
Wednesday 11 March 2020

A new technique that creates a Bright, Fun Background

Good Morning Ladies

Well today is the day I have been looking forward to for the past few weeks, we are getting an early start and heading off into London to see a show later on tonight and then spend a couple of days just relaxing and enjoying each others company, fingers crossed the weather will hold out, it's impossible to hold an umbrella over my wheelchair and for Paul to see where he is going, especially on the busy streets of London!

Today's card is a another 'No Die' card, I had a go at a brand new technique that was featured in a magazine. It was called a Mosaic Background Technique.
Basically  I took a piece of card and taped off sections with Low Tack tape, I then blended different combinations of Distress Inks in the taped off sections, one thing that they don't mention in the tutorial in the magazine is that you have to keep moving your tape to cover the edges of the areas that you have just coloured or else you would have voids where the tape was.
Anyway you continue around your card adding different colours in different areas until you have coloured the whole piece.
I won't lie it is messy (or it was for me), it turns out my old Distress Inks are still quite juicy after all these years!
It makes for quite a fun background, I stamped the Doily from Dear Doily Stampin Up! stamp set in versamark ink and then added white embossing powder and heat set.
I then stamped the sentiment in Black and mounted it onto Black card to make it stand out from the colourful background.
It's very bright and cheerful and I actually quite like it.

I will be popping in to update you on our London trip.

I hope that you all have a lovely day,

Love and hugs to all of you,



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-great Card & an interesting technique. I hope you have a fantastic few days in London and the weather is kind to you.

    We have a bright start to he day, unfortunately I won’t see any of it stuck in work! I’m off out for my tea tonight-meeting a friend for a pub meal.


    1. Hi Michele
      Enjoy your evening meal with your friend.

  2. Hi Sandra & ladies
    Forgot to look at the blog yesterday, but did look late last night. Lovely cards yesterday from Karen & Sandra for there challenge.
    A lovely card today Sandra. A great technique and I actually saw this card in the flesh.
    Lovely to see Sonia in again yesterday.
    I had a really productive day at Sandra’s. Also looked at Sandra’s papers and card while she decided which ones to use on a card.
    I’m off up to Doreen’s nursing home this afternoon as they have there annual meeting to see if anyone has any problems, and to let everyone know what’s going on. Mind you they do deal with problems as and when they crop up.

  3. Meant to say Sandra I hope you and Paul have a lovely time in London. Such a shame though that the President Hotel wouldn’t let you have your evening meal offer on the second night instead of the first night. I wonder if they’d changed hands as they seemed to be quite inflexible this time. They usually are quite good at accommodating people’s needs.

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I hope that you and Paul have a lovely time and enjoy the show. Fingers crossed that the weather is kind to you this time. I love today’s card. Lovely and cheerful and the doily stamp is really pretty. Will have to have a go at this technique xx
    Sonia, it’s good to see you back on the blog x
    The plan for today is to tackling the ironing then I hope to finish this weeks challenge card. It is grey and wet here too so I’m glad I haven’t got to go out today. Sending love and hugs to you all with extras wLynda Mum and all in need. Take care xx

  5. Beautiful card SANDRA So cheerful
    Enjoy your stay in London and you enjoy the show It’s quite windy here but bright
    OH just off to see if he can give blood...
    I am going to have a snooze and then see about some crafting
    Take care all xxx

  6. Hello, Sunny here today, so two loads of washing on the line.

    Love today’s card, hope you enjoy your time in London, shame the hotel is not more obliging to you. Think they need carefully as they say tourism is said to fall.

    we had our new suite delivered today, ordered in December , not sure why there is such a long wait for new furniture. Looking nice although it’s seems much larger than when we saw it in the vast showroom.

    Finished my card for this weeks challenge, very clean and simple, needs a die cut butterfly really. Have a good day all, Lilian

  7. Hi Sandra and everyone.
    Lovely colourful card today, what a wonderful technique!
    Enjoy your stay in London, I hope the weather is kind to you.
    Hope everyone is having a good day.
    Hugs to all
    Sonia xx

  8. Hi ladies.
    Fabulous colourful card today, love it Sandra.
    Have a lovely time in London, enjoy the show and just have a nice time with Paul.
    Hopefully you saw some of the sunshine today, sound lovely to have the chance to hang the washing out again Lilian. Hope to do some crafting tomorrow, today went doing some spring cleaning and just got back after being to a carvery.
    Enjoy your meal out tonight Michele.
    Found a pack for decoupage but it all will need cutting out by hand, it will take some time for some parts are fiddly :/
    Hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  9. Hello Sandra and ladies,

    What a lovely bright card and a technique I have never seen before, it’s always good to be introduced to something different. Thank you Sandra.
    Hope you arrived at your hotel safe and sound. The weather today has been good in London so lovely and bright, hope it continues for the next few days and you are able to enjoy your time in London.
    Goodnight and Sleep well, love Brenda xxx
