
Wednesday 25 March 2020

My Next Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all as well as can be expected and those of you that can't get out can get somebody to get some shopping for you.
Our local pub has had to close as a pub but has started doing a Take Away service and has got provisions in and created a little shop selling Milk, Bread, eggs and veg, a few tins, I was a little disturbed to see that it was selling slices of cake and that the cake wasn't covered, but I know that to the elderly in the village it will be a great help, although their prices are a little bit short of extortion, £1.30 for a tin of beans and £2.00 for A toilet roll !!! I guess that they have to make money. But if feels like they are profiting from the situation, there is a local group that are volunteering to get peoples prescriptions/essential shopping etc, which is really helpful.
Do any of you have something similar in place?

I had to call 111 myself yesterday as I have been having some of the symptoms, the first and one that has been worrying me is a feeling of heaviness in my lungs, it's really hard to describe as I have never felt anything like it, it's really uncomfortable, feels like bruising inside, then late Monday the cough started, it's a dry cough, bought on by me either talking, moving around makes it worse, bending forward, it's very irritating, once you start coughing its not easy to stop, I am also very breathless, walking to the bathroom is exhausting.  
It's an altogether different feeling to either my anxiety or the breathlessness from AF.  I have no congestion, I feel extremely exhausted but I think that is partly to do with the problems with Mum.

An update on Mum, her GP called me yesterday afternoon, he explained that there is no way that she will be able to have her ears syringed as they are no longer providing 'non urgent' or minor treatments. I understand but it makes me sad that she may not be able to hear for the foreseeable future. He was happy to increase her Medication for her seizures though, he was going to explain everything in a letter and get it taken around to her. He explained about a Volunteer support team that helps the vulnerable in the village, the only trouble is that they have to be contacted by telephone ot by email, neither of which would work for mum.  My sister also explained that there are people going around pretending to be from the service asking for shopping lists and cash up front, they then disappear never to be seen again!  Why are there always scumbags that ruin things for people?!

Today's card,  that I made yesterday is the second of two cards that I made using the 'Chantilly Lace Border' Die set from the Sara Davies Vintage Lace collection, the first card that I made for last weeks challenge used the die as a border, die cutting it out of two layers of card.
For todays card I used the die to create a fancy edge to my top layer, so I used just the centre part of the die to cut into my card. 
I used the Vintage Lace paper pad and matching card pack to create the card. The range has a set of 'Rub ons' that I used to create the tag.

I hope that you like my card.  I am looking forward to seeing yours!

I hope that you all stay safe and well, 

Sending love and hugs to all of you, (from at least 2 metres of course)



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your Card is beautiful, so pretty & delicate.
    Sorry to read you’ve not been feeling well. It sounds like a respiratory tract infection-if you’re no better today please phone up your GP.

    I’m off out early to see what I can buy in the butchers as I’ll need to bring it home to put in the fridge. Yesterday was crazy busy & the local news published the fact we have confirmed cases of Coronovirus at the hospital. You can imagine the comments! People demanding to know who they are....for goodness sake.

    I’m very glad I have a couple of days off from tomorrow as I’m shattered. I think we’re be doing some gardening if this lovely weather continues.


  2. I am so glad you called 111 I think you may have picked something up from your girls So please try not to worry- easier said than done I know

    Lovely card That lace die is very pretty I wish I could feel a bit more motivated and craft more Great opportunity to clear out some clutter but I just can’t summon up the energy at the moment

    Well although I am on annual leave I will be logging on for some training later today as I will be working for a completely different team for now It’ll be interesting to see how easy/difficult it will be doing it over the phone

    Please take care all and stay safe xxx

    1. I forgot to say there are a few local volunteer groups being set up including one out local MP will be supporting/endorsing

  3. Morning Everyone
    Beautiful card SANDRA so pretty to start the day.

    It's a stressful day here as Jim has to take our Dear Friend to hospital to collect his Chem injections and have his blood counts done. As they say 'it never rains but if pours'or something like that.

    The CAFE is OPEN and looking rather Spring like in the sunshine.
    HUGS are on their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Two lovely cards today.
    I’m glad the dr went to see your Mum although they couldn’t do very much. I hope your going to be ok. It might just be a throwback from what the girls had. Fingers crossed that’s what it is.
    Pete’s brother will definitely be going into a home now. He missed the wheelchair stage of his disease and went straight to being able to walk. Devastating news for them all. He has MSA which is a rare disease. All the bodies functions just shut down. He hasn’t been able to talk for quite awhile now. He was such a fit man as well. He’s unable to do anything for himself for quite awhile now.
    I can do some crafting but a bit daunting if I want to clear my craft room out. I wouldn’t know where to start really as I still have lots of stuff that I no longer use.

    I hope everyone stays safe and indoors.

  5. Good morning Sandra and ladies too
    Two lovely cards Sandra so pretty.
    I justhad a phone call from the care support team Terry answered it
    She i have have just said I'm gto get tested as man he gave the man A burger & chips.&tea & got
    Own & went home. The helth visitor
    Dsid I'm not hi priority anymore. Well im not hi risk any more.
    I said well I can't walk very well.
    . & Not on omn anymore i have a walking frame
    Oh well hope you're all well take care love Lynda xxx

  6. Hi All, such a lovely day here, although a very chilly wind.

    Two lovely cards today Sandra, do hope you will be feeling better by now.

    Having trouble remembering what day it is, hopefully will have some food from Sainsbury’s, ordered 3 weeks ago before all this got going. Can’t get any slots now.

    Enjoy your day, if you can, hugs to all, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Love both of your cards today, so pretty. I’m hoping to be able to take part in this week’s challenge, but so far haven’t had the time. Fingers crossed I’ll get chance to make a start after work tomorrow.
    Sorry to hear you’re not feeling well, take care.
    Glad you heard back from your Mums GP, hope they get it all sorted.
    Hoping everyone is having a good day whatever you are doing. Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi everyone in the cafe'today.
    Hope you feeling better Sandra as the day has gone by,do take care. Love both of the cards,very pretty.
    Pat, so sorry to hear of Pete's brother.
    Lynda, take care and hopefully you up to make some cards soon. Chips and burgers for dinner here too :)
    Janet, hope Jim taking care taking your friend to hospital.
    Karen, hope the training went fine and you managed to have a good day afterwards.
    Having had a bad day pain-wise and no good when I want to clear the garden but hopefully tomorrow will be another nice day , got some washing on the line tho so that was good.
    Have a nice evening everyone, stay safe. Big hugs Maria xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,Sorry I’ve just lost a very long comment so will keep this one shorter. Sandra two beautiful cards today these would certainly cheer up anyone’s day. Pleased you were able to talk to mum’s doctor yesterday, hope now they will be keeping an eye on her - fingers crossed.
    Also hoping you’re feeling a lot better today and you haven’t had a repeat episodes of yesterday happy to ring 111. It’s Pat said it’s probably a bug you picked up from the girls When they had colds a week or so ago. XX
    Take care everyone and look after yourselves. Love and hugs Brenda XXX
