
Monday 1 June 2020

Clean and Simple Challenge Card

Good Morning Ladies, 

I hope that you all had a lovely weekend,  the weather was perfect for gardening,  not so perfect for getting any crafting done though, it's so hard to sit in your stifling craft room rather than be out in the sunshine.  We did have a bit more of a breeze yesterday which made it more bearable. 

I thought I would have a go at a 'Clean & Simple' style card for my first 'Things With Wings ' card. 
I die cut a 5 1/2 inch square base card,  then cut a mat about 1/2 inch smaller, both cut with Creative Expressions Pierced Squares.  As I was cutting the smaller piece I placed one of the butterflies from Sara Davies Vintage Collection 'Kaleidoscope of Butterflies ', I liked the delicate detail of this particular butterfly. 
To add some colour behind the die cut I used a small piece of paper from the Clarity 'Indian Summer ' 8 x 8 Designer paper pad, making sure the piece covered the aperture and adhering into place, i then popped foam pads over the whole die cut square and adhered it go the base card. 
To finish the card I replaced the butterfly into it's die cut aperture and added glue to fix it, I added another die  cut  butterfly on top so that I could lift the wings.  I popped a diamante on it's head, gently lifted the wings and added the die cut 'With Love' to finish the card, I die cut the sentiment in white to keep the design as simple as possible. 
I hope you like it and it inspires you a little. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day, however you are spending it.

Love and hugs to all, 



  1. It’s gorgeous SANDRA and totally agree with you This lovely weather is keeping me out of my craft space
    We went for another longish walk yesterday afternoon We still haven’t discovered the fairy garden! Which in a way is quite nice It means that it’s obviously doesn’t have a huge draw and will remain in tact We will find it
    I hope the ease on socialising works It is scaring me a little that there will be another spike If there is hopefully lessons have been learned I personally will still be staying put
    I want to try and make a cc later Let’s see if I still have the enthusiasm!
    Sorry to read your fingers are still sore LYNDA Maybe you need a different finger pricker or something
    Take care all xx

    1. Hope you find the fairy garden soon Karen. It must be well hidden off the beaten track.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card, classy & elegant.

    We have another sunny day here. We have 2 days of “briefing sessions “ from the external consultant that the Trust arranged to review certain departments. My session is 9-10:30 so I’m taking my hand held fan with me just in case they don’t use the A/C! I’m looking forward to the day I can make a GP appointment to discuss HRT, I saw that Dentists can open from 8th June so surely GP’s can open too.
    The local news was all about how many hundreds of visitors we had on the beach. There’s no car access, no toilet facilities so I dread to think what it’s like on there. The council are meeting today to review the decision to keep the beach closed to cars & not staffed. People have been leaving their cars in dangerous places plus using homeowners drives!!!!!!!!! What is wrong with people?


    1. Hi Michele
      I hope your review goes ok. I didn’t know that dentists can open next week. I need an appointment to see mine, although I did have one booked for June which was cancelled ages ago. I’m assuming you want a face to face appointment with the Dr and not a telephone one which ours have been doing.
      Take care and stay as safe as you can.

    2. Hi, you have my total sympathy, as regards to the beaches, at loads of our beaches there has been people packed like sardines, can’t believe people can be so thoughtless, not only that, you should see all the rubbish and other unmentionable they are leaving. We have had a very low rate of deaths and infections down here, really fear that will change. Soap box away.

  3. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful card Sandra, I love butterflies 😊
    Day off work today, as I’m doing an extra day at the weekend. Another lovely sunny day. Fortunately where I craft in the dining room it’s quite cool, so will be finishing off a couple of cards and hopefully start on a challenge card.
    My brother is popping round late morning with my nieces, so will be sitting out in the garden. Unfortunately not been able to purchase a parasol for the garden furniture, as all out of stock 🙄, so will be hot!
    Have a good day everyone. Hugs to all xxx

    1. Enjoy your meet up with your brother & nieces Sonia. I hope a parasol comes in stock soon for you.

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    2 lovely clean & simple cards with wings today Sandra. Lovely & sunny here but quite a stiff breeze. The garage I use opened today so my car is booked in for it’s MOT on Thursday. It ran out at midnight last night. I’m finishing a card that Hazel Edwards put on her blog for us to do. Then I have Maria’s to start after that. Clarity also put a card on every Friday. You use the design but use your own Groovi plates. Their up to No 7nat the moment. I’m just finishing No 3 so a bit behind.
    Phil came over yesterday and cut my very long hedge for me. Cleared all the cutting up into my garden waste bin ready to go out tomorrow night.
    I can’t understand why people were packing the beaches like they were over the weekend. The police should have been out as well putting parking tickets on peoples cars if they’ve parked in peoples drives. No toilets open either, these people should be ashamed of themselves. I’m hoping against hope that we don’t have a second spike.
    Take care everyone & stay safe.

  5. Worse than going to beaches was the scenes in London where they were protesting, thousands of people, some wearing masks but not all and no social Distancing, there were packed into Trafalgar square and the roads around it, I totally understand WHY they are protesting but the risk to the rest of the Country and the strain it will put on the NHS and other Keyworkers is too high! There must be safer ways to get your point across.

  6. Hi ladies.
    I had another look at our cards from yesterday and I know Lilian said you had problems with it running but I must say that it looks lovely what you made.
    Today's card Sandra is a lovely CAS card with a beautiful butter fly. Very nice.
    I wish everyone who are meeting up with family and friends today do have a lovely time together.
    Absolutely aghast tho what the beaches and towns starting to look like in this nice weather. I believe we have let it go too far and people should really think and not get the lockdown be for nothing. We are thinking of staying home for another month other than doing our daily walk. Have put some weight back on so here I go again with healthier eating from today.
    Nice to see you in Lynda, really hope you can get some help for your sore finger. Take care.
    Well it time for me to get moving or I be stuck here for the rest of the day 😁 Wishing you all a nice day whatever you are up to. Hugs Maria xxx

  7. Hello, another very hot day, but we may get some rain on Thursday, we need it badly for the garden.

    Sandra lovely cards today, I have an idea but don’t seem to be able to summon up the energy to do it.

    New shed came to day, 10-10’ and put up in a morning, I suggested to R that it would make a nice craft room, he wasn’t keen to say the least.

    Not doing much today, stake the sweet peas and sow basil seeds, then I must tidy my desk again, I make so much mess doing just one card.

    We are staying put for a while, as think it’s a bit early to ease the rules as much as they have. Have a good day. Lilian

  8. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Gorgeous cards love them
    Haven't done much after breakfast had my strip wash & had hair washed
    Then it was a bit of housework & some ironing
    Lovely and sunny but we have a chilly wind
    Enjoy the rest of your day
    Love Lynda xx

  9. Ll,l, Sandra and ladies,

    Love your CAS card Sandra, this style really sings to me. Thank you for your inspiration.xx

    Have had a busy day, did housework early then had a shower and spent most of the day potting about in the garden, it’s been lovely a day.

    Hope you are all well and enjoying the weather, sending caring hugs to Margaret and Lynda.

    Take care and stay safe, love Brenda xxx
