
Saturday 30 May 2020

Mixed up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Morning Ladies,

I thought it would be nice to share some of the beautiful things that we all appreciate in our gardens every day, it's easy to take that beauty for granted I think.
I have shared some of the gorgeous roses that we are lucky enough to have so many of at the front of the house, the stunning Red Rose is at the side of the house and has only started flowering this past two years, we kind of discovered it totally overwhelmed with a horrendous Ivy that seems to want to take over everything, we were afraid to be too harsh with the pruning but we have got to know our neighbours a lot more during the Thursday evening Clapping sessions and it turns out that they hate the Ivy as much as we do, so we will be getting the loppers out this weekend!  
The most impressive rose is the one that is attached to the front of the house, it has so many lovely roses on it, we have tried to tie it in several times so that it doesn't get caught by the wind, but it keeps breaking free.  The pretty peach colour rose is in one of the beds in the front  garden, it smells like a proper old fashioned rose, the bright pink rose is just so beautiful, in fact it's beauty makes up for it's lack of scent.
The last two photos are of the Geraniums that were tiny when we potted them last year, we didn't think that they would last the winter but they have and are even more beautiful than last year!

I asked you to share some of your favourite spots in your gardens.....


Lilian shared a photo of her stunning Wisteria, sadly the wind has blown a lot of the petals off but we can still appreciate how beautiful it is.


Sonia shared a photo of her beautiful Lilac bush, we have a white one and I can totally understand why its a favourite as the scent is divine, as you say though, they don't last long enough.


Michele has shared a photo of a very special visitor, her adorable Red Squirrel, the second photo is of her incredible garden, look at those impressive lawn lines!! If you zoom in you can see Michele's lovely Oasis Chairs .

Michele's Magazine Review

H Ladies,

Diecutting Essentials has a great set of Dies with this months magazine.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First feature using the free gift.

Card ideas using the free gift.

Part two.

Some lovely cards in this feature-great inspiration for men’s card.

More ideas.

This article really shows how to make the most of the Dies you already have. Some stunning cards featured here.

This article shows how versatile a background Die can be.

This feature shows how to use your Dies to create stamps from craft foam so you have a matching set of stamps plus Dies. Simple idea but very effective.

That’s all for this week,
Happy Crafting.

Love Michele

Thank you so much Michele for another amazing magazine review XXX

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend in the sunshine,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Gorgeous photos of plants & gardens. Our 3 water butts are all virtually empty and it’s a long way to the top of the garden with watering cans. Shouldn’t complain as it’s been lovely being able to sit outside so much especially after a long day at work.
    Off out early to Morrison’s to go the food shopping so I don’t encounter too many people.


  2. I am very envious Your gardens and plants are beautiful We have a smallish garden which is just lawn I adore flowers especially roses but neither me or OH have green fingers If I see a worm or snail I run away OH would like to revamp the garden and get new garden furniture but he’s hankering after a summer house (only for the last two years!) and until we sort that out the rest of the garden will stay as grass!
    Thank you MICHELE for the magazine review I really like the look of this one Another purchase At present I’m the only one spending money! Not that OH minds at all
    I have a Zoom meet-up later with my old work colleagues which will be great Some of whom are returning to their “proper” jobs which they cannot wait to do Me? I’m quite happy to stay with the team I’m currently helping
    Take care all xx

  3. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Lovely to see the flowers in everyone’s gardens. Great mag reviews as usual Michele. It’s going to be a lovely sunny day here again. When to my friends yesterday afternoon and we had a lovely chat in the garden. She had the umbrellas out for us to sit under. It was so lovely to meet up. Social distancing of course. I’m hoping that my garage which is opening on Monday can fit my car in for it’s MOT asap, as it runs out tomorrow. I had some lovely meringues delivered yesterday evening that Livvy had made when Karen & Amber we’re walking two of the dogs up to see to the horses. They’d already walked the other 3 up to see to the goats earlier. They walk them either first thing or in the evening. I’ve been invited next week over to Craig’s to have a social distance dinner in the garden. That’ll be interesting.
    Take care everyone and stay safe.

  4. Morning Sandra and everyone in the cafe' today.
    Love all the flowers on show today, red squirrel and big garden Michele. Also thank you for the magazine review.
    Just got back from a very nice walk which took us today in to the woods nearby. Green fields, horses and some lovely flowers around. Now it's shower time before some brunch. Gorgeous day and it's warm already so after hanged the washing out it will be reading out in the garden again today.
    have a nice day everyone. Hugs Maria xxx

  5. Hi everyone.
    Beautiful flowers and roses Sandra. Love the climbing rose on the front of your house, I bet it smells lovely.
    Lovely wisteria, Lilian.
    How wonderful to have a red squirrel visit your lovely garden Michele.
    Another fabulous magazine review too 😊
    Worked this morning, but was pretty quiet. Going to carry on with some crafting this afternoon.
    Enjoy the rest of the day. Hugs to all xxx

  6. Hello, late again, been busy helping R dismantle our old shed, as we having a new one on Monday, I don’t know why we keep so much rubbish.

    Love all the flowers, how lucky you are Michele to have red squirrels in your garden, we have a grey who comes when our oak tree have acorns

    Great mag review Michele, very interesting.

    have a good evening everyone, Liliano

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Beautiful roses and flowers, seeing our gardens coming into bloom is so satisfying, wow Michele a red squirrel. We have to many grey squirrels visiting our garden OH has even made the bird feeder squirrel proof as they are so greedy.
    I spent the morning cutting out dies (some went in the bin) for my CC. The plan was to assemble planned card this afternoon. Then Daughter FaceTimed us, fortunately we had had lunch by then. two and a half hours later having chatted away and watched Ciara make spinach pasta from scratch and made into tagliatelle - which was brilliant, I was so impressed with her results. Anyway I gave up on my CC as time ran out.
    Hope you have had a lovely day, enjoy the rest of your weekend.
    Love Brenda xxx
