
Wednesday 17 June 2020

Clean & Simple Challenge card

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Good Morning Ladies,  

Happy 'hump' day! I quite like that name for the middle of the week, as we get past Wednesday the weekend is in sight! 

We had a delightful afternoon yesterday, Becca came over to open her birthday gifts so the girls and I surprised her with an afternoon tea, we included all of their childhood party favourites too, it was lovely to see the girls get so excited preparing it and Becca's face was a picture when she saw her surprise!  We spent a lovely few hours in the garden until around 4.30 pm, just as we were packing up we heard Thunder,  the lightning and rain didn't accompany it, which was a shame as it would have saved us watering the garden. 

Today's card is a very Clean & Simple design, I used Categories: Clean & Simple/ Snow/Sparkle

I took a 4 1/4 X 5 1/2 inch piece of card, firstly I die cut the Snowflake  (Brittania Die from Pink Frog).
I then stamped the sentiment,  which was a freebie on a magazine around November time last year, i liked the font and it fit perfectly in that space! I stamped in versamark ink and added Silver Embossing powder and heat set.
I placed a small piece of Silver Glitter card (superfine) (also from pink frog) behind the Snowflake and placed thd die cut Snowflake back into its aperture, you can just see the sparkle behind it.  
To finish the card I placed my card front onto a card base the same size, then added some Diamantes to the centre of the Snowflake and a couple trailing up the card. 
That's it, super simple ! 

How are you all getting on with your challenge cards?

I hope that you all have a lovely Wednesday, 

Love and hugs to all of you, 



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card, so classy. Glad you managed to enjoy sitting outside for Afternoon Tea before the weather changed.

    We had very heavy rain last night& I’ve woken up to gig/mist this morning. The sun has come out now so no fog.

    I’m working from home again today so il be based in the kitchen as hubby is still working from home and he’s upstairs. Anyway if I was based in my craft room I’d be too distracted and want to make ‘a card!


    1. Hope your enjoying working from home Michele. I’d be distracted if I had to work in my craft room as well. Mind you I’d have to clear the table first as i have my Groovi projects spread out all over it.

  2. What a lovely idea to surprise BECCA with an afternoon tea I’m glad the weather was good for you
    We did do tea on the lawn yesterday afternoon It started with 2 of us and ended with 4
    I love your card SANDRA I am a huge fan of CAS cards anyway That sentiment stamp is lovely Hope to start a cc later
    Take care all xx

  3. Morning Everyone
    Love today's card SANDRA.

    We too had thunder and lightening last evening but no rain and it's a misty start to the day here. Fingers crossed the sun comes out later.

    I'm still trying to get to do my CC.I have to put my Tesco order in today so hopefully once that is done I can make a start.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop infor a cool drink and ice cream.
    I loved your idea of a birthday tea.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Take care and stay safexxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely card once again Sandra.
    How lovely that Becca came over and you were able to have a birthday surprise tea for her. I’m glad the weather stayed fine. I also went over to Craig’s again for dinner. It was lovely as I’m now able to join their bubble and go inside if need be. great to have a few cuddles from everyone as well. They had a drop of rain in Faringdon as well. Craig sorted out which kind of SD card I needed to increase the memory of my phone. So as I would have had postage as it was under £20 I asked Amy to order it for me as they have Amazon prime. Apparently all her sisters have been doing that as well. The other week she orders me some white brads. I love the fact that everything seems to come the next day as well. My but they do use some big packaging on small things. We’re supposed to have some rain today at some point.
    Take care and stay safe everyone.

    1. Hi Pat. Amazon packaging is ridiculous isn’t it. Sometimes it is hard to find the actual item in amongst all of the packaging, especially something like your brads. I wonder how they can get away with wasting so much card and paper? X

  5. Hi, cloudy again today, we had one huge shower yesterday, just after we had watered the beans.

    Sandra lovely Christmasy card today. How lovely that you able to have a tea party with your girls.

    Heared yesterday that my cleaners are due to restart next week, finding all the bending punishing on my knees. Luckily we each have our own work rooms, to keep out of their way.

    Sainsbury’s are coming today, delivery’s are getting back to normal, thank goodness.

    Going to have a go at making my c card today, hugs to all Lilian

  6. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sun has just came out so looks like another glorious day.
    SANDRA sorry I didn't comment yesterday but i had a bit of a down day. Your card was lovely yesterday
    I love today's card is clean and simple but very elegant.
    I'm going to try and sit out in garden i need some fresh air
    So Love and Hug's Lynda xxxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a lovely surprise for Becca - afternoon tea with the family, I’m sure you felt the proud Mum having your girls taking the time to prepare everything to make it a special occasion for her. Pleased the rain stayed off and you were able to enjoy the fresh air. xx

    Today’s CAS card is lovely, I love the clean and fresh look of this style card, one of my favourite styles.

    We have just had a heavy rain and thunderstorm fortunately it didn’t last to long, but long enough for me to say I won’t have to water the garden later.

    It’s our wedding anniversary today so I am planning a special dinner for this evening, it’s chicken based so not that special but will jazz it up a bit. It’s being together for so many years that makes it special!!

    Have a lovely day, take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Happy Anniversary Brenda and John.
      Both Mum and I are sending you lots of celebratory hugs. Enjoy your dinner, but as you rightly say it’s the being together that is important xxxx

    2. Happy Anniversary It’s dates like these that make us grateful for what we have xx

    3. Happy Anniversary Brenda and John. Hip hip hurray !
      Enjoy the dinner tonight.
      Big Hug xx

  8. Hi everyone
    Lovely card Sandra. I haven’t started my challenge card yet for this week. Might have a play later.
    Glad you had a lovely afternoon with the girls and enjoyed your afternoon tea.
    Happy Anniversary Brenda, hope you’re having a lovely day.
    Enjoy the rest of the day everyone, just started raving here!
    Hugs to all xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love all three of your c. cards (me forgetting to look in again!!!) It’s good to see such different styles for inspiration. I must apologise that I still have your SU snowflake dies! I found them the other day. Please pass on my belated Birthday wishes to Becca. It sounds like you all had a wonderful time together for her surprise birthday tea xx
    I have just finished chatting to Mum on What’s app video call. It is so good to be able to at least see each other. We always find plenty to giggle at and one such time today was Mum trying to find and press the end of call button! Love you so much Mum 😘😘😘
    It is very stormy here today and the sky is becoming blacker by the minute so I hope we have a good old fashioned thunder storm to clear the air. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Gorgeous CAS card Sandra.
    How lovely that you made a afternoon tea for Rebecca and you managed to sit outside for it.
    It's nice to hear you started to meet up with family members but do take care.
    We had thunder and rain all evening, didn't say on the weather report so OH had already been out and watered so they got a bit extra.
    I hope you all have a good day and working from home is fine for you Michele.
    Lynda, hope you ok and managed to get some help from the doctors. special hugs for you and Terry..
    Mamma Margaret, hope you doing alright. special hugs for you and Pop.
    Had a quick walk this morning, the clouds were pretty black but we managed to get home before it started again today. Sunny right now so hoping Son be ok to cycle to work.
    Had a good couple of hours doing some CC's this afternoon yay . Now time for a coffee and watching Wallander on Netflix before starting on dinner. Jackets with Chilli has been ordered by OH. Not really a summer food but will have a salad too. What do you have for Dinner tonight ?
    Just curious, feel we ended up in a rut with the same things so looking for inspiration 😌

    Hugs to all, Maria xx
