
Monday 25 May 2020

More Die Background Cards

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all enjoyed the warmer, less windy weather yesterday, it was lovely here, still quite breezy but nice enough to sit out inbetween garden chores, well to be honest after watering I pretty much sat on the swing watching Paul work.

I feel a bit guilty about not making a new card for todays blog post, however I just wanted to make the most of having Paul to myself for a couple of days, so the opportunity didn't arise for me to go into the craftroom, sorry ladies.x
I did spend almost as long as it would have taken me to make a card to find the older card photos but I did that while sitting on the swing listening to the birds sing.
All three cards were made using dies to create the background, the first two are Stampin Up dies, the first card is a Wedding/Anniversary,  the second card is the Engagement card that I made for Paul's Niece Emma and her partner Oliver, sadly their wedding was planned for this weekend just gone but obviously had to be postponed, I think they had a lot of problems rebooking too as a lot of weekends had already been booked for next May and June.
The final card uses Sue Wilson Netted Star Background,  over a glittered piece of card.
I hope that they give you a little inspiration my lovelies.

I hope you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    There great cards as inspiration Sandra. I don’t blame you for wanting to sit outside yesterday. I managed to sit out in the afternoon and it was so peaceful. Neither set of neighbours had “visitors “ which was amazing as they’v had relatives calling non stop for weeks. I’m hoping to sit outside again today once I’ve had a play in my craft room this morning. Hubby has already left to play golf, we have a lovely sunny day here and the wind has finally dropped.


  2. Lovely cards SANDRA I hope to play in my craft room this morning before it gets too hot
    We went for a long walk yesterday We have live in this house for nearly 40 years and now only realising how things are “linked” together eg We knew Moneyhole Lane was a football club with a few swings etc and we took our children there years ago BUT it is so much more than that It is vast! It was all developed in 1982 We discovered the allotments (which I knew about just didn’t know where they were) and it led into Rolls Wood and another wood (name escapes me) We turned left into it we were met with just beautiful trees Apparently if we’d turned right it would have taken us to a fairy garden All this on our doorstep! I feel very privileged I took a couple of photos of something we found and send
    Take care all xx

    1. I looked at your photos Karen. In the woods around us children have painted large stones and hidden them for people to find. The idea is when found they’re re hidden somewhere else for someone else to find. However, some have been taken and not re hidden. The same think happened when fairy doors were hidden awhile back in Eynsham.

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Great cards today Sandra.
    I don’t blame you just spending time with Paul over the weekend. As you say it was sunny but blustery. Today we have hardly any wind at the moment, and it’s going to be warm. Fingers crossed it doesn’t mean that loads of people flock to the beaches & beauty spots. We’ve not had any news about that over the weekend though.
    I’ve cleaned a couple of pots out ready to put a cucumber & tomato plant in them. I tried to lift a big bag of compost onto a small trolley to take it up to the top of the garden. Wasn’t able to do that, so I had to bring the pots to the compost and carry them back up to the greenhouse.
    Take care everyone & stay as safe as you can.

  4. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Thank you for three great card Sandra, great inspiration for this weeks challenge. Sounds as though you had a lovely day in the garden yesterday, I’m sure it was a great tonic sitting on the swing and just keeping an eye on Paul. It looks as if today could be another nice day so hope you get some more time out in the fresh air relaxing take care XX

    KAREN your walk yesterday sounds lovely, reminds me of when I was a child in Leicestershire, we had woods the end of our road and that was our playground, Life was always an adventure a great place to have grow up in. During summer school holidays are cousins who lived in Warwickshire and were townies, always wanted to come and stay because of the freedom we had, it was a lovely safe place to play.

    I hope the weather is good where you are and you are able to get out and enjoy the fresh air.
    Take care, stay safe, Love Brenda xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Lovely card to inspire us Sandra. Don't blame you to be sitting outside when it is this gorgeous.
    Upset tho with people who are down the beaches this weekend and smaller shops who are opening up and it's horrid what campers doing down Cornwall Lilian, how bad can you be...
    Beautiful walk around our lake this morning. Karen, your walk sounded lovely too. My summers as a child used to be spent either on a farm or near forests for a lots of fun. Happy memories with my grandparents.
    Pat, hope you are ok after dragging the soil and pots lifting. They get very heavy if it's a bigger type pot.
    Found a book I haven't read yet so will go and sit in the garden for a bit before thinking of this weeks cc, have some ideas but if they get to the card that's another matter 😁
    have a nice day everyone and many hugs are sent your way,
    Maria xxx

  6. Hi everyone.
    No apologies needed Sandra for not getting chance to make a card. You have shown us 3 wonderful cards full of inspiration. I’m glad you had a lovely day yesterday and enjoyed your alone time with Paul 😊
    Another lovely day here today, so glad I’ve got air conditioning in my car, it gets so hot sat in the car park at work! Loads of people out and about on my way home, queues of people waiting to get into the local hardware shop and lots of traffic on the roads - definitely not like a Bank Holiday at all.
    Your walk yesterday sounds lovely Karen 😊 We are fortunate too, having some lovely forest and heathland walks very close by, which we only really discovered a couple of years ago.
    Hope you’re all having a lovely day. Hugs to all xxx
