
Saturday 21 March 2020

Mixed Up Saturday featuring Michele's Magazine Review

Good Saturday morning Ladies,

Well I guess that I know that you will all be having a relaxing weekend as most of you have no choice, We are lucky in a way as we all have the most amazing hobby that most of us now have more time to take part in!  I have been sitting in the craft room just so that I can't hear the news, particularly as all news channels are just recycling the same news, it's just so depressing.
The news yesterday bought a lot of worry and anxiety to our house, with the new sanctions announced last night that all Pubs, Clubs, Restaurants etc were to close as of last night, this meant that Becca and her partner Adam who are Manager and Head Chef on a Pub/Restaurant/Hotel, they have no job for the foreseeable future and have a large mortgage and rent to cover let alone all the other household bills, they are both anxious. Sophie and Lucy are also in the same position as the Wild Life Park Restaurant has closed as well as the Gift shop and train, I think that they are keeping the grounds open for people to walk around. So ours wasn't the happiest house last night, hopefully they can get some help.  
I think that if people do actually start staying at home doing as instructed we may get this whole thing over a little bit faster. I will say that I thought that the way people were bring rounded up in China seemed harsh but now I can kind of understand it, if people are still meeting up in groups in pubs etc they are being selfish so under the circumstances they should be rounded up! (Rant over).
My Knees are killing from getting up and down from that bloody soapbox this week!!


Karen has shared two more of her Crocheted Animals from the A-Z of Animals that she is creating for Oscar, these two cuties are...

N = Nanny Goat

J = Jay

As always Karen you have put so much incredible detail into your animals, I love their expressions. You are so amazingly talented Karen. 
Karen is taking a break for Crocheting A-Z animals for a couple of weeks and is now making a Dog for the charity box, you are always so kind and generous my lovely.
Thank  you so much for sharing your Crocheted Animals Karen xxx

Michele's Magazine Review 

Hi Ladies,

This months issue of Diecutting Essentials has a fantastic free gift.

Here’s some ideas of what’s inside the magazine.

First feature using the free gift.

More projects to make using the free gift.this would be good for wedding favours, Christmas or children’s parties.

Great feature on Shadow box cards-they look so impressive.

Interesting article on multicoloured Embossing.

That’s all for this week,
Happy Crafting

Love Michele x

Michele thank you so much for another fantastic magazine review, I love the free gift and there is loads of inspiration for them.
The Shadow box feature is great too, as is the Pixie Powder or 'explosion of colour' feature at the end.
As always Michele I know that you are so busy at work so THANK YOU so very much for making time to write our magazine review. xxx

I think that the two posters I have shared today work perfectly with things as restricted as they are right now.

I hope that you have a lovely weekend, our plans have changed as we were planning on going to Colchester to visit Mum but as she had Chronic COPD I am not prepared to risk taking any germs over to her, she was disappointed that we cancelled, she had also just heard that my sister had cancelled taking her out for Mothers Day, but needs must, I hope that deep down she understands bless her.  
Paul is now having to work the weekend so we wouldn't have been able to go anyway, so plenty of crafting here this weekend.

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Karen-I love both your crochet creatures, they’re lovely.

    I’m looking forward to 2 whole days off. I was meant to be off work all next week but we already have 8 staff off so I’ve agreed to work Monday-Wednesday. I’m hoping to get a bit of time to craft plus we need to tidy up the top end of the garden.

    We had booked to go out for a meal tonight but as Boris has cancelled that for us, I’ll be heading into the village to see what the Butchers has to offer.


  2. Morning Everyone
    KAREN-you have done it again.Two wonderful characters they just jump off the page.

    MICHELE-thank you for your usual Mag Review.It looks a really good mag this week. Unfortunately I won't be looking at it this morning as I usually do.

    Well Mr Tesco delivered yesterday afternoon. I had a load of substitutions and half a dozen 'not available' but at least we have food and necessities.My delivery man was saying that they were getting loads of abuse from customers because they weren't getting everything they'd requested and that the subs were no use. I really cannot believe some people. They should be so thankful that they're getting food etc delivered. I reassured him that he will always be welcome to deliver here and definitely no complaints.
    The 'Rant'box is still in the usual place as I cannot get onto it but of course I can rant with the best without the box -or so I am told.hehehe

    It is really odd not going out this morning but needs must.

    Now the CAFE is OPEN ready and waiting for you all. The tables are looking really cheerful with pots of daffs on them to cheer us.
    HUGS are winging their way to you all. PLEASE TAKE CARE AND STAY SAFExxxx

  3. Hi Sandra and ladies
    The sun is shining but still very
    Cold. It's so nice looking out the windows at the sunshine and the bird's singing.
    Well im hopefully getting something out of craft room hope OH can find what i wsnt today'as he wasn't very good yesterday
    Have a good day everyone lots of hugs left in the big basket by thr front doors. Love Lynda. Xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & ladies
    I simply love your. Richest animals Karen, they are simply gorgeous.
    Thanks for the mag reviews Michele. I hope you manage to get into the garden.
    The sun is shining in Oxfordshire but it’s bitterly cold outside.
    I was upstairs putting some things away, a lady was walking down all wrapped up in scarfs and a really thick coat on. But I had to laugh as she had a pair of flip flops on her bare feet.
    A lot of restaurants in Witney are offering meals to be delivered, that might bring some money in for Becca and her boyfriend.
    Great to see you in Linda. Fingers crossed Terry finds what you want in your craft room.

  5. Hi Sandra and ladies.
    Love the crocheted animals Karen, so sweet.
    Thanks for the mag. review Michele.
    Hope Terry find something for you to do Lynda, glad to see you in the cafe' x
    Spoke to my sister yesterday for 90 minutes and it was mostly about her dogs! but she was sad if we couldn't come over in May as it seem unlikely at the mo :(
    Sun is shining but a bitter cold wind, I will still go and tidy up a bit in the garden. OH has just cut the grass, very wet.
    Last minute posting from me reg. the cc's this week. I must get better and send them earlier but it seem impossible 😏
    Have a nice weekend everyone and stay safe if going out somewhere. Many hugs to you all xxx

  6. Thank you for your lovely comments ladies It’s all down to the books from TOFT Thank goodness I have a mountain of yarn from ALDI to keep me going in these trying times
    Thank MICHELE for the magazine review but as I won’t be shopping I can’t see me getting it
    I can’t remember which site it is but they’re doing free p&p on magazines
    Your sayings are brilliant and so very apt SANDRA I Hope BECCA and the girls are OK and that PAUL is soon home Rant away SANDRA You’re only saying what we all feel
    I hope you can do some crafting LYNDA it certainly helps pass the time
    Take care all and stay in doors and keep safe xx

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Karen, I love your crotchet animals, they’re so sweet.
    Another great magazine review from Michele too.
    So sad that tough times are ahead for all those in these industries that have been forced to close. I hope Becca and her partner and Sophie and Lucy are able to find something.
    Luke has just had to stop work too - he’d only started a new job a couple of months ago, working at after school clubs doing football training and sports. Fingers crossed that all these companies can survive through this. Loads of supermarkets round our way are advertising for temp staff, and also care companies. I’m feeling pretty fortunate at the moment for working in the retirement village.
    Hope you’re all having a good day. Stay safe.
    Hugs to all xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Your cards yesterday are beautiful. I don’t think I have seen the Boss? embossing powder but love the finished effect. You have set a great challenge for this week. I am onto Pinterest once I have sent this comment. You have said just what I feel when you have been on the soapbox this week, wouldn’t it be lovely if you could get sore knees from having to talk about happy things instead. I make sure that we watch or listen to music, films etc with just a few updates throughout the day as it is not mentally healthy to only hear negative things all of the time. We are staying in and haven’t bulk bought anything so with catch ups on the latest news every four or five hours we are managing fine. We don’t have much bread but there is enough food in the house to feed us for a while, even if the menu becomes a bit mixed. Who knows we may find some new mixtures. It is a terrible time but we must try and stay positive mustn’t we.
    Mum, sorry for confusing you and Pop( and myself !!) about the bed sheets yesterday 😂 love you xxxx
    Lynda, it is so good to hear you talking about wanting to craft and made me smile so much 😁😁😁 please tell Terry that we will all give him extra hugs and kisses, especially from Maria, if he manage to find you the bits from your craft room that you want. Maybe that will encourage him to find the right things 😁 I agree with Brenda when she said that you have made such goof progress recently and you will soon be able to go and sit in your craft room whenever you like. Hugs to you both xx
    Right I’m off to get some inspiration from Pinterest now. I hope you all stay safe and sound. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras for Lynda, Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I completely forgot to leave a comment on the blog, I did look in this morning but then life got in the way, we have had a stream of phone calls - daughters, grandchildren, sister and a friend all wanting to know if we are both coping. It’s lovely everyone is looking out for each other.
    Sandra sorry to hear Becca and her partner are not able to work due to the closure of all pubs and restaurants, another major headache for poor Becca. She must feel the world is against her. Tell her to stay strong. Hopefully this will help her case for getting her ex out of the house she is having to pay the mortgage on. 🤞 Lucy and Sophie must be really disappointed about there jobs, Callum is in the same position (he's a lifeguard at a gym) so many youngsters are prepared to do there bit, rather than relying on the bank of mum and dad, but at this time what choice do they have?

    We had a laugh yesterday evening, John suggested we had a Chinese for our evening meal (there is an excellent one just across the main road) he went to collect it and came back with a ‘Freebie’ ............ Two face masks!!! I wasn’t sure if we were supposed to ware them to eat!! Just thought I would share that with you.

    Hope everyone is well, please take care, Love Brenda xxx

    1. Oh WOOPS I forgot to say
      Karen, Oscar is going to love these critters. I know I do. xx
      Michele Thank you for the magazine review, this is my favourite Craft magazine xx
      GREAT posters Sandra xx
