
Monday 23 March 2020

My Mother's Day card, handmade by Lucy

Good Monday Morning Friends,

I hope that you are all well and ready to face another week of uncertainty.
We were placed with an absolutely glorious day yesterday, beautiful sunshine all day, at the moment those little things make such a huge difference. The girls couldn't get out to buy Mother's day cards so after bringing me a lovely breakfast in bed they planted themselves in my craft room and set about making them, which filled my heart with joy, (although the mess they made was a little painful)!  There were a few cleverly worded questions about what to use for different things and where to look to find them, I have to say that I was totally blown away by the resulting cards.
I am sharing Lucy's today, I love how she has designed the whole card, she wanted 'fancy ' edges and a die cut heart.  She typed the sentiment/verse into Word and printed it out, I thought I was worth a solid 5 stars but every mum needs to nag now and again, it brought a huge smile to my face, I love how she arranged the flowers and thought to add leaves as well.  Itproves that they do absorb some of what they see me doing everyday, even if they pretend to not be interested.

We had a quiet day, Becca wanted to pop over, I was in two minds, we compromised and sat out in the garden, keeping a safe distance from each other, so hard when they have been through hell and you just want to wrap them in your arms and tell them that it will all be ok!
The hardest and emotionally wrenching part of the day was calling my mum, she is struggling with her ears at the moment, i think they are blocked, so she cannot hear at all, she could hear a little when i called her friday but it has got worse, so when i called she just said 'sorry I can't hear' and hung up, that was the final straw for me and set me off bawling.
I'm not sure what the protocol is but I can't have her being isolated and unable to hear the phone, I will call her GP today and try and sort something out, hopefully she can be seen some how, she can't physically get to Drs herself so a home visit would be perfect. Fingers crossed, I aldo need to let them know that her anxiety over this whole situation is causing her to have more seizures, so her meds may need increasing.
Fingers crossed I can get some answers.

I hope that you all had a good weekend,

Love and Huge hugs to All of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a gorgeous card from Lucy. Even more special that she made it herself for you.
    Try phoning your Mums GP as they should be able to treat her.

    Let’s hope there’s not too much drama at work today. I overdid the gardening yesterday afternoon & I’m aching a bit now.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a beautiful card from LUCY.It's so special when they are handmade. I love the verse.

    I'm not sure what to do today.I am desperately trying to get a delivery spot on Tesco sight.I have had my groceries delivered now for well over six years and trying to get a spot is like asking for a pot of gold. I don't know when they add days to the list but whatever time I try there's nothing available. Perhaps I'll have to stay up all night to get a spot. There's no delivery places free until 11th April as of this morning.

    The CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting.I'm afraid there's not much in the cupboard but at least we are together.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFE.xxxx

  3. How lovely SANDRA that you had beautiful handmade cards for Mother’s Day It was horrible not being able to give/have a hug but if it keeps us all safe then so beit
    I am on annual leave this week (luckily they’re honouring a/l at the mo) but will log in to see updates (never had to do that before and as I’ve been deployed I have some training on Wednesday
    A nurse friend tried to go shopping - the car park was packed She had to queue for an hour and nothing on the shelves- clearly that’s not working!
    I did go to the cemetery in the end I was astounded how a group of friends were standing there chatting They were that close they might just as well have had their arms around each other!
    Watching the news and seeing people at these gyms in the park - exercising next to each other, swapping equipment, I was aghast! I’ll just pass the soap box on - who’s next?
    We can only try our best to stay safe
    Take care all xx

  4. Hi Sandra &ladies
    A lovely card that was made for you from Lucy.
    Hopefully the Drs can sort your Mum’# ears out. I had flowers, a pot plant and chocolate from everyone on Sat & yesterday. They all stood at the bottom of the drive and chatted to me which was lovely. Karen & Amber went for a horse ride yesterday as it was so nice. However, where a farmer had had some sheep he’d taken the electric fence down but forgot to turn it off and remove it. So Bryan decided to go that way and got an electric shock. She’d fallen off Bryan and although she broke the circuit the wire had wrapped around her neck. Luckily Bryan was ok. However, Lucy who Amber was on decided to follow Bryan who was running around the field and she came off as well. Both are ok but very sore and stiff.
    I also are absolutely astounded that people are walking around in crowds. I’m not to sure which part of stay at home they don’t understand. They seem to be treating the shutdown as a holiday and taking children to parks etc.
    Soapbox passed on to someone else now.
    Stay safe everyone.

  5. Hi ladies.
    Lovely card from Lucy , and glad you had a nice weekend even if we had to keep our kids on a distance.
    Hope your mum gets better and a doctor can help her out.
    Michele- take care with your back when gardening, so easy tho to overdo it. Hope your greenhouse is intact after the storms. Hope work is alright.
    Janet- have you got some friend or neighbour who still go to the shops ? one of our neighbour has offered to get things in for others but so far we have been lucky with slots down here but not many items that are on our list are in stock so just have to keep looking. Hope you be alright. How is your daughter doing ?
    Karen-glad you got out but know what you mean with people not taking care when still using the gym machines in the parks etc, no one are wiping them down afterwards. Hope your diabetes is ok , take care x
    Pat- hope the girls are ok and only a bit sore but how did it go for the horses ? Are you keeping yourself busy with some groovi work ? Take care
    Sue- hope mum and Pop are doing alright and mum still had a nice day even if no hugs so I'm sending many virtual ones for them and you.As you given mine away willy nilly anyway ๐Ÿ˜‰ I don't mind really, Terry can have plenty and so can Lynda xx I hope you got some crafting out Lynda so you have something to do, it makes the day go a bit quicker sometimes.
    It's a lovely day after a very cold and frosty start and the sun is on our patio so going to go out and potter around a bit before it's too late and i'm ending up having a nap hihi
    Have a nice day everyone, stay safe and many hugs to you all xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Such a lovely card from Lucy, and all the more special with it being hand made.
    I hope your Mum is okay and you manage to get a doctor out to see her.
    Such worrying times for everyone, please stay safe.
    Sending hugs to all xx

  7. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a beautiful keepsake Lucy’s Mother’s Day card is. I’m sure you were really delighted the girls are so thoughtful. I also like the humour in her message - you would never find that on a shop bought card!!!....... sorry you had to clear up the mess, but THINK POSITIVE at least you were able to put things back where you can find them again ๐Ÿคจ

    John went out very early today just to pick up a couple of items then on to the bank. He went to Lidl first expecting to stand in the queue, the security man walked along and told him he could go into the store, he couldn’t believe his luck. So he then went along and stood outside the bank waiting for them to open, a member of staff came out and said would you like to come in, his receipt is timed at 08:24. He was home before the banks opened. One Happy Bunny.

    Take care everyone, love Brenda xxx

  8. Thank you for all your wonderful tutorials. This is fabulous. I wish I was talented and patient like u. You can get more patterns If you are interested in pop-up cards. View more designs from them: mother's day pop up cards, 3d pop up paper flower bouquet
