
Thursday 5 March 2020

Another Old/New Challenge card

Good Morning Ladies,

I hope that you are all well, hugs on route to those that aren't feeling 100% 

Yesterday was a much better day than Tuesday  thankfully but I was still feeling the aches and pains of the day before, I ended up going out in 4 different cars!  After we got back from Becca's drama, Sophie told me that Lewis was coming over and could we have pizza for tea, so we had to pop to Aldi as it was too late to let Paul know, so that was my 3rd car journey of the day.  The last journey was to the cinema, we have been wanting to see 'Dark Water' since it came out, its about the 'Dupont Teflon' chemical poisoning scandal, it was really eye opening to watch, you could clearly see how companies with lots of wealth can buy their way through any problems that may arise, DuPont  had politicians in their pocket as well as Scientists who told the general public that they water was safe to drink, when in fact this one guy proved quite the opposite, the chemical PF08 that was part of making Teflon was causing many types of cancer, Birth defects and wierd Tumours etc on animals, it was quite sad to see. He won in the end, he managed to get enough people to have Blood tests 69,000 + which was a record , the test was to see if there was a link between the chemical and their problems.  He won cases for all of those people that had medical problems and care packages for their future.  It was a really good film.

On to today's card, this is one that I made while Pat was here but it is a real 'throw back' to the cards that we used to make.  I used an old Spellbinders Ornate Label die for the outer most decorative edge, I then used a Label 8 die to cut a mat of the new Sara Davies Vintage Lace paper pad, I matched the paper with a SU card and used it for the layers of the card and to die cut some of the flowers too.
I used white card edged with a little 'Peacock Feathers' to create the sprigs of foliage.
I finished the card with a few coloured pearls and some sparkles in the flower centres.
It's funny to think that this is how we all used to make our cards, not a stamp in sight.

Hoping to see Sue today, fingers crossed that her chest infection is almost gone. 

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-gorgeous Card, love the colours. The film sounds interesting-might see if my crazy friend wants to go & watch it.

    Frosty start to the morning-it got to minus 2C last night . Got a meeting with a Rep this morning then I need to clear some emails & generally catch up at work.


  2. Morning Everyone
    What a trip down memory lane SANDRA.A beautiful card bringing back memories.
    Most of my older dies are in Marigny but I have found a couple here which I have used.

    Mentioning Marigny we should be going in a couple of weeks but have put this trip off as we think it's not safe to travel. We really are disappointed but would never forgive ourselves if we caused any harm as a result.

    I have to photograph my CC today and hopefully get them sent off.
    The CAFE is OPEN to anyone wanting to pop in for a cuppa and a chat.There's a chocolate cake just waiting to be eaten.
    HUGS are on their way to you all.Please take care and stay safe.xxxx

  3. Lovely card SANDRA
    How styles change over the years and have a couple of these old SW/Spellbinder dies
    Saying that I made a card with the old Bekka Feakin Filigree Delights die yesterday
    Film sounds interesting
    It’s a shame you’re putting off your trip JANET but a good idea I do hope people don’t get complacent about this virus and will carry on washing their hands properly etc It’s all we can do at moment
    No craft club this afternoon but we’re going out for a meal this evening
    Enjoy your day with SUE
    Take care all xxx

  4. Morning all
    Pretty card and nice to see the older dies back.
    The film sound good, will wait for it to come on Netflix. Not keen on the cinema, too many people spoiling it with noisy snacking and toilet visits.
    Hope things will sort them out for Rebecca, not nice what is happening.
    We are going out for a meal tonight,it's our anniv.27 years. Had liked to go out somewhere but none of us are up to it and it is raining,again.
    I wish you all a nice day, take care xx

    1. Congratulations and HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Maria and Ric.
      Hope you have both had a lovely day.

  5. Hello Sandra and ladies,
    Beautiful card Sandra, it reminds me of one of the SW’s early cards I fell in love with she had used Teal card. I bought some, but for ages I just saved it just to look at and stroke!
    What a day you had yesterday, pleased in the evening you were able to relax at the cinema with Paul. Hope Sure was well and able to come over today.
    Today was the funeral of the Sister who died two weeks ago. So many people attended, it was a beautiful service and the day has passed without a hitch.

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  6. Hello All, ditto yesterday’s weather.

    Sandra lovely card, lovely memories I have some of those dies, remember when they were like gold dust.

    Happy Anniversary Maria, hope you have a lovely meal.

    Baking today, carrot cake, and macaroons, Roger favourite. Car service today, needs four new tyres plus service and mot, so big bill coming.

    Good night all Lilian
