
Saturday 9 May 2020

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's magazine Review

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had a lovely day yesterday, it was a lovely day here, we had a lovely afternoon tea, with fancy sandwiches and Sophie's lovely Lemon cake. Later on in the evening Lucy and zsophie surprised us with a Takeaway for Supper, what a treat.

Paul and I went for a stroll around the village to look at all the VE Day decorations,  it was lovely to see so many flags and lovely Bunting everywhere, we put our homemade Union Flag Bunting out early yesterday morning, I did suggest putting and sandwiches and cakes in a basket to take out and eat with the villagers,  Paul and the girls just looked at me, as it turned out nobody at our end of the street took part, it wouldn't work as our Driveways are all too far apart and we have really high hedges, I think the residents at the other end of our road took part.
One thing that really made the day special was the Ringing of our Church Bells at 3.30PM,  they said that it was a celebration back then as the church bell ringing was banned during the war, so all churches rang their bells to celebrate! 
It was one of those 'hair on the back of your neck moments'.

Now lets look at today's features....


Karen shared this fantastic card that she made for Alan for their Wedding Anniversary, what an amazing idea for a card, I may borrow your idea as this is such a great idea to let them know how much we appreciate all that they do, Paul is 100% mh Super Hero.
An absolutely fantastic card idea Karen, thank you so much for sharing it XXX 


Cheryl has kept herself busy withvlots of different crafts, this is one of the Stunning Christmas Wreath thst Cheryl has made for her family, this particular one is for Robin. Its absolutely stunning Cheryl, if they weren't so time consuming they would sell really well on Christmas Fair stalls.
Thank you so much for sharing it with us XXX

Hi Ladies, 

Papercraft Essentials has a lovely free gift this month-Embossing Folder, sentiment Stamps & a Die.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First of two features using the free gift.

Second page.

Next feature using the free gift.

Page 2.

Gear article on using glitter & stencils to crate backgrounds.

Great feature on Twist & Pop Cards-they’re not that difficult to make and look amazing.

Here’s a close up of the Instructions-part 1.

Part 2 of the instructions.

Another great article-this time on how to make Swing Reveal Cards.

Here’s the instructions for the Swing Reveal Card.

If anyone wants the instructions emailing so they can read them easily just let me know.

Happy Crafting
Love Michele

Thanks Michele for another great review, there are some great tutorials in this issue, that method for the 'Twist & pop' card, it is a really easy method. I like the look of the 'Swing Reveal ' cards too, I would love the instructions please.
Thanks again for taking time to write the review XXX 

I hope that you all enjoy the rest of your weekend my lovelies.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-fantastic Card, it’s great.

    Cheryl-love the wreath, it’s brilliant.

    Sandra-you day yesterday sounds perfect . We collected Fish + chips yesterday evening. Our local Chippy opened this week (takeaway only) then we sat outside with a glass of chilled wine. Off to Morrison’s soon-it should be nice + quiet.


    1. I went by our chippy last week and that was open, but I’m not to sure if it was just take away or not. I haven’t had fish & chips for ages. Always to many chips as I’d only eat a few. Although a friend did say they froze very well.

    2. We just have a piece of fish each, and I cook a few baked chips to go with them

  2. Morning Everyone
    Love your card KAREN.
    CHERYL- your C Wreath is just beautiful. I have the bare bones of one left over from last year so it might just be ready for the end of this.

    MICHELE-Thank you for your review.Excellent as always.

    The CAFE is OPEN so you can all pop in whenever you want.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

    1. I usually make a wreath at Christmas but missed last year. A friend belongs to the flower club in Hailey. I might decide to go this year though.
      Take care.

  3. I love the saying and your village celebrations sounded lovely We didn’t do anything really Although I did make a cup of tea at 3pm and listened to Churchill’s speech The cul de sac next to ours had a street party at safe distancing But was very quiet compared to previous occasions
    Thank you for sharing my card As well as loving him all the more I truly appreciate all that he does The card is sill on display (anniversary was 10th April) just to remind him what a super hero he is
    I love your wreath CHERYL Now That we have a new front door I ought to make one for this year
    Thank you again MICHELE for the magazine review We don’t live near any shops that sell craft magazines So it’s great to have a “flick through” what’s available
    I’m looking forward to the workshop by Tracy Evans I really like this idea of online classes It’s got to be a huge benefit for the tutors as well as us
    Take care all xxx

    1. Enjoy your class Karen. My calendar told me I had a Groovi class in Redditch today. Wish that could have been possible.
      Fabulous card you made for your Anniversary.

  4. Hi everyone.
    Love the saying, I think we can all relate,lol.
    Fabulous card Karen for your Husband. Love the idea.
    Lovely Christmas wreath Cheryl, so pretty.
    Another great magazine review Michele, thanks for sharing.
    There were a couple of houses in our road sitting out yesterday, with young children, but they all went in by 6pm. I enjoyed watching the celebrations on the tv and had a little sing a long ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Hope you enjoy the workshop, and everyone has a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Looks like it’s going to be a lovely warm day again. No thunderstorms yesterday as predicted by the weather men. Predicted again for today but we shall see.
    A lovely lovely super hero card Karen.
    I also love your wreath Cheryl.
    Once again we have lovely mag reviews from Michele.
    No celebrations along my street for VE Day, but then not many go out to clap for all essential workers either. I’m not to sure why as quite a few of them have like me been thankful for all they’ve done in the past.
    Keith rang yesterday to see if I’d like some lamb chops he’d bought in from Smithfield market in London. I said I wouldn’t mind a couple. So he brings me down 10. So I froze some and gave the rest to Phil & Georgie next door.
    Make sure you stay safe everyone & take care.

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I’m not sure where the last few days have gone. Wish I could say we have been out enjoying ourselves!
    I love all of your beautiful background cards. They are all inspiring. I don’t have any inks but there are plenty of other ways to make backgrounds. I have found several different ones that I have made over the last couple of years so hope to make at least one. This weeks challenge is something different. It should be quicker and easier to make a card as the hard work has been sorted.... or that is what I think at the moment๐Ÿ˜„ The poem was oh so true wasn’t it! It’s lovely to hear that you and Paul, and Matt too, have been busy in the garden. All of the hard work is forgotten when you get to eat all of your delicious fresh food. Enjoy the great weather my lovely xx
    Karen, what a brilliant card for your hubby x
    Michele, thanks for the review. I like the look of the swing reveal cards x
    Cheryl, what a lovely Christmas wreath. I have two rings waiting to be decorated for next Christmas so I must get them out and make a start x
    Enjoy the weekend everyone. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  7. Morning everyone.
    So true the saying Sandra, I have constant amnesia regarding craft I bought. It's that why I got two or sometimes even 3 of some things ๐Ÿ˜.
    Love the card for Alan Karen, very good.
    Cheryl, love the wreath. It's Beautiful and Robin will Love it for ever.
    Thanks Michele for the magazine review. I will put it on my wishlist for love the flower Buddleia. Bought a small one for the pot and hope to be here soon.
    As I told you we bought some compost online yesterday afternoon and can you believe it when we came back from our walk this morning it was sitting on the drive, what a service from the garden centre.
    Not doing much today, only got about three hours sleep so can see us falling asleep in the garden later. Going to hang the washing out now so wishing you a wonderful day whatever you are doing. Hugs to you all xxx

    1. That was really quick service Maria from the garden centre.

  8. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    Oh Sandra that poem is SO TRUE we can all put our hands up and recognise ourselves in the words!!!๐Ÿคจ Your day yesterday sounds lovely, great family time, xxx

    KAREN Brilliant idea for your anniversary card to Alan.
    CHERYL Love your wreath, a real labour of love. I’m sure Robin will treasure it.
    MICHELE Thank you for taking the time in your very busy week to bring us this magazine review, they are always so inspiring.

    Wishing everyone a lovely weekend, take care and stay safe.
    Love Brenda xxx

  9. Hello All, another beautiful day, had to come in from the garden it was so hot.

    Cleave rhyme Sandra, as you applies to most crafters.

    Karen great card for your hubby, very clever.

    Michele very in depth review as always.

    Managed to get some compost at B&Q today, have to say R said how well organised it was, no grow bags.

    Have a good evening, going to clean up my craft room after a real messy time this morning. Lilian
