
Wednesday 24 June 2020

My Hexagon Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope you are all managing to stay comfortable in this heat, it is meant to get hotter the next couple of days, it's OK if you don't have to do anything, I guess it's more bearable if you live by the sea as you have the breeze from the sea.

The girls asked me to thank you for your lovely comments on their cards XXX 

Today I am sharing my first 'Shape' challenge card, I chose Hexagons as my shape.
I used a Tim Holtz Background die to create a make shift stencil to create the coloured Hexagon background for my card, I inked through with Fossilized amber Distress Oxide. I then used a couple of the stamps from Gorgeous Grunge stamp set to create the paint splatter and the lines, I used a diagonal stripe stamp and stamped in black ink and then trimmed a piece to sit my sentiment on, I coloured some white card with Fossilized Amber and die cut a scallop piece to add under the diagonal piece.  A couple butterflies and few sparkles finished my card.
I quite like how it turned out, thanks Pinterest for the idea,  my brain was too hot to be creative yesterday! 

My girls are back at work today so it will be a quiet house and lonely lunch for me, hopefully I will get ahead with some Crafting!?

I hope you have a lovely day, stay cool & comfortable!

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a fantastic card, it’s great.

    Messaged my hairdresser yesterday lunchtime & I’m booked in for Sunday 5th at 9,30- she’s opening specially for me on Sunday!!
    I had s message from my Uncle yesterday-he’s been moved to a Cardiology Ward so fingers crossed his problems will be looked into properly this time. Thanks for all your messages about him.


    1. I’m glad to hear that your Uncle was moved to the cardiology ward. Hopefully they’ll be able to sort out what the problem is.

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love todoay's card SANDRA particularly the colour you have used.

    Well done MICHELE getting booked in with your hairdresser.I cannot tell you how much I'm looking forward to the 8th.

    We had a glorious day yesterday and it looks as though another one is on the cards today. There are a couple of jobs I want to get done before it gets too hot so I'd better get a wriggle on.

    The CAFE is OPEN with brollies over the tables and plent of cold drinks etc in the cool cabinet.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA What kind of search did you do on Pinterest?
    I am so pleased that your uncle had been moved to the cardiology ward and hope things will be looked at properly
    We had a lovely afternoon at my SIL’s Lots of catching up and lots of laughter
    OH is working today So I hope to spend at least part of it doing a cc
    Take care all x

    1. I’m glad you had a great catch up with SIL Karen.

  4. Hi Sandra.
    Lovely looking card today. Grunge wasn’t really my thing back in the day. Although I do like seeing them.
    I went over to Craig’s yesterday and had a meal. I wanted to show Jenny the pot that my friend had added mosaics to but didn’t have my iPad. I did have the phone. Completely forgetting that it was Pete’s phone and the Facebook app was probably still his. I opened it, however it asked me for a password which I put in ( mine ). Well it told me it was incorrect and did I want to reset it. So I did. All worked fine. But Facebook now won’t open on my iPad. I can see it on the phone, but can’t see comments etc. It shows who commented but not what they put. I’ll probably have to delete it off and start again. But I’ll wait until I see Craig on Tuesday.
    I bet the girls will be glad to get back to work Sandra, although for some reason I thought they went in last week. Going to be another scorcher here today though. I’m off to my friends for a socially distanced afternoon tea. I might just take my phone & iPad with me to see if anyone is wissy to see why Facebook won’t open on my iPad.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Sandra I love your card everything just works so perfectly together. I must practice more with my stencils and dies as this is a style I really haven’t got my head around, but when it’s done as beautifully as yours it makes me want to try again and again. Thank you so much for sharing and for the inspiration XX

    Michelle so pleased to read that your uncle has been transferred to the cardiology ward, at least he will be getting the attention he needs to now. Great news about getting a hair appointment - especially on a Sunday. XX

    Karen so pleased you had a lovely time with your sister-in-law, I’m sure it was a great pic me up for everyone. XX

    Enjoy the rest of your day everyone, take care and stay safe, love Brenda XXX

  6. Hi everyone.
    Fabulous card Sandra, love it.
    Hope the house isn’t too quiet and you manage to craft. If I’m home alone and crafting I put my favourite tunes on and have a sing along 😀
    Glad you heard from your Uncle, Michele. Fingers crossed they get to the bottom of it now he’s been moved.
    Pleased you had a nice time with your sister in law, Karen.
    Enjoy your afternoon tea Pat.
    Pleased Michele and Janet that you’ve managed to book a hair appointment. Not sure what I’m going to do yet about mine. Had an email from salon saying they’re opening on 6 July, but are putting their prices up. They said that it’ll be a £50 hourly rate and any colour treatment will be booked in for a minimum of 3 hours!!! 😳 Need to email them to clarify those prices - wasn’t made clear if they go slightly over the hour if you’d be charged for another whole hour. I really can’t justify paying that on my hair.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hi everyone.
    Love the card Sandra, a work of art.
    Hope your Uncle be alright Michele, everything crossed.
    Karen, so glad you had a nice time catching up with SIL. Hope you taking care with the heat we got today.
    Sonia and Janet, I envy you to have got a hairdresser appointment. That is a bit pricey tho Sonia 😯
    Mine have closed down so not sure where to go next but in serious need of a cut, haven't had my hair in a ponytail this much since I was a youngster 🐎
    Pat, hope you get the facebook setting sorted so you can use it again. Has he brought you the curry yet ?
    Had a walk this morning but was a bit too late and the heat knocked me totally so haven't done much then washed the duvet (kingsize) hanged it out with an effort and it was dry in 30 minutes. Sat on sofa,read my book and watched some tv it is what I have done today. BBQ later for dinner so will be sitting on the patio as long neighbour have stopped using his Sander 😑
    Hope you all had a nice day and your evening be too.
    Many hugs ,Maria xx

    1. No Maria I haven’t been able to get Facebook sorted out yet. My friends daughter said I could shut it down from Facebook and re open it. But if I can’t open it I can’t shut it down. I was hoping my friends husband would be at our afternoon tea as he’s a wizzy with computers. So was hoping he’d be able to help but he wasn’t. I can delete the whole thing off from settings but Craig said not to do that at the moment. No, I still haven’t had my curry.

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    SANDRA WHAT A STUNNING CARD Lucy made farthers day for Paul
    It's amazing, both your Girls are very talented.
    I really love your card today it's gorgeous as well. Just wanted to say thank everyone fot all the best wishes it's really ment a lot.
    At the moment I am struggling with writing as my right arm is very painful so I'm sending you all

  9. Hello, very hot here today.
    Sandra great card, love all the different patterns.

    Had a bit of a tough day, so I’ll just say goodnight. Lilian
