
Saturday 2 May 2020

Mixed up Saturday

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Well what a stark contrast to last weekend, when we had our breakfast out in the garden, it was a race this morning to see who got the chair closest to the Aga!  

We have lots to look at today so lets go....


Lilian has shared this photo of her amazing Clematis 'Montana', what an incredible carpet of flowers Lilian. It's creating a beautiful natural backdrop, absolutely stunning. 
Thank you for sharing XXX


Lucy made some Garlic & Herb Tear and share bread in the week to go with Spaghetti Bolognese,  it was absolutely delicious, both of my girls have really enjoyed cooking since they have been home. 

Sue shared her 'Proud Granny' moment witb me earlier this week, little Chris sent 'Granny &Grandad a lovely little note and an amazing picture of a Rainbow. His writing is incredible for his age.
I know that opening this will have given both you and Chris a lump in your throats.

The 3rd photo is the lovely birthday gift Sue received from Little Chris, bless him, he heard Sue say she needed more glue last time they were together and the butterflies he wanted as they are Sue's favourite, it shows you how much tjey take in when they are around you.

The last photo are Sue's latest craft shopping from Limetree Crafts, I didnt know that they sold online, mostly because posting card is expensive,  their card is great quality too.
Thanks so much for sharing with us Sue XXX


Michele has shared a photo of the amazing prize that she won over on Sue Wilson's Blog, such a fantastic selection Michele, it will take you a while to work through all of those. 

Michele's second photo is of the cute critter that her lovely friend Andrene made for her, the little cutie is wearing Michele's work uniform colours. Such a lovely thought. 
Thanks for sharing Michele XXX


Michele's Magazine Review

Hi Ladies,

Making Cards & Papercraft magazine has some gorgeous free papers this month.

This is the first feature using the free papers. They make lovely spring themed card suitable for many occasions 

The second set of papers are really unusual and perfect for using as a background for a male themed card.

Great feee downloads this month that could be used for other occasions not just Fathers Day.

This article shows how you can use Gelli plates to create a silhouette effect.

That’s all for this week,
Happy Crafting

Love Michele

Michele thank you so much, another great Magazine Review, some great features once again, its always good to see some Fathers Day inspiration!  This magazine has always had really goid quality craft papers which is a rare thing in magazines. 
I am really interested in the Gelli Plate article as I have one and  need all the inspiration I can get.
Thanks Michele I really appreciate you taking time to write these reviews.  XXX

Ladies I hope that you all have a lovely weekend,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Lilian -your clematis is stunning, beautiful.

    Lucy-the bread looks delicious.

    Sue-great picture, something to treasure. Great items for your birthday especially the glue sticks & butterfly stickers.

    Up early (again) and off to do our shopping in Morrison’s (Much quieter ) then I can relax.


  2. I love the saying I actually go to work like that these days!
    Your clematis looks absolutely stunning LILIAN I love flowers but am absolutely useless at gardening
    LUCY! YOur bread looks deee-lish-us as Oscar would say
    Oh SUE I welled up at Chris’ thoughtful note and gift
    Once again thank you MICHELE for the magazine review and for showing your little critter and your fabulous prize You won’t know where to start
    Very sunny here today I meed to get outside for a bit and I’ve stood Joe (Wickes) up for a couple days So I must make things up with him
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    A lovely clematis Lilian. We had one but it had to be moved and didn’t like it so it died.
    Lovely pressies and letter from little Chris Sue.
    Great mag reviews Michele and a great prize from Sue Wilson’s blog. A lovely knitted little person depicting you in your uniform. How lovely off her to do that for you.
    Lovely tear and share bread Lucy makes your mouth water. Lucky you were able to get flour Sandra as it seems to be in short supply.
    Gills told me that from next Thursday the home where Bryan is will allow visiting. Only on a Monday for 1/2hr between 10-4.00 and you have to book a slot on the Monday morning. Plus social distancing. Plus they can visit people keeping 2mtrs apart. So she’s going to visit friends for a coffee. But each state is doing there own thing. She’ll be glad to see Bryan even if it is only for 1/2hr.
    I’m going to see if I can sort the pots in the greenhouse out in anticipation of getting a tomato plant sometime soon.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  4. Hi ladies.
    Beautiful clematis Lilian, love to have something like it on my back fence. Will look if I can get some plants online later.
    Oh Lucy, that bread looks very yummy. First look it made me think of Chollah.
    Sue, lovely of little Chris to send you wishes and a present. Hope you had a nice birthday.
    Michele, congrats again for winning all the dies in Sue W giveaway. Have some great time playing with them and looking forward one day to see the cards you make. Thank you for the mag. review. nice papers and topics.Cute little critter made by your friend. Hope you got your shopping done without any problems.
    Walk done, shower and brunch next and then I must finish the cc and send to you Sandra. Looking for some stamp but have not found it so delayed again.
    Have a nice day everyone and hope to see you all tomorrow 4pm 😉 hugs xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Love the saying, pj’s are my clothes of choice too.
    Lilian what a beautiful sight for you both to enjoy x
    Michele, some lovely papers this month x
    Lucy, wow your bread looks fantastic. I bet it was delicious too and a change from garlic bread x
    I am looking forward to hopefully getting to chat with as many of you as possible tomorrow afternoon. Fingers crossed we can do it as a chat over the phone this time but that is still so special at the moment.
    Maybe one day we could video call so we can actually see each other (for that one I would have to make sure I had brushed my hair as like you all I am in desperate need of a haircut 😃 )
    It was such a surprise to open up the letter from little Chris and yes we both had a tear in our eyes. His writing is very good considering he wasn’t interested until he started nursery in September. I loved his choice of presents for me, bless him 😍😍 Have a good day everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  6. Hello Everyone, very nippy here today, and cloudy, had lunch out, but going in as it’s too cold.

    My clematis is a basic Montana Rubens, very easy to grow ,it’s the same both sides of the fence, we don’t do anything to it, apart from R takes the loppers to it about very couple of years, straight after flowering.

    Love all the other pics today, Sandra that bread looks yummy, Michelle great review again, and a real woW prize from Sue.
    Lovely to get such thoughtful pressie from one so young, as my Mum used to say, “little urns have big ears” when ever she thought we were listening when we should’ve. Hugs to all, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lots on show today....😊
    Such a beautiful clematis Lilian, so pretty.
    The tear and share bread looks lovely Lucy, I bet it didn’t last long.
    Lovely note Sue and Birthday present. So sweet of Chris.
    I didn’t realise Limetree delivered, will have to look them up as running out of card blanks.
    Michele, congrats again on winning the dies - what a fantastic selection, enjoy. Love the cute little critter too. Thanks for another great mag review too. Am also interested in the Gelli plates - Hubby is getting me some for my Birthday. Sandra, Lavinia Stamps have them and have some demos on their Facebook page using them 😊
    Hope you’re all having a good day and keeping well. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Wow is it Saturday already? I really am finding the days merge into each other at this point in time. Sorry realised I didn’t leave a message yesterday, spent time on messenger chatting and lost the plot!!!

    SUE hope you had a lovely birthday, Love the note little Chris sent you with the beautiful rainbow. They are Special things to treasure. And your present is definitely just perfect. xx
    LILLIAN what a beautiful Clematis.
    LUCY I bet that delicious bread didn’t last long.
    MICHELE Wow what a fantastic selection of dies, enjoy using them. Love your NHS worker. How lovely it is dressed in your work scrubs. Thank you for your magazine review. As always very helpful.

    Good news regarding son-in-laws mother, she contacted Covid-19 while in hospital, today she has been taken off oxygen and allowed out of bed.

    I hope everyone has had a good day, enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Love Brenda. XXX
