
Friday 13 March 2020

Your Next Challenge

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Our last day in London today, back home to see what chaos the house is in after not being there since Wednesday morning, fingers crossed that they have done the washing up and changed the cat litter!

I hope that you are all well and that you are ready for the weekend, has the week whizzed by for you too?

Your Next Challenge

I thought that we would do a TicTacToe Challenge this week as we haven't done one for a while and I know that most of you really like them.  I think that they are a good 'mojo' booster as you are restricted to 9 categories. (although it doesn't seem to make it that easy for me to choose)!
I do love the surprise of seeing your cards for these challenges though, knowing that you have all used the same 9 categories but creating completely different cards.
I think that there are some good categories in this particular one, making it work for most occasions.
I look forward to seeing your cards.

I hope that you all enjoy the weekend, however you are spending it,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great challenge for us next week & some great categories.

    I’m very glad it’s Friday-been a long, trying week!


  2. Morning Everyone
    Looking forward to this week's Challenge.

    Well here we are once again at that 'swear' word day so the washer is already on and I'm really having to talk myself into the jobs today.One that must be done is sending off my CCs.

    The CAFE is OPEN and looking bright and cheerful with fresh daffs on the tables and fresh scones just waiting to be eaten.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. PLEASE take care and stay safe xxxx

  3. I hope you enjoy your last few hours in London and your trip home is good
    The challenge looks interesting with some great choices
    Thank you SONIA for your message on your blog I am now in search for that Joy die!
    I am so glad it’s Friday I’ve had a few emotional wobbles but feel a lot better today
    I may have sent a few of you a message on FB and then thought better of it So apologies to those that have seen it It may be fake news I really don’t know these days what’s real and what’s not
    Take care all xxx

    1. Hugs, you know you can contact me anytime for a chat. Take care x

    2. Hi Karen. Googled it as couldn’t remember what it was called - it’s ‘Background Grid’. I’ve had it a while, so hope it’s still available. If not, let me know as I can always cut and send some to you.
      Hugs xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Enjoy your last day in London. Let’s hope that you don’t arrive home to a mess. More training required I think.
    We had a lovely day grooving yesterday. Lots of laughs. And lots of which would have been cursing under her breath. But OMG good god no not again came back. Who’d have though that counting dots on a grid could nearly cause chaos. Emboss 2 dots miss one dot along a grid is easy you’d think. But I think we all made a few mistakes. Plus do a picot cut on 1 sq and a embossed dot on the next one all along. No, I did picot cuts all the way along. My variation on a theme I said.
    I have washing out today. Blowing nicely but with plenty of pegs in.
    Stay safe out there. Gentle hugs to all those who need one today.

    1. Had loved to see you at work Pat, it sound like a lot of fun. Not listening to the teacher ey 😊 x

  5. Hi Sandra and everyone in the cafe' today.
    hope you drive back home is alright and the house is standing. Love to hear more about the London trip.
    Michele and Karen, have a nice weekend and just chill.
    Feeling some better and was so looking forward to the nec next week but it is all cancelled because of this virus, also OH football. Shame I already bought the train tickets tho for they do not refund and if they were they take a £10 handling fee !!
    Scone with jam and a warm mug of tea sound nice Janet, see you in the cafe' later :>)
    Sending hugs to you all and extra for you who need some. take care Maria xx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Hope you had a lovely time in London, and don’t arrive home to too much chaos!
    Great challenge set for the week. I’ve got some time off work now so plenty of time for crafting this coming week, so I may join in 😊
    Hope all well and having a good day.
    Hugs to all xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Hope your journey home was smooth and uneventful AND you found your home just as you left it in the care of your lovely daughters.
    Lots of lovely choices for next weeks challenge.

    Haven’t got my CC organised for this week, was going to sort it out today but Mr Postman delivered my HoneyDoo dies - the Tartan and the one with all the circles in, also my Hero Arts stamp (the gorgeous on you used when you set this weeks challenge) I have been waiting for a few weeks for this stamp to arrive..... I have to say I’m not disappointed - it’s really lovely.

    Sending love to all, Brenda xxx

  8. Hello All, late again, did try earlier but no go.
    Great challenge for next week, I forgot to take pic of this weeks, been a chaotic here today, with Rs meeting all cancelling.

    Pat your card yesterday was fabulous, love all the work you put in .

    Sandra hope you enjoyed your last few hours in London, and you came home to a spotless home.
    Goodnight all, Lilian
