
Saturday 28 March 2020

Mixed Up Saturday Featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that the weekend finds you all well and managing through these tough times.
I want you all to know that sitting and writing the blog to connect with you everyday really means a lot to me, I really look forward to reading your comments and finding out how you are managing through these unique circumstances, it would be so lovely to be actually sitting around and talking to each other, this however it the next best thing.
So I am sending  Heartfelt Thanks to each and everyone of you for stopping by and leaving a comment, I think that they are really helpful to all of us. xxx

We spent a good part of the day on the garden again yesterday, Paul was weeding and cutting back dead plants in the front garden, while I sat in the sun on a reclining chair by the front door, it was lovely to be out in the fresh air and saying hello to some of our neighbours as they passed by, I was surprised to see how many people were still out driving, almost going about their business as usual.
Milo and Bella came outside with us and it was lovely seeing the two of them frolicking about in the sunshine, they loved it.  
I have to say that this was an unexpected pleasure in such worrying times.
I was experiencing the real bone and muscle aches that come with flu symptoms, the odd thing is I don't have the runny nose/congestion symptoms that usually go with it, just a really annoying cough.
Lucy is feeling much better now, her and Soph are still coughing though, the boredom is starting to set in though!

A Selection of Man cards to Inspire you

I hope that they give you a little inspiration xxx

Michele's  Magazine Review

Hi Ladies

Simply Cards & Papercraft has a gorgeous set of stamps & Dies as the free gift this month.

Here’s a sneak peek inside the magazine.

Here’s the first feature using the free gift.

Some more ideas.

Even more inspiration.

Great article on second generation stamping.

Interesting feature on using nesting Dies.

That’s all for this week.
Happy Crafting


Thanks Michele for a fantastic Magazine Review, I love those Peony stamps and dies, they look similar to the 'Altenew' ones, the great thing with these stamps is that you get so much detail with the three layers of stamping. Having the dies to cut the flowers makes the set even more versatile.  All in  all a great free gift.
I noticed that there is a lot of inspiration too, which is so useful.  
There are two fantastic features in this magazine that are useful to all of us, the first is the 'Second Generation Stamping' technique which is a bit of an underrating technique, so it's so useful having some information and inspiration for it.
The second feature is about using Nesting Dies, we take them for granted really so seeing some hints, tips and inspiration for other ways of using them would be really helpful.
Thanks Michele for taking time to write this fantastic review xxx

Michele has been sorting through and organising her dies into folders according to size etc, she has shared some photos of her organisation, which I will add below.....

 Michele's small die storage

Michele's Magazine stamp storage 

The first photo is the magazine freebies. Second photo is the entire wall of storage drawers!

The last two photos are two sets of dies that just happened to fall into Michele's shopping basket, I think that they are great dies Michele and you will get lots of use out of them for cards for both males and females. I look forward to seeing what you make with them.
Thank you so much for sharing your storage ideas and shopping with all of us. xxx

Ladies I would love to share any photos of your Craft room or any Craft Storage ideas that you have, just send them to me via messenger or email as you normally send your Challenge card. 

I hope that you all have as best Weekend as possible in the circumstances, stay home and please stay safe,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Some fabulous cards for men and a great challenge for next week.
    Thank you Michele for the magazine review. Wow, look at all the storage for your dies and stamps, thank you for sharing it with us. I'm still struggling with what to do with mine. Have sent for some storage wallets to see if that would work.
    Sandra ,I hope you feeling better soon and it's so nice to be able to be out in the garden at feel the sun on our face.
    We have found some routes were hardly any people are walking so we trying to get out at least for an hour and if we going around the lake everyone are keeping their distance. Today we are planing to do some more gardening but I also need to finish off this week cc and send it. Up early for couldn't sleep so going to get a mug of tea and watch a program I started to watch on Netflix called the "Gran Hotel" it's in Spanish but I don't mind reading the text as I seem to put it up anyway for all programs these day's. Don't think my hearing goes but find them mumbling a lot on tv.
    Sending many hugs to you all and hope you keeping safe if going out anywhere. Have a nice weekend. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lots of inspiration for our next challenge-great men’s cards.

    Today’s blog post looks a bit like I’ve taken over! I’m constantly sending photos to Sandra in case she can use them on her blog.

    I’d love to see how you all store your craft stash. My storage has evolved over time(expanded more like). I would like more wooden shelving units but as I’m trying to clear stuff out it doesn’t seem worth it just yet.

    Quick shopping trip to the village (butchers & Co-op) then we’re going to plan today’s walk.


    1. Some great cards Michele. All my stamps of both types which I no longer use are in clear storage boxes. Dies are in boxes to. Plus lots of embossing folders along with stacks of card are sat on shelves. Just a mess really. My groovi plates are stacked in a few holders that shops display their plates on. Good luck with sorting the rest out.

    2. That sounds a great storage idea for your Groovi plates

  3. Morning Everyone
    Lots of inspiration this morning and a really good mag reviewMICHELE.

    It's a much cooler morning here than we have had for the last couple of days.Perhaps tomorrow will be sunny.
    MICHELE-I definitely have 'Craft Envey' looking at your craft room.Mine is a corner in the dining room which of course spreads lol.

    The CAFE is OPEN so pop in for a cuppa and a hot cross bun.


    hugs are winging their way to you all with loads of extras for Dear Friends not feeling too good.PLEASE TAKE CAREAND STAY SAFE.xxxx

    1. I to have craft envy looking at Michele’s tidy storage. Colder gear as well. You wouldn’t want to be lying outside today for sure.

    2. Hi all, just popped in for a cuppa and a hot cross bun. Never got outside because we decided to spring clean the house, have a few windows still to do but they have to be done another day for right now I am pooped 😏 hugs x

  4. Thanks for the review MICHELE I have the ALTENEW ones SANDRA mentioned and I have never used them I do have the three layered die one (cut each layer rather than stamp each layer) as well Now I’m a bit of a stamper (Ahem!) and have more inks I will have a go I might treat myself on line Your storage looks amazing I bought another unit that is desk height a few months ago and I still haven’t had a sort out to be able to utilise it
    I still haven’t been able to get through to pharmacy OH will pop in today which if they haven’t got my stuff will be classed as non-essential! My insulin pump is out of warranty and can’t pick up new one - I need training so I might have to resort back to syringes and different insulin That means multiple injections too Never mind I feel sorry for diabetics that have never used a syringe in this day of technology
    I will meet with Joe Wickes later and hopefully sit in the garden as the weather is due to worsen next week
    Take care all and thanks for the reminder re the clocks JANET I’d forgotten as the days are merging into one at the mo xxxx

    1. I hope you manage to sort your meds out Karen. I thought I’d pick up mine while I was in Sainsbury’s on Thursday. The pharmacy had a big notice up telling you the hours they were shut. When I went it wasn’t when they shouldn’t have been closed but they were. I do have a slight stock of them as I couldn’t take them 2 weeks before my last endoscopy. Hopefully one of Karen’s girls or Keith can pick them up for me.
      Take care.

  5. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Sounds like you had a nice relaxing day yesterday watching Paul doing some gardening. Sound like a lovely lazy day. I mopped the bathroom & kitchen floors yesterday. Tried to sort my puzzle out but gave up. Pieces I’d put in before didn’t look right, and the pieces I had left didn’t go in the spaces that were left at the bottom. So will probably have another go later. I must also do the little bit of ironing I have. Then I need to put together the card for Pat & make a card for Olivia who will be 18 next Sunday. The time just flies by birthday wise doesn’t it.

  6. Sorry meant to say lovely cards Michele. Thanks also for the magazine reviews.

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Fabulous inspiration for next weeks challenge. Love the magazine review and Michele’s storage solutions. I have a large cupboard in the corner of the dining room and some plastic storage drawers. The dining table is out of action for eating at the mo, as it’s got all my bits and pieces on!
    So glad you managed to get out in the sunshine yesterday, Sandra. Hope you’re starting to feel better.
    Enjoy your day ladies, whatever you’re doing and stay safe.
    Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hello , it’s freezing cold here today, yesterday was so warm we could switch the heating off, on again today.

    Managed to get my cards of to Sandra, will try and be more speedy this week.

    Lots of cards to inspire us, so no excuse for me this week.

    Michele great magazine review again this week, I am so envious of your tidy space, mine is all of a jumble, I tidy it but as soon as I make a card , there is about a foot square left. Mind you I have three sewing machines and loads of fabric to use when I think of something to make.
    Hope you all have a good weekend looking forward to seeing all the cards tomorrow. Hugs to all Lilian

    1. Maybe you could make some bunting for the biggest party we’re going to have when this is all over

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies, sorry I haven’t been in for a couple of days, I’ve been feeling really off colour, aching and coughing during the night. Think it’s my age.
    Lovely display of man cards Sandra, Michele Thank you for the present magazine review. Your craft room looks impressive. Mine is working progress ha ha
    Hope you are keeping well love and big hugs Brenda XXX
