my Groovi stick up for months!You really put me to shame.

    I had a sudden rush yesterday so I finished my CCs for this week.
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday SANDRA.It's been another 'down' week but as I have just said I managed to get my CCs done so I need to photograph them today.

    The CAFE is OPEN -usual hours-. We follow the 'Windmill' Theatre in that we never
    HUGS arewinging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    wow and wow again Pat. Your Groovi work is Beautiful and the paper used are very pretty. love it.
    Feeling a bit better but need to sort out the mess left this morning or it won't be any dinner cooked tonight 😕
    Zoom together one day sound nice, love to see you all.
    Sending special hugs to Michele,Lynda,Margaret and to anyone else who need some.
    Take care and hope we all can have a happy crafting day.
    Hugs xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I’m glad you liked my card. I do love Groovi. Maria Moorhouse’s designs are fantastic. I have 2 more too do. I had 5 last month too do.
    It was Sophie’s birthday yesterday we all sat out in the garden having a Chinese. My word it was cold later in the evening. I see that zoos are allowed to open from next week and that Cotswold wildlife park is opening next week. So I suppose Sophie & Lucy will be back at work. Livvy said she’ll be glad to get back to work at Blenheim Palace when they’re allowed to open. Mind you she’s kept her hand in cooking wise as she’s been doing it at home if she’s not needed at the care home where she’s helping out.
    I hope you hear some better news about your Uncle’s health Michele.
    Hugs to all and stay safe.

  5. A beautiful card PAT I expect you find doing Groovi very relaxing and therapeutic
    I hope your uncle is doing OK MICHELE
    I hope you’re better LUNDA and MARIE
    I had a real faffy day yesterday Hope to get something done later
    Take care all x

  6. Hello all, well we had an email yesterday from our water supplier to ask us to save water, well they obviously didn’t look at the weather forecast, we had a whole months rain last night and this morning.

    Pat I admire your groovi work so much, today’s card is really super, very talented.

    That dreaded word housework again today, it takes me so long these days, hoping to get my cleaners back soon.

    Might have another go with my gelli plate this afternoon, yesterday was fun watching Stacy, but need to watch the rest of the lesson.

    Michele hope your uncle is soon on the mend. Everyone who is suffering aches and pains, hugs winging their way to you, I always suffer in wet cold weather. Lilian

  7. Hi everyone
    Beautiful card Pat, love the detail and colours.
    Was hoping to visit my mum and dad today, but the weathers put a stop to that, so been doing a bit more crafting.
    Hope everyone is well and having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies
    WOW Pat your card is gorgeous you have really mastered your groovi so much
    SANDRA thank you for your lovely comment earlier I would love to make a card more than anything. I'm really upset that I won't be able to make Harry a birthday card 😭
    For the 12th.
    My doctor is giving me a phone consultation tomorrow so hopefully I'll get some answers why my legs aren't working properly & arms hurt.

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    WOW PAT your Groovi card is so beautiful. The work you have put into creating this card is fantastic, I love the colours you have used, they work so beautifully and highlight the colours in the backing paper.

    LYNDA lovely to see you popping in. Hope you get some answers when you have your telephone consultation. xx

    MARIA sorry you had a bad day yesterday. Must have been something in the air because I was feeling really off colour, couldn’t put it down to anything. Anyway today is another day and I’m back to ‘normal’ - what’s that? ha ha

    MICHELE hope you have some brighter news about your uncle. xx

    Sandra will Sophie and Lucy be returning to the country park next week? I’m sure they will be pleased to get back to some normality, the down side of that is you will be home alone at times.

    Have a lovely evening everyone, take care and stay safe, love Brenda XXX
