
Wednesday 22 April 2020

My Card for Capt Tom

Good Morning Ladies,

This week is dragging, not sure why, maybe as last week was such a short one! I honestly thought it was Thursday today!
Another bright and sunny day, really windy though, great washing day here!

Today's card is my Birthday card for Captain Tom Moore, for his 100th Birthday,
I used my Stamping Up Number Dies to cut the letters and their matching stamps to add the ink to which I added to the Gold embossing powder and then heat set.
I chose the colours of the Duke of Wellington Regiment which matches the tie he was wearing, I did struggle to find the right shade of Burgundy though, I had to dig to the bottom of my card stash.
I decided that I would make the ribbon edge look like the regimental tie, to give a more masculine look to the card.  The rest I kept really simple.

After making this card I had to do a full reorganisation of my craft room as it looked like a bomb had gone off, there were bits of card all over the floor from die cutting all of those 'Save the Date' cards, the stalks from all the flowers were everywhere, the trouble was that I was so exhausted when I finished making them that I just couldn't face tidying the mess!  The last couple of cards that I have made have been created in a small space that I made by pushing everything else to the edges of my desk, does anyone else do that???

I hope you have a lovely day however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is absolutely stunning. Classy & extremely elegant. I posted my card yesterday-It’s going to take the family weeks to open all the cards I reckon.

    It was sunny but breezy yesterday so I braved it and sat out in the afternoon, reading which made a nice change from being stuck inside.


  2. Morning Everyone
    It's a sunny start but still feels quite cold here.
    We had sun all day yesterday.

    SANDRA-what a very elegant card this morning. According to the news this morning there are over 25,000 to be opened!

    I'm not sure what I'll set myself to do today but I'm sure something will catch my eye.I started a small embroidery piece last week so perhaps I'll try and get that finished.

    The CAFE is OPEN -usualhours- so pop in when you can.
    There's a Choc cake in the tin just waiting to be eaten.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all with many extras for absent Friends.PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.XXXX

  3. I think your card is perfect I must get mine posted off but I don’t even know if our post office is open!
    I hope the funeral went ok MICHELE and I love that Sue Wilson Happy Birthday die It’s so versatile I’ve used it on my Captain Tom card in a totally different way to yours
    I had quite a successful crafting day I managed to finish some crochet, finish a sewing project and make a cc card
    This afternoon I must sort out my craft room a bit Like you SANDRA everything gets pushed to one side and end up crafting in a 6ins space
    I hope you managed to get into your craft room LYNDA and have a play
    Take care all xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Love the card you made for Capt Tom, along with yesterday’s.
    It’s also sunny but windy here as well. It was warmer in the afternoon though as the wind got a bit warmer. Keith bought me bacon & sausages in yesterday morning. I asked him to take my car when he went to work. He said he would. It’s gone this morning so hopefully that’s where it is. He also said he’d wash it while it was there.
    I also just work in a small space. Although I nearly cleared my desk off the other day to start my projects. One down and 4 to go. So might start another one later today. I posted it on the Facebook page Maria set up for the others doing the lesson to see as well. It also will show the stamping projects she did for the ladies who do stamping.
    Ohh chocolate cake Janet thank you very much. Haven’t had cake for ages. I’ve told the girls too bring me some down when they make some.
    Take dare everyone.

  5. Hi ladies from another beautiful day, don't we get spoiled ?
    Wonderful card Sandra, love the style and,colour and the big numbers.
    Space to work at ?? well, I can just say that my work space is minimal and it doesn't matter how many times I tiding up, it soon in the same stage 🙈
    Have a lovely day everyone, many hugs Maria xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Great card for Captain Tom. I saw on the news this morning that people were opening all his cards and displaying them in a hall - there were thousands 😊 Haven’t started mine yet, so will hopefully do one this afternoon.
    Off work now for six days (unless I get called in due to staff shortages) Looking forward to doing some crafting as I haven’t done any for a couple of days. Need to catch up with some housework first though 🙄
    Hope everyone is well and having a good day. Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    I love your card for Captain Tom Sandra, it’s very tasteful, love the layout and the colours you’ve chosen - it’s all just perfect. I saw on BBC breakfast this morning all the cards that have been opened (so far) and that great grandsons school have taken on the project, lovely for them to be involved. Wonder if they realise they are making history.

    John had a lovely surprise this morning, the postman rang the doorbell, it was a box addressed to him. When he opened it it was a jigsaw, it had been ordered by our 21yr old grandson in Essex. With a message’ just in case you get boarded gramps’ It was such a lovely thought. He completed one last week of Big Ben it’s a 3D one and lights up. Same grandson had given it to him at Christmas. I have to say he is not enjoying this lockdown, so it’s good to see him doing his puzzles.

    Hope you are all enjoying this lovely sunshine,
    Take care and stay safe, Hugs Brenda xxx

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hi Sandra and ladies
    Sandra your card it's so elegant I'm sure he will love it.
    Well I did get in my craft room yesterday but didn't achieve anything apart from tidying my table from the mess I left two weeks before Christmas when I broke my hip. I As a lot of my craft things are on shelves and couldn't keep standing up and getting things down it's just too hard for me 😱😫 So just a big flop..also my chair is on wheels so I didn't feel safe..
    We have had lovely sunshine all day but still chilly.
    Hope you all have had a lovely day sending Love & Hugs Lynda xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a fabulous card. I love how you have used the correct military colours and made them into a “tie”. That is a genius idea my lively. Yes I do end up using a tiny square on my desk. I also have been worrying about a pile of off cuts of card, card I decided not to use, bits of paper, dies, sheets of flat back pearls.... you name it and I have been adding to this pile on the back of the desk since before Christmas and it has been starting to slope more and more so each time I added to it I expected an avalanche!!! Luckily I finally got around to sorting it out the other day so my desk is completely visible, at the moment anyway 😉
    Brenda, I hadn’t heard but how lovely that Capt. Toms great grandson and his school are making history as you say. What a lovely grandson for thinking of his Grandad 🥰
    Lynda, you may only have managed to tidy your desk yesterday but that is another big step that you wouldn’t have been able to do not so long ago. Would Terry be able to swap your wheeled chair for an ordinary one at the moment? Keep reminding yourself that you are making progress each week xx
    Mum, have you been sat out in the sun today. I spent an hour or so in the garden then came on as it was very hot with no breeze at all. I am definitely not complaining though. Have to make the most of it as we have had our holiday at the beginning of May refunded. We aren’t going to even think about rebooking until the world returns to “normal”.
    Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx
